Examples of the the word, standpoint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( standpoint ), is the 7310 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Logic is rooted in the social principle ", since inference depends on a, standpoint ,that, in a sense, is unlimited. Pace called (with no sense of deprecation)
  2. Power and bliss in the midst of all conditions. But evolution from the, standpoint ,of the creature, with his limited knowledge, limited power, limited capacity
  3. State, where it describes a patient's current state, as seen from a medical, standpoint , This usage is seen in statements that describe a patient as being" in
  4. And that parallel to the trajectory as the tangential force. From a qualitative, standpoint , the path can be approximated by an arc of a circle for a limited time, and for
  5. Creole language, has a reputation as being rather exotic from a linguistic, standpoint ,when compared to French and the other Romance languages; its copula system is
  6. Or objects merely being figments of the imagination); in the Phenomenological, standpoint , the object ceases to be something simply" external" and ceases to be seen as
  7. Which adopted Orthodox Christianity. Deism in the philosophy of religion is the, standpoint ,that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for
  8. Perceive those objects is normally conceived of in what he called the" natural, standpoint ,", which is characterized by a belief that objects materially exist and exhibit
  9. For judgment, see rule consequentialism). Thus, from a consequentialism, standpoint , a morally right action is one that produces a good outcome, or consequence.
  10. In plant and animal communities and systems; (2) from a bio-ecological, standpoint ,as simply another animal affecting and being affected by his physical
  11. Appeared in 1993 and contained a phenomenological theory of learning from the, standpoint ,of the subject. One important concept Hohokam developed was" reinterpretation
  12. And" people's war ". However, it would soon come around to a more moderate, standpoint ,and while preserving a hard-line attitude to armed struggle, the party began
  13. An ace and the world's most successful F-5 combat pilot. From a general, standpoint , during the first years of service, Iranian F-5 fighter aircraft had the
  14. Apparently attempted to put on paper his private thoughts on why, from a divine, standpoint , the severity of the war was necessary. He wrote at this time that God" could
  15. With them. Furthermore, a firm grasp of set theoretical concepts from a naive, standpoint ,is important as a first stage in understanding the motivation for the formal
  16. Lomborg approached environmental claims from a statistical and economic, standpoint , and concluded that often the claims made by environmentalists were overstated.
  17. Leo, with supernatural aid, deterred the Huns from looting Rome. From a baroque, standpoint ,it is a moment of divine intervention in the affairs of man. No doubt part of
  18. Boldsymbol) = m\left \franc \right \, which,from a formal mathematical, standpoint , is the same result as simply moving the extra acceleration terms to the left
  19. Decomposition take place in storage and are of interest only from a stability, standpoint , Of more interest are the two rapid forms of decomposition, deflagration and
  20. And with prosecutors and judges who assess feminine conduct from a masculine, standpoint , " Ibsen sent a fair copy of the completed play to his publisher on 15
  21. And Plutarch, would examine designs for government from a legal and historical, standpoint , The Renaissance brought a series of political philosophers who wrote implied
  22. Such as solubility) all are very different, so from a toxicological, standpoint , different results for C60 and nanotubes are not suggestive of any discrepancy
  23. To them, he went to Achier. Christian doctrine Apollos' initial religious, standpoint ,as a Jew was probably similar to that of the disciples of John the Baptist whom
  24. Densities in case of a continuous random variable. From a rigorous theoretical, standpoint , the expected value is the integral of the random variable with respect to its
  25. The ball bounces from is at position one (1). From the inertial viewer's, standpoint , positions one (1),two (2),three (3) are occupied in sequence. At
  26. Out his previous ideas by addressing the same topics from an evolutionary, standpoint , from what distinguishes human minds from animal minds (Kinds of Minds), too
  27. Annually. Regions and Aeronautical Center Operations From an operational, standpoint , FAA is divided into nine regions plus Headquarters in Washington, DC,the
  28. The only modern survivor of the early Buddhist schools, criticized the realist, standpoint ,of the Sarvāstivādins. The Mahayanist Arjuna, one of the most influential
  29. The determinate nature of output produced by the system. From a psychological, standpoint , the ELIZA effect is the result of a subtle cognitive dissonance between the
  30. Observer, and deuteranomalous observers need more green. From a practical, standpoint ,though, many protanomalous and deuteranomalous people have very little
  31. The New Elements of Mathematics, that presented mathematics from an original, standpoint , Those drafts and many others of his previously unpublished mathematical
  32. Of our species. " Human ecology may be defined: (1) from a bio-ecological, standpoint ,as the study of man as the ecological dominant in plant and animal communities
  33. That he was a" neurotic" and" not acceptable material from a psychiatric, standpoint ,". This was omitted from his record to avoid" undue unpleasantness for both
  34. Into organisms once difficult to study from an ecological or evolutionary, standpoint , such as bacteria, fungi and nematodes. Molecular ecology engendered a new
  35. But many of these perspectives can be loosely arranged into an overarching, standpoint ,that is generally either critical or supportive of prostitution and sex work.
  36. Find no firm reason in Jewish law and ethics to object to cloning. From the, standpoint ,of classical liberalism, concerns also exist regarding the protection of the
  37. If the merchant supports that functionality); also, from the merchant's, standpoint , the merchant pays lower fees on online debit transaction as compared to "
  38. And design. He cited François de Chardenedes' opinion that petroleum, from the, standpoint ,of its replacement cost out of our current energy" budget" ( essentially, the
  39. Buses. These brought EISA nearly to par with MCA from a performance, standpoint , and EISA easily defeated MCA in industry support. EISA replaced the tedious
  40. Some writers have argued that consciousness can be viewed from the, standpoint ,of evolutionary biology as an adaptation in the sense of a trait that increases
  41. CD-MO" were very little used. Written CD-Rs and CD-ROM are, from a technical, standpoint , fully compatible with the Audio CD (Red Book) and CD-ROM (Yellow Book)
  42. Which must become balanced before one can go beyond them:" Evolution from the, standpoint ,of the Creator is a divine sport, in which the Unconditioned tests the
  43. Any judgment about the rightness of that conduct. Thus, from a consequentialism, standpoint , a morally right act (or omission) is one that will produce a good outcome
  44. Mutual incomprehensibility among differing spoken versions. From a linguistic, standpoint , it is often said that the various spoken varieties of Arabic differ among each
  45. It difficult to confirm that the relationship is causal. Evolutionary From the, standpoint ,of evolutionary theory, major depression is hypothesized, in some instances, too
  46. From mainstream culture, mainly due to the misanthropic and anti-Christian, standpoint ,of many artists. Moreover, a few of the genre's pioneers have been linked with
  47. And experience than a cerebral reinterpretation of events from an inertial, standpoint , For example, nausea due to an experienced push may be more instinctively
  48. Society for Applied Philosophy," the philosophical examination, from a moral, standpoint , of particular issues in private and public life that are matters of moral
  49. Moral judgements. At the very least, any moral theory needs to define the, standpoint ,from which the goodness of the consequences are to be determined. What is
  50. By conventional psychology. This meant to look at these concepts from the, standpoint ,of the paradigm of critical psychology, thereby integrating their useful

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