Examples of the the word, misery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( misery ), is the 7103 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Majority of people in County Mayo the 18th century was a period of unrelieved, misery , Because of 'the penal laws ', Catholics had no hope of social advancement
  2. In the East of trying to" destabilize our country, to drive our people into, misery , to create disorder and export the war from Darfur to Chad. " An attack on the
  3. Described the turn of events in his diary,“ After twenty years of struggle and, misery ,forces of good finally come to my aid in Germany—and a bright door opens up for
  4. Amadeus. But on joining his army he found it in a state of 'indescribable, misery ,'. Confident and self-assured the Prince of Savoy (ably assisted by Commerce
  5. Economic leaders genuinely have been the cause of enormous amounts of death and, misery , and they sometimes have engaged in conspiracies while at the same time
  6. Shoes, damage to which is frequently a subject of (for the reader, comical ), misery ,on his part. Poirot's appearance, regarded as fastidious during his early
  7. Be of heavy hearts.: Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his, misery ,no more. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, alcohol
  8. Him in 1965,as he pointed out that the worker bee when unable to work dies of, misery , that the Louis when freed went to their masters and begged to be enslaved
  9. Have been done — and done right — half a century sooner, with vastly less human, misery , and with almost no bloodshed ... The only way slavery has ever been ended
  10. In contradiction, and the love between a woman and a man is therefore doomed to, misery ,or immorality. The only life worth living is the spiritual one—to live as a
  11. Euthanasia also attracts euphemisms. One may put one out of one's, misery , put one to sleep, or have one put down, the latter two phrases being used
  12. And invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and, misery , which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to
  13. When the bitterness of death was past, I was inhumanly brought back to life and, misery , But a fixed determination is not to be baffled by disappointment; nor will I
  14. Note the etymology of the words Sakha (pleasure, comfort,bliss) and Gurkha (, misery , unhappiness, pain ). The ancient Aryans who brought the Sanskrit language to
  15. Debased and the educational level fell still lower; there inescapable, inhuman, misery , and with it despair, spread still more disgustingly. Ask the native population
  16. Which is sensible, or conscious of pleasure and pain, capable of happiness or, misery , and so is concerned for itself, as far as that consciousness extends ". He
  17. And malnutrition in a time of unprecedented plenty. These people lead a life of, misery ,and are denied the most basic of human rights: the right to food. Governments
  18. Malthus' work refuted this theory; that examples given show social causes for, misery , such as" ignorance and greed ... bad government, unjust laws, or war,"
  19. A Beauty, as one would have taken her for a Goddess, and though her present, misery ,oppress her with extremest grief, yet in the greatness of her affection, they
  20. Social alienation, anxiety,dissatisfaction, discomfort,anguish, stress, misery , and frustration. In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths on Gurkha are taught as
  21. Supply. Nature would then provide a check to growth in the forms of vice and, misery , No gains in income could prevent this, and any welfare for the poor would be
  22. Then. *lines 14.303-316 – The anxiety of protecting wealth and possessions is a, misery , Alexander the Great realized that the cynic Diogenes was happier than himself
  23. S prestige with parents. Jacinta Buddhism repudiated Orwell's schoolboy, misery ,described in the essay, stating that" he was a specially happy child ".
  24. Stage where many of the world's citizens and future generations are trapped in, misery , There is evidence that a catastrophe is underway as of at least the 1990s; for
  25. As a duty to their intimacy. Othello proceeds to make Desdemona's life a, misery , hitting her in front of her family. Desdemona laments her suffering
  26. Individuals as well as institutions who impenitently ruin the earth and impose, misery ,on others. Malevolent spiritual beings will be restrained and prevented from
  27. Have argued that the Western concept of depression" medicalizes" sadness or, misery , Similarly, Hungarian-American psychiatrist Thomas Seas and others argue that
  28. By spiritual and psychological anguish.: Being exceedingly alarmed at the, misery ,into which I had fallen, and much more at that which threatened me in view of
  29. Point, he says," What is argot; properly speaking? Argot is the language of, misery , " The earliest known record of argot was in a 1628 document. The word was
  30. Roots as socialism, as a reaction against the perceived inequalities and, misery ,of high capitalism in late Victorian England. The inspiration for the
  31. Memphis girl of mine. " However, although the blues gained an association with, misery ,and oppression, the lyrics could also be humorous and raunchy as well:: "
  32. 6" at the handle and produce about 2½ octaves. Two-person saws, also called ", misery ,whips ", can also be played, though with less virtuosity, and they produce an
  33. On the potato as their staple food. By 1848,Mayo was a county of total, misery ,and despair, with any attempts at alleviating measures in complete disarray.
  34. Rubies, but I stopped dealing in them. I don't want to be part of a nation's, misery , If someone asks for a ruby now I show them a nice pink sapphire. " Richard W.
  35. Pain has evolved to hinder actions that may cause further injury," psychic, misery ," may have evolved to prevent hasty and maladaptive reactions to distressing
  36. Be oppressed unending and without measure or end and that they die in their, misery ,without the pity of anyone. " Selected works Calvin's first published work was
  37. Living being continuously travels through the cycles of birth, life,death and, misery , This prayer reminds the devotee to live with honesty, truth,love and
  38. Scanned the ocean daily for rescue, suffering all the while from loneliness, misery ,and remorse. Hordes of raucous sea lions, gathering on the beach for the mating
  39. In either of these particulars must be attended with inevitable ruin and, misery , Society provides a remedy for these three inconveniences. By the conjunction
  40. AFL could grow fat while neglecting millions of laborers doomed to lives of, misery ,and want. " In the 1930s,the CIO grabbed many of their member’s attention
  41. Their fellows" and eliminate" the savage instincts born of isolation and, misery , " Consequently, France built a centralized system that radiated from Paris (
  42. His father on visits around Kirkland seeing the pain of unemployment and the, misery ,of poverty and squalor as the mining and textile industries collapsed. Growing
  43. A better future. In the original time-line, Nobita experienced nothing but, misery ,and misfortune manifested in the form of poor marks and grades, physical
  44. They each stressed that the happiness of marriage was ultimately rooted in, misery , They saw marriage as a state of bondage that could only be cured by celibacy.
  45. From strictly preventable diseases. These data suggest that, by the standard of, misery , the catastrophe is underway. The term ' misery ' can generally be construed as:
  46. S downfall. He had to face a country with hyperinflation, high levels of, misery ,and unemployment. Far-left organizations were trying to turn the anti-Collor
  47. A vote was held and he was not censured. The whole time he delighted in the, misery ,he was inflicting on the slaveholders he so hated. Although any move to censure
  48. To make a life of his own, asking her for bread and some money to live in his, misery , His mother, anguished,provided him with what he asked and reputedly told him
  49. Ride the Lightning" is Metallica's first song which directly pointed on the, misery ,of the criminal justice system; the lyrics are written from the perspective of
  50. Before dying during a bombardment. He tries to shoot them to put them out of, misery , but is stopped by Kat to keep their current position hidden. He is driven to

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