Examples of the the word, fairy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fairy ), is the 7113 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or plankton, which they take using the STAE on their appendages. Abstract The, fairy ,shrimp of the order Abstract are usually long (exceptionally up to). They
  2. First, Frances and the Leaping Fairy, Frances is shown in profile with a winged, fairy ,close by her nose. The second, Fairy offering Posy of Harebells to Elsie, shows
  3. Most of the stories and songs used in the series are based on folk songs and, fairy ,tales from around the world. The round sung by the mice (starting with the
  4. Complete with famous-name designers. Lighting with candles or electric lights (, fairy ,lights) is commonly done and a tree topper, traditionally either an angel or a
  5. Of works in Danish are existential philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, prolific, fairy , tale author Hans Christian Andersen, and playwright Ludwig Holder. Three 20th
  6. In the costume drama Ever After (1998) offered a modern take on the classic, fairy ,tale of Cinderella and served as a reminder, according to Roger Ebert, of how
  7. Of airplanes, bicycles,space rockets, cosmonauts,and characters of Russian, fairy ,tales, were produced. This tradition persists after the fall of the USSR, with
  8. Of death and a messenger from the Otherworld. In Irish legend, a banshee is a, fairy ,woman who begins to wail if someone is about to die. Similar creatures are also
  9. English publications it has been called Álfheimr, Elfland or Finland. The, fairy ,queen is often called the" Queen of Defame" in ballads such as that of
  10. The Coming of the Fairies. By now Elsie and Frances were tired of the whole, fairy ,business. Years later Elsie looked at a photograph of herself and Frances taken
  11. g., religion,arts) are merely concepts onto which power is projected; the “, fairy ,position” argues that individuals are dominated, often covertly and without
  12. And gave him directions. This adventure, like the story of the Cyclops, is a, fairy ,tale of wide dispersion. In 1869 G. K. C. Garland showed that the story makes
  13. Of Finland. This kind of attitude is reflected in the traditional Russian, fairy ,tale" Morocco ", whose arrogant protagonist Ivan tries to kill a mother bear
  14. Uses a medieval, Arabian Nights–like setting, and the Arabian Nights, like the, fairy ,tales of the Brothers Grimm and the works of Edgar Allan Poe, are known to have
  15. The digitalis bell, suddenly strike the other on the hand to hear the clap of, fairy ,thunder, with which the indignant fairy makes her escape from her injured
  16. Reported as recently as 1948. Overview The story of the beachside began as a, fairy ,woman keening at the death of important personages. In later stories, the
  17. Are widely distributed over the Americas, whereas others, such as the, fairy ,armadillos, are concentrated in smaller ranges in South America. One species
  18. Crustaceans. It is the sister group to the remaining crustaceans, and comprises, fairy ,shrimp, clam shrimp, Cladocera, Notostraca and the Devonian Lepidocaris. They
  19. By suggesting that the photograph was" an unintended double exposure of, fairy ,cutouts in the grass ", and thus" both ladies can be quite sincere in
  20. Turing was re-enacting a scene from the 1937 film Snow White, his favorite, fairy ,tale, pointing out that he took" an especially keen pleasure in the scene
  21. 1911) Short story collections * Under the Sunset (1881),comprising eight, fairy ,tales for children. * Snow Bound: The Record of a Theatrical Touring Party (
  22. With the reading of Robinson Crusoe (unabridged),Gulliver's Travels,the, fairy ,tales of Hans Christian Anderson and Madame d'Alloy, the Arabian Nights and (
  23. Carlo Colloid, was an Italian children's writer known for the world-renowned, fairy ,tale novel, The Adventures of Pinocchio. Biography Colloid was born in Florence
  24. Three Hearts and Three Lions in which the Matter of France is history, and the, fairy ,folk are real and powerful. A partly familiar European history for which the
  25. Great or holy. The tales sometimes recounted that the woman, though called a, fairy , was a ghost, often of a specific murdered woman, or a woman who died in
  26. Disorder. The theme of cannibalism has been featured in religion, mythology, fairy , stories and in works of art; for example, cannibalism has been depicted in The
  27. Fantasy fiction draw heavily from the fanciful beasts described in mythology, fairy ,tales, and bestiaries. The" worlds" created in Fantasy fiction can be said to
  28. Of children's literature with Account Dell fate, a translation of French, fairy ,tales by Perrault. In 1876 Lorenzo wrote Giannettino (inspired by Alessandro
  29. A second article in The Strand, in which he described other accounts of, fairy ,sightings. The article formed the foundation for his 1922 book The Coming of
  30. Higher rates than their genetic counterparts. It takes its name from the, fairy ,tale character Cinderella, who in the story was cruelly mistreated by her
  31. Arabia: The Gospel of Witches) In language Both the Romanian word for ", fairy ," Ana and the Leonese word for" water nymph" Ana, seem to come from the
  32. Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, she grew up with Aesop’s Fables,the, fairy ,tales of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen, Charles Kingsley's
  33. Displays one of two approaches which he terms“ the fact position and the, fairy ,position. ” (p. 237) The fact position is anti-fetishist, arguing that “
  34. The Pardoner's Tale, one of The Canterbury Tales, as her inspiration for the, fairy ,tale The Tale of Three Brothers. In the Harry Potter series," The Tale Of The
  35. Plays. Another unique piece of artistic expression in Ann Arbor is the, fairy ,doors. These small portals are examples of installation art and can be found
  36. Tales. Examples of journeys to the realm include" Thomas the Rhymer" and the, fairy ,tale" Child Rowland ", the latter being a particularly negative view of the
  37. By her nose. The second, Fairy offering Posy of Harebells to Elsie, shows a, fairy ,either hovering or tiptoeing on a branch, and offering Elsie a flower. Two days
  38. Shunned by human society. " The Brown Bear of Norway" is a Scottish, fairy ,tale telling the adventures of a girl who married a prince magically turned
  39. A November 1972 strip depicting Conker telling a little boy in a sandbox a, fairy ,tale ending in the protagonist being awarded“ his weight in fine, uncut
  40. And poetry His first literary efforts, at the age of 11,took the form of, fairy ,tales and imitations of the Arabian Nights. Later, he wrote long adventure
  41. Banshee (), from the Irish bean SI (" woman of the side" or" woman of the, fairy ,mounds" ) is a feminine spirit in Irish mythology, usually seen as an omen of
  42. By fairies, fairy tales and fantasy. She was a student of the classic, fairy ,tales of Western Europe. As well as stories from the Old Testament, John Bunyan
  43. Potter’s artistic and literary interests were deeply influenced by fairies, fairy ,tales and fantasy. She was a student of the classic fairy tales of Western
  44. That which is written for children. " The Brown Bear of Norway" is a Scottish, fairy ,tale telling the adventures of a girl who married a prince magically turned
  45. Magazine to write an article on fairies for their Christmas issue, and the, fairy ,photographs" must have seemed like a godsend" according to broadcaster and
  46. Other on the hand to hear the clap of fairy thunder, with which the indignant, fairy ,makes her escape from her injured retreat. In south of Scotland it is called "
  47. Tail; the giant armadillo grows up to and weighs up to, while the pink, fairy ,armadillos are diminutive species with an overall length of. All species are
  48. Cut on the battlefield while the blood is still warm and running. These are not, fairy ,tales my dear Cowper but actual gruesome reality in the heart of this poor
  49. From Greek and Roman mythology as well as traditional British and Irish, fairy ,tales. Other works Lewis wrote several works on Heaven and Hell. One of these
  50. Takes place in Cornwall at a tacky museum above King Arthur's tomb. The, fairy ,tale Jack the Giant Killer takes place in Cornwall. Sports and games With its

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