Examples of the the word, shopper , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shopper ), is the 7116 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bilhete de liberate" ( liberty ticket) to the doorman. This is handed to the, shopper ,along with the receipt for the customer to return to the doorman at the exit
  2. Issue against México. In 2008,after complaints from an African-American, shopper ,regarding what one news organization reported to be Memin's simian-like
  3. Is that the perpetrator of the scam wishes the victim to work as a" mystery, shopper ,", evaluating the service provided by MoneyGram or Western Union locations
  4. Temple of Bikaner are some of the best examples. Rajasthan is often called a, shopper ,'s paradise. Rajasthan is famous for textiles, semi-precious stones and
  5. Rental prices. This coupled with the Center West expansion and decreasing, shopper ,numbers has allowed swathes of properties within the center to remain closed
  6. The point of sale systems, which can then update each model of the individual, shopper , Personalization can be more accurate when based solely upon individual
  7. Operation and the re-design of the Safeway stores to appeal to the family, shopper , In July 1996 Argyle conducted a share buy-back and then renamed itself Safeway
  8. Wedding dress. " Beginning in the 1940s," The Big Friendly" began an early, shopper ,loyalty program by conducting a drawing just before Christmas to award an
  9. Be used to read the barcode and browse the linked website, which can help a, shopper ,find the best price for an item in the vicinity. *In the 1970s and 1980s
  10. Suffering a heart attack on the job. Quotes *"As things stood now, a downtown, shopper ,needed a four-leaf clover, a voodoo charm, and a St. Christopher's medal to
  11. They are tiered by target demographics based on the disposable income of the, shopper , They can be tiered from cheap to pricey. Some shops sell secondhand goods.
  12. Mall at Short Hills in New Jersey, indoor fountains, and two levels allowing a, shopper ,to make a circuit of all the stores. Tubman believed carpeting increased
  13. She has a furious temper, which it is unwise to arouse. She is an impulsive, shopper ,who cannot go long without buying clothes, and is often addicted to gossip
  14. And was a 10-pack (50 Sticks) of Wrigley's Juicy Fruit chewing gum. The, shopper ,was Clyde Dawson and cashier Sharon Buchanan made the first UPC scan. The cash
  15. Price gouging. Elaborate gem store scams, involving earning the trust of a, shopper ,by a westerner who is in cooperation with local merchants, have robbed tourists
  16. Other fields. For example, a shopping mall does not provide the merchandise a, shopper ,is seeking, but provides space and services for retailers that serve the
  17. To accrue minutes on their i-wireless phone in exchange for using their, shopper ,'s card on qualifying purchases. The i-wireless service functions over the
  18. The riot. In 1968,the Archdiocese of Detroit published one of the largest, shopper ,surveys in American history. It found that the inner-city shopper paid 20 %
  19. Of shoplifters. LP is a very crucial job in that they act as an ordinary, shopper ,and have to follow the suspects all around the store by foot or by joining the
  20. Smaller low-end chain stores like this, the shelf price may be 1.95,when the, shopper ,will actually be charged 2.15 in the end, in a sort of legalized bait and
  21. The company and the plant from which the sugar came, thus enabling the savvy, shopper ,to identify beet sugar in the store. Culinary sugars So-called raw sugars
  22. In May 1984,in Gates head, England,the world's first recorded online home, shopper , Mrs Jane Snowball, purchased groceries from her local Tesco store in the world
  23. Do purchase something new, the decision to buy is made consciously. A would-be, shopper ,asks," Is this item made in line with my values? Am I supporting the local
  24. Which is published weekly on Wednesdays. The High Country Shopper, a free, shopper ,paper that distributes over 15,000 papers throughout the county. Hotchkiss is a
  25. Photographing such things as air-conditioning ducts or signs that a, shopper ,might have something to hide ”. Commander Jim Ryan of the Bloomington Police
  26. Published in Green River),and The Sweetwater County Guide (a weekly, shopper ,'s guide published by The Green River Star. ) Radio Rock Springs is serviced by
  27. The News-Gazette is a weekly community paper; it also produces a free, shopper ,known as The Weekender. The Rock bridge Weekly, is noted for printing police
  28. Due to budget constraints. When Dante is discussing the" Milk Maids ",the, shopper ,shown is Smith's mother and the customer whose job it is to" manually
  29. To steer parents to goods that Macy's wants to sell, Kris directs one, shopper ,(Thelma Ritter) to another store for a fire engine for her son that Macy's
  30. But after Mark leaves and her boss Joanna dies, she is demoted to personal, shopper , She then begins a job at Ralph Lauren in" The One With Rachel's Inadvertent
  31. Programme to score its branches on the service they provide. The mystery, shopper ,grades the branch on its presentation and on the service the branch provides at
  32. Fiji Sun are also printed here. Shopping and Fashion Suva is one of the most, shopper ,friendly cities in the Pacific. The city offers its shopping Paradise in a
  33. Is served by a local weekly newspaper, The Berkshire Record, and a weekly, shopper , The Shoppers Guide. The town also gets newspaper delivery from The Berkshire
  34. Identified as one of the ten worst category B interchange stations for mystery, shopper ,assessment of fabric and environment, and is set to receive a share of £50m
  35. For example, in deciding which brand of prepared food is most nutritious,a, shopper ,might simply choose the one with (for example) the lowest amount of sugar
  36. Registry. The company was the first to introduce the concept of the personal, shopper , and that service was provided without charge in every Field's store, right up
  37. Store restocks. Originally, as in supermarkets, signboards were used to guide ", shopper ," processes to specific restocking locations. " Kanban" uses the rate of
  38. Or for Tom Bosley to sign his autograph on a Glad Bag box presented by a, shopper ,stepping out of the local grocery store. Murder, She Wrote also brought in more
  39. The largest shopper surveys in American history. It found that the inner-city, shopper ,paid 20 % more for his food and groceries than the suburbanite. Aftermath
  40. Is overcrowded during rush-hours and improvement is needed. In 2009 a mystery, shopper ,assessment of fabric and environment listed the station in the ten worst
  41. Rumors spread that the deaths were a deliberate act of revenge for an Israeli, shopper ,that was stabbed to death by a Palestinian in Gaza four days earlier. Mass
  42. Founded by Hillsboro natives Don Ratliff and Joel Lassen, originally as a ", shopper ," publication. Transportation US-56 highway runs along the north side of the
  43. Unfold the cardboard map to point out, via the appropriate picture, when the, shopper ,would arrive at" the fork in the road. " Another freeway routine in the same
  44. To proliferate features, options,and package combinations until the average, shopper ,finds it too much trouble to make an informed decision. This also works for
  45. By Hadrian's wall dated back to 75–125 AD and written for a soldier. The, shopper ,To many, shopping is considered a recreational and dimensional activity in
  46. At a local market by Area and Mark Erdman before being bought by a, shopper , The coelacanth has no real commercial value, apart from being coveted by
  47. Is first B2C online shopping and Mrs Snowball,72,is the first online home, shopper ,* 1985: Nissan UK sells cars and finance with credit checking to customers
  48. It is said to start selling modern style akashiyaki in Ties period by a Katie, shopper ,Yataro Multi. There are 70 over akashiyaki shops in Akash now. Although
  49. Roanoke, Virginia shopping at Best Buy was recorded on video assaulting another, shopper , Unruly Walmart shopper s at a store outside Columbus, Ohio,quickly flooded in
  50. Leesburg by the London Times-Mirror. Residents also receive the free weekly, shopper ,publications Leesburg Today, Blue Ridge Leader and Russellville Gazette, which

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