Examples of the the word, preclude , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preclude ), is the 7333 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And technological research, civil services, military and police. This will not, preclude ,others. " Each of Paraguay's 17 departments is headed by a popularly elected
  2. The estimator is unbiased. Also, just because an estimator is biased, does not, preclude ,the error of an estimate from being zero (we may have gotten lucky). The
  3. Disfellowshipped but is formally reproved and has restrictions imposed, which, preclude , the individual from various activities such as presenting talks, offering
  4. Medical threshold. Art Inability to distinguish color does not necessarily, preclude ,the ability to become a celebrated artist. The expressionist painter Clifton
  5. Location for automated space probes in the near future. The high elevations, preclude ,parachute-assisted landings because of insufficient atmospheric thickness to
  6. Chile's national flower. The cold temperatures and winds of the extreme south, preclude ,heavy forestation. Grassland is found in Atlantic Chile (in Patagonia). Much
  7. Law disclosure requirements. Although a dormant company, dormancy does not, preclude ,a company actively operating as a nominee shareholder. BEEN has 2 shareholders:
  8. Was crowned king and had established his claim on the throne firmly enough to, preclude ,that of Elizabeth and her kin. Henry further convinced Parliament to backdate
  9. And several countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation to, preclude ,future attacks. The CIA's Special Activities Division was given the lead in
  10. In a substantial change in color stability. Such problems inhibit and may, preclude ,industrial use. Thus, many new package designs aimed at solving this problem
  11. Apollos was known to Paul and the church at the time of writing, which would, preclude ,the first recorded visit to Ephesus (See Acts 18:24-28). Outline The epistle
  12. And observers had not created experimental procedures which absolutely, preclude ,fraud. In 1979,magician and debunked James Randi engineered a hoax, now
  13. Baptista family and K-T impactor more difficult to substantiate, it does not, preclude ,the possibility. The Shiva hypothesis proposes that periodic gravitational
  14. Such obviously naturalistic terms as 'happiness' while at the same time do not, preclude ,similar attempts to define the good in terms of God's will — in other words
  15. That the only pudding Madison will eat is a custard. It does not, however, preclude , the possibility that Madison will refuse a custard if it is made available, in
  16. Least 576 bytes (for IPv4) or 1280 bytes (for IPv6). However, this does not, preclude ,Data Link Layers with an MTU smaller than IP's minimum MTU from conveying IP
  17. Result in a different timeline. A writer's fictional multiverse may, in fact, preclude ,some decisions as humanly impossible, as when, in Night Watch, Terry Pratchett
  18. Purely statutory. It is possible for either venue or personal jurisdiction to, preclude ,a court from hearing a case. Consider these examples: * Personal jurisdiction
  19. And dubious diagnoses IBM applies to groups of people, but this does not, preclude ,clinicians from using their personal experience in deciding how to treat the
  20. With. Because of this, most physicists expect that quantum gravity effects will, preclude ,this option. An alternative is to conjecture that, while time travel is
  21. Acquittal in the court system of these entities would therefore, preclude ,a re-trial (or a court-martial) in any court system under Federal
  22. In a magnetic field, with no power consumption. Earnshaw's theorem seems to, preclude ,the possibility of static magnetic levitation. However,Earnshaw's theorem
  23. The tonnage limits in Article 14,which apply to all non-Turkish powers, would, preclude , the transit of modern aircraft carrying ships. In the case of non-Black Sea
  24. To protect property rights and businesses interests in the mandates, and to, preclude ,the mandatory administration from altering the terms of the mandates without
  25. Faith; Samson shows how the loss of national salvation did not necessarily, preclude ,the salvation of the individual, while Paradise Regained expresses Milton's
  26. Parties are pan-national and irreligious in character (though this does not, preclude ,the continuing preeminence of the dominant ethnicities). The major political
  27. Specifies a popular creation story, others have proposed that the idea does not, preclude ,creation as recently as five minutes ago, including memories of times before
  28. His expectations as a struggling poet in increasingly hard straits would, preclude ,marriage to Browne. Their love remained unconsummated; jealousy for his 'star '
  29. Baptista family and K–T impactor more difficult to substantiate, it does not, preclude ,the possibility. In March 2010 an international panel of scientists endorsed
  30. Against the" Treacherous Paper ", as it was considered that it would, preclude ,the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Under the temporary
  31. The United Kingdom has no formal written constitution" ( which does not, preclude ,a constitution based on documents but not codified). Entrenchment The presence
  32. That while the material mode of existence is the primum agent this does not, preclude ,the ideological spheres from reacting upon it in their turn, though with a
  33. Well as culverts at the El Camino Real and Interstate 280 overpasses probably, preclude ,the passage of migrating salmon ids, even though the reaches upstream from
  34. People call a targeted killing an" assassination," they are attempting to, preclude ,debate on the merits of the action. Assassination is widely defined as murder
  35. Or not a departure from the standards of belief of practice is sufficient to, preclude ,ordination. Some argue that this creates" local option" on ordaining
  36. Interests to promote a ceasefire in that conflict; through not a cost that will, preclude ,an eventual rapprochement with Iran either if a more moderate regime replaces
  37. And even if it were, the transition to socialism would be so chaotic as to, preclude ,the existence of such a steady state from the start.
  38. Elements of Gnosticism were derived from Jewish speculation, while it does not, preclude ,the possibility of new wine having been poured into old bottles. " The movement
  39. Factors ... changes in the values of the fundamental constants of physics would, preclude ,the existence of man to consider the problem. " Variants Weak anthropic
  40. Observed value, the universe would suffer catastrophic inflation, which would, preclude ,the formation of stars, and hence life. The observed values of the
  41. By anyone able to use the Macintosh computer. The Rolodex paradigm does not, preclude ,the creation of standard looking applications. Arbitrary functionality could be
  42. With political parties. Western Australia's constitution contains nothing to, preclude ,the premier being a member of the upper house, the Western Australian
  43. Been defeated. However, the communist threat served as an excuse for Vargas to, preclude ,elections launching another coup d'état in 1937,creating a full dictatorship
  44. To their vehicles and a desire to separate the vehicle from past models may, preclude ,the possibility of calling the vehicle 928. 928 evolution The evolution of the
  45. This states only that Madison will eat custard pudding. It does not, however, preclude , the possibility that Madison might also have occasion to eat bread pudding.
  46. Interstellar voyage is very small. However, this assumption does not entirely, preclude ,interstellar travel; some human projects, such as climate change mitigation and
  47. May receive information from public international organizations. This does not, preclude ,non-state interests from being the subject of proceedings if one state brings
  48. During the Battle of Madagascar, British troops occupied the island in 1942 to, preclude ,its seizure by the Japanese, after which the Free French took over. With French
  49. Ecclesiastes http://watchtower.org/e/bible/ec/chapter_009.htm#bk5 9:5 to, preclude ,common views of afterlife: For the living are conscious that they will die; but
  50. Although the hook is rated at., the limited power produced by the engines, preclude ,the lifting of such weight. It usually has a crew of three, but can accommodate

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