Examples of the the word, smoothly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( smoothly ), is the 7097 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are lost on a smooth manifold. However, if one additionally prescribes a, smoothly ,varying inner product on the manifold's tangent spaces, then the result is
  2. Without releasing the string. This causes the pitch to rise and fall, smoothly , without separate, discernible steps. Right-hand technique In cello playing
  3. Production for food and most supplies. They were on their home ground, had a, smoothly ,functioning, well organized system of local and state governments, newspapers
  4. Dukkha was the term Sakha, which brought to mind a potter's wheel that turned, smoothly ,and noiselessly. In other Buddhist-influenced cultures, similar imagery was
  5. Continuous. In contrast to real numbers that have the property of varying ", smoothly ,", the objects studied in discrete mathematics – such as integers, graphs,and
  6. Being taken up by silence. Legato is a technique where the notes are, smoothly ,connected without accents or breaks. Sub Monticello/sub taste Sub Monticello (
  7. It is spoken in the northern coast of Sardinia as well, and it transitions, smoothly ,to Tuscan Italian through the islands between Corsica and the peninsula. Unlike
  8. John Carmack had to make use of several tricks for these features to run, smoothly ,on home computers of 1993. Most significantly, Doom levels are not truly
  9. 2- or 4-channel) audio mixer usually equipped with a cross-fade used to, smoothly ,go from one song to another, using two or more playback devices; *Headphones
  10. Each pivoting around one focus and positioned at the proper angle, will turn, smoothly ,while maintaining contact at all times. Alternatively, they can be connected by
  11. To teach the animals reading and writing; food is plentiful, and the farm runs, smoothly , The pigs elevate themselves to positions of leadership and set aside special
  12. Different geometric structures on the same smooth manifold—that is, one can, smoothly ," flatten out" certain manifolds, but it might require distorting the space
  13. Mathematics – such as integers, graphs,and statements in logic – do not vary, smoothly ,in this way, but have distinct, separated values. Discrete mathematics
  14. What he imagines is the safety of a farm in Brazil. Production went much more, smoothly ,than the director's previous film, but a few days before shooting ended
  15. Lost its only seat. Campaign For Labor the last 4 years had run relatively, smoothly , The party had successfully defended all their by-election seats, and many
  16. Euphrates. Magician made Augustus Maximian's campaigns were not proceeding as, smoothly , The Baghdad had been easily suppressed, but Clausius, the man he had put in
  17. Boundaries. Some skiers apply a layer of glide wax to keep them sliding, smoothly ,and protecting the surface from dirt and ice build-up. There are specialty
  18. By wave energy, or by gradual magnetic reconnection that releases energy more, smoothly ,than micro-flares and therefore doesn't appear well in the TRACE data.
  19. Grammar *Cone (geometry),a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers, smoothly ,from a flat base to a point called the apex *Cone (linear algebra),a subset
  20. Dales to be filmed on the streets of London. To enable the Dales to travel, smoothly ,on location designer Spencer Chapman built the new Dale shells around
  21. Drugs also have difficulty reaching the infected valve. Normally, blood flows, smoothly ,through these valves. If they have been damaged (from rheumatic fever, for
  22. Of Cheap (and therefore They and Chen) will remain low, the cell will swim, smoothly , and the level of methylation of the MCPS will increase (because Cheap is not
  23. Sugar began on location in Yokohama in December 1942. Production proceeded, smoothly , but getting the completed film past the censors was an entirely different
  24. Norfolk & Southern Railway with a connector which allows rail traffic to flow, smoothly ,between lines servicing east–west and north–south destinations. In the city are
  25. Of Japanese animation, for example, must rewrite the dialogue so that it flows, smoothly ,and follows the natural pattern of English speech. Voice actors in a dubbing
  26. Differentiable manifolds homomorphic to \mathbb^4 that do not embed, smoothly ,in \mathbb^4. Dune Messiah is a science fiction novel by Frank Herbert, the
  27. Process involved in matching available workers with new job openings works as, smoothly ,as possible. " Modern debates In the modern world, those specialists most
  28. Explanation To trick the eye and brain into thinking they are seeing a, smoothly ,moving object, the pictures should be drawn at around 12 frames per second (
  29. Not: today almost all concert guitarists use their fingernails (which must be, smoothly ,filed and carefully shaped) to pluck the string since it produces a sharper
  30. Center" around which the kingdom turns, the king allows everything to function, smoothly ,and avoids having to tamper with the individual parts of the whole. This idea
  31. The left. If this process is repeated fast enough, the goat will appear to move, smoothly ,to the left. This basic procedure is used for all moving pictures in films and
  32. Between dramatic moments of transition and climactic sections: the music flows, smoothly ,and without obvious interruption. He then took this integrated style and began
  33. Of diplomatic relations, Sino-Ecuadorian relations have been advancing, smoothly , The two sides maintain high level political contacts and exchanges in fields
  34. With some purists reviling the practice. Powder is used to ensure pieces slide, smoothly ,on the surface. According to Carrot rules, the powder must be of high quality
  35. Tradition: in exchange for ensuring that wealthy landowners' Christmases ran, smoothly , their servants were allowed to take the 26th off to visit their families. The
  36. To the military's internal regulations to ensure that a repeal is implemented, smoothly , The Service members Legal Defense Network is dedicated to ending discrimination
  37. Facilities on the western borders. While most of U. S. -Canada trade flows, smoothly , there are occasionally bilateral trade disputes, particularly in the
  38. Tube contains the headset, the set of bearings that allows the fork to turn, smoothly ,for steering and balance. The top tube connects the head tube to the seat tube
  39. On mobile devices. An example of this limit is that a document cannot be, smoothly ,zoomed without either extreme blurring during the transition or a very slow
  40. The engine to start and idle without driving the device but automatically and, smoothly ,engages the drive as the engine speed rises. Inertial drum brake ascenders used
  41. By the Light of the Moon, Thomas in The Bad Place, and Harry in Midnight, which, smoothly , combines with Koontz's common theme of dogs, as portrayed by Harry's helpful
  42. potter's wheel that would screech as it was spun around, and did not turn, smoothly , The opposite of Gurkha was the term Sakha, which brought to mind a potter's
  43. Circuit produces a brief, alternating current through the degassing coil which, smoothly ,decays in strength (fades out) to zero over a period of a few seconds
  44. Curlers may actually raise the stone in this backward movement) then lunges, smoothly ,out from the hack pushing the stone ahead while the slider foot is moved in
  45. Small linear and cubic components). Unfortunately, the parabolas did not meet, smoothly ,at the mean motion, but met with a discontinuity or jump. With the introduction
  46. An almost symplectic manifold is a differentiable manifold equipped with a, smoothly ,varying non-degenerate skew-symmetric bilinear form on each tangent space, i.
  47. Texture; a coarse texture will be more obvious when placed next to a, smoothly ,blended area. A similar effect can be achieved by drawing different tones close
  48. Of positive and negative regions: * in the octane 0 \LEQ y \LEQ x it is a, smoothly ,interpolated form of the usual binomial, with a ridge (" Pascal's ridge" ).
  49. Most commonly in conjunction with mechanical mice, because in order to roll, smoothly , the ball requires more friction than common desk surfaces usually provide.
  50. Of vaporization. Pure cocaine base/crack is easy to smoke because it vaporizes, smoothly , with little or no decomposition at around 98 degrees Centigrade, which is

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