Examples of the the word, intranet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( intranet ), is the 9489 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. At home to use these tools to link their home office to their corporate, intranet ,and internal phone networks. The adoption of local area networks promoted
  2. Has reported in May 2003 that a document on the Quebec attorney general’s, intranet ,contains the name of 58 persons who must obtain permission prior to instating
  3. To maintaining the Intranet and keeping content current. For feedback on the, intranet , social networking can be done through a forum for users to indicate what they
  4. Facilities through a browser interface over the Internet or via a corporate, intranet , Following a number of high-value acquisitions beginning in 2003,especially in
  5. Would be chatted, email,and or blogs. A great real world example of where an, intranet ,helped a company communicate is when Nestle had a number of food processing
  6. Uses internal BGP protocol to communicate with other ISP edge routers, other, intranet , core routers, or the ISPs intranet provider border routers. *"Internet backbone
  7. The content to be hosted. * User involvement in testing and promoting use of, intranet , * Ongoing measurement and evaluation, including through benchmarking against
  8. Justice organization Science and technology * Site-specific browser for an, intranet ,or the Internet Military or paramilitary * Sahara Seems Bad, an Indian
  9. An NSA request to do so. NSANet is the official National Security Agency, intranet , Patents NSA has the ability to file for a patent from the U. S. Patent and
  10. Location in the address topology of the network, globally or locally in an, intranet , Such a move usually requires changing the IP address of a resource and the
  11. With other ISP edge routers, other intranet core routers, or the ISPs, intranet ,provider border routers. *"Internet backbone:" The Internet no longer has a
  12. Environments where users access the system only via a restricted network or, intranet ,(e.g., an enterprise’s internal network). With the phenomenal growth of the
  13. And collaboration. Any of the well known Internet protocols may be found in an, intranet , such as HTTP (web services),SMTP (e-mail),and FTP (file transfer
  14. Not mean" website. " Thus, a small company in a single building can have an ", intranet ," but to have a VPN, they would need to provide tunneled access to that
  15. Entire network. Relationship to an intranet An extranet can be understood as an, intranet ,mapped onto the public Internet or some other transmission system not
  16. Reduction in query calls was substantially greater than the investment in the, intranet , *Web publishing allows cumbersome corporate knowledge to be maintained and
  17. Media Award Group Winner in the B2B Technology and Innovation category. Their, intranet ,was designed and built by digital agency Clock ltd. Teletext 4-Tel/Fourteen
  18. Setting up browsers to access their own sites (for example, sites on a company, intranet , or major universities). They can easily add copies of their own signing
  19. Capabilities, but for the most part ended up driving users away from using the, intranet , Many companies began to offer tools to help webmasters manage their data
  20. May be used, such as user authentication and encryption. Alternatively,the, intranet ,domain may be publicly accessible, but users would need to log in before they
  21. Healthcare professionals can also subscribe to a customizable BNF via their, intranet ,at http://www.bnfformularycomplete.com BNF on FormularyComplete. Sister
  22. Intranet website effectiveness. Larger businesses allow users within their, intranet ,to access public internet through firewall servers. They have the ability to
  23. To deal with a number of queries every day. When Nestle decided to invest in an, intranet , they quickly realized the savings. McGovern says the savings from the
  24. People soft" derived significant cost savings by shifting HR processes to the, intranet ,". * Implementation schedules and phase-out of existing systems * Defining and
  25. Indexing) includes back-of-book-style indexes to individual websites or an, intranet , and the creation of keyword metadata to provide a more useful vocabulary for
  26. Through benchmarking against other intranet s. Another useful component in an, intranet ,structure might be key personnel committed to maintaining the Intranet and
  27. Modern interfaces to legacy information systems hosting corporate data. An, intranet ,can be understood as a private analog of the Internet, or as a private
  28. And other security safeguards to connect one part of their, intranet ,to another. Intranet user-experience, editorial,and technology teams work
  29. And movies are not available due to rights issues. Intranet Channel 4's, intranet ,was awarded The British Interactive Media Award Group Winner in the B2B
  30. In a hierarchical manner. A good example would be to consider a corporate, intranet , Most corporate intranet s consist of a high speed backbone network. Connected
  31. Granting access to an organization's entire network. Relationship to an, intranet ,An extranet can be understood as an intranet mapped onto the public Internet or
  32. A document, the most recent version is usually available to employees using the, intranet , *Business operations and management: Intranets are also being used as a
  33. May also need more powerful routers to cope with ever-increasing demands of, intranet ,data traffic. A three-layer model is in common use, not all of which need to be
  34. Business intelligence termed" spatial intelligence" which, when delivered via, intranet , democratizes access to operational sorts not usually privy to this type of
  35. As a private extension of the Internet confined to an organization. The first, intranet ,websites and home pages began to appear in organizations in 1996-1997. Although
  36. Appear in organizations in 1996-1997. Although not officially noted, the term, intranet ,first became common-place among early adopters, such as universities and
  37. Platforms. For example, large numbers of employees discussing key issues in an, intranet ,forum application could lead to new ideas in management, productivity,quality
  38. And who to speak to for more information. By providing this information on the, intranet , staff have the opportunity to keep up-to-date with the strategic focus of the
  39. To screen messages coming and going keeping security intact. When part of an, intranet ,is made accessible to customers and others outside the business, that part
  40. The VPN is an extranet. A site can be in more than one VPN; e.g., in an, intranet ,and several extranets. We regard both intranet s and extranets as VPNs. In
  41. Wrote:: Every program in development at MIT expands until it can read mail. An, intranet ,is a computer network that uses Internet Protocol technology to securely share
  42. Organizations," extranet" is a useful term to describe selective access to, intranet ,systems granted to suppliers, customers,or other companies. Such access does
  43. Educational purposes. An extranet can be viewed as an extension of a company's, intranet ,that is extended to users outside the company, usually partners, vendors,and
  44. And phase-out of existing systems * Defining and implementing security of the, intranet ,* How to ensure it is within legal boundaries and other constraints * Level of
  45. Parameters * the development of project information technology based on an, intranet ,or the determination of a project key performance index system (KPI) *
  46. Using web metrics software to track overall activity. User surveys also improve, intranet ,website effectiveness. Larger businesses allow users within their intranet to
  47. Cafes to access a heavily restricted Internet, and a heavily censored local, intranet , Lifestyle Yangon’s property market is the most expensive in the country and
  48. Branch exchanges (PBX),wireless local area networks (WLAN),and mobile, intranet ,solutions. With Mobile Enterprise, users on the move are able to access a range
  49. Simply by using private IP ranges, such as 192.168. *. *. In these cases,the, intranet ,can only be directly accessed from a computer in the local network; however
  50. All the sites in a VPN are owned by the same enterprise, the VPN is a corporate, intranet , If the various sites in a VPN are owned by different enterprises, the VPN is

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