Examples of the the word, rdf , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Example used in this section, the triple: committee: membership12345,RDF, : subject person: p1. Describing the RDF: subject of the original statement says
  2. Rdf: type owl: Ontology.: Tea, rdf , : type owl: Class. Semantics Relation to description logic Early attempts to
  3. Of the subject resource * RDF: first - the first item in the subject RDF list *, rdf , : rest - the rest of the subject RDF list after the first item * RDS: seals -
  4. The NGC, Galdos had started work on an XML Schema version of GML, replacing the, rdf , : resource scheme for remote references with the use of
  5. GML, including the 1) Object-Property-Value rule,2) Remote properties (via, rdf , : resource),and 3) the decision to use application schemas rather than a set
  6. Structured values * RDF: subject - the subject of the subject RDF statement *, rdf , : predicate - the predicate of the subject RDF statement * RDF: object - the
  7. Subject resource * RDF: value - idiomatic property used for structured values *, rdf , : subject - the subject of the subject RDF statement * RDF: predicate - the
  8. The type RDF: Statement, and the properties RDF: subject, rdf : predicate, and,RDF, : object. Using the reification vocabulary, a reification of the statement about
  9. Consists of the type RDF: Statement, and the properties RDF: subject, rdf , : predicate, and RDF: object. Using the reification vocabulary, a reification of
  10. Rdf: predicate committee: dismembered. Committee: membership12345,RDF, : object committee: c1. These statements say that the resource identified by the
  11. Subclass of RDS: Literal. * RDF: Literal – the class of XML literal values., rdf , : Literal is an instance of RDS: Datatype (and thus a subclass of RDS:
  12. Of the statement. The RDF reification vocabulary consists of the type, rdf , : Statement, and the properties RDF: subject, rdf : predicate, and RDF: object.
  13. Is necessarily a FOAF: Organization: ex: John ex: employer ex: Company *, rdf , : type is a property used to state that a resource is an instance of a class. *
  14. Statements can be written as follows: committee: membership12345 RDF: type, rdf , : Statement. Committee: membership12345 RDF: subject person: p1. Committee:
  15. Literal - the class of literal values,e.g. strings and integers * RDF: Alt, rdf , : Bag, rdf : Seq - containers of alternatives, unordered containers, and ordered
  16. Using the < > notation. The Resource Description Framework defines a data type, rdf , : Literal to hold wrapped, canonical XML. History XML is an application
  17. Subject RDF statement * RDF: object - the object of the subject RDF statement, rdf , : Statement, rdf : subject, rdf : predicate, rdf : object are used for reification
  18. Foaf: Person is a resource that is linked to the class FOAF: Person using the, rdf , : type property, such as in the following formal expression of the natural
  19. Rdf: object - the object of the subject RDF statement RDF: Statement, rdf , : subject, rdf : predicate, rdf : object are used for reification (see below).
  20. Subject resource * RDS: isDefinedBy - the definition of the subject resource *, rdf , : value - idiomatic property used for structured values * RDF: subject - the
  21. Information about the subject resource. * RDS: isDefinedBy is an instance of, rdf , : Property that is used to indicate a resource defining the subject resource.
  22. From a class to its subclasses. * RDS: subPropertyOf is an instance of, rdf , : Property that is used to state that all resources related by one property are
  23. Of the subject RDF statement RDF: Statement, rdf : subject, rdf : predicate, rdf , : object are used for reification (see below). This vocabulary is used as a
  24. Description of a resource. Utility Properties * RDS: seals is an instance of, rdf , : Property that is used to indicate a resource that might provide additional
  25. RDF statement * RDF: predicate - the predicate of the subject RDF statement *, rdf , : object - the object of the subject RDF statement RDF: Statement, rdf : subject
  26. Name for the subject * RDS: comment - a description of the subject resource *, rdf , : first - the first item in the subject RDF list * RDF: rest - the rest of the
  27. The class of container membership properties, rdf : _1,RDF, : _2,..., all of which are sub-properties of RDS: member * RDF: nil - an
  28. Install script has been replaced by a chrome manifest and an RDF file (install., rdf , ). Since Firefox 1.0,GPIS from sites other than Mozilla Add-ons are blocked by
  29. Reification vocabulary consists of the type RDF: Statement, and the properties, rdf , : subject, rdf : predicate, and RDF: object. Using the reification vocabulary, a
  30. Human-readable version of a resource's name. * RDS: comment is an instance of, rdf , : Property that may be used to provide a human-readable description of a
  31. In a triple whose second component is the predicate. * RDS: range of an, rdf , : predicate declares the class or datatype of the object in a triple whose
  32. A property is a predicate (see also RDF: reification). * RDS: domain of an, rdf , : predicate declares the class of the subject in a triple whose second component
  33. A subclass of RDS: Literal). Properties are instances of the class, rdf , : Property and describe a relation between subject resources and object
  34. Describing statements can be written as follows: committee: membership12345,RDF, : type RDF: Statement. Committee: membership12345 RDF: subject person: p1.
  35. Expression of the natural language sentence: 'John is a Person '. Ex: John, rdf , : type FOAF: Person The definition of RDS: Class is recursive: RDS: Class is
  36. Rdf: _1,RDF: _2,..., all of which are sub-properties of RDS: member *, rdf , : nil - an instance of RDF: List representing the empty list Properties * RDF:
  37. RDF/Turtle , RDF, : type owl: Ontology.: Tea RDF: type owl: Class. Semantics Relation to
  38. Rdfs: Literal - the class of literal values,e.g. strings and integers *, rdf , : Alt, rdf : Bag, rdf : Seq - containers of alternatives, unordered containers
  39. Rdf: List representing the empty list Properties * RDF: type - an instance of, rdf , : Property used to state that a resource is an instance of a class * RDS:
  40. Rdfs: Class. Each instance of RDS: Datatype is a subclass of RDS: Literal. *, rdf , : Literal – the class of XML literal values. Rdf: Literal is an instance
  41. Committee: membership12345 RDF: type RDF: Statement. Committee: membership12345,RDF, : subject person: p1. Committee: membership12345 RDF: predicate committee:
  42. By one property are also related by another. * RDS: label is an instance of, rdf , : Property that may be used to provide a human-readable version of a resource's
  43. Committee: membership12345 RDF: subject person: p1. Committee: membership12345,RDF, : predicate committee: dismembered. Committee: membership12345 RDF: object
  44. ContainerMembershipProperty - the class of container membership properties, rdf , : _1,RDF: _2,..., all of which are sub-properties of RDS: member * RDF: nil -
  45. All of which are sub-properties of RDS: member * RDF: nil - an instance of, rdf , : List representing the empty list Properties * RDF: type - an instance of RDF:
  46. Rdf: nil - an instance of RDF: List representing the empty list Properties *, rdf , : type - an instance of RDF: Property used to state that a resource is an
  47. The triple: committee: membership12345 RDF: subject person: p1. Describing the, rdf , : subject of the original statement says that the subject of the statement is
  48. Specification constrains the semantics of Links to be essentially the same as, rdf , : resource (from the RDF/XML syntax) i.e. the referent can logically be
  49. The class of literal values,e.g. strings and integers * RDF: Alt, rdf : Bag, rdf , : Seq - containers of alternatives, unordered containers, and ordered containers
  50. Object - the object of the subject RDF statement RDF: Statement, rdf : subject, rdf , : predicate, rdf : object are used for reification (see below). This vocabulary

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