Examples of the the word, convene , in a Sentence Context

The word ( convene ), is the 7100 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Convene any of the original Seven Ecumenical councils. The Pope of Rome did not, convene ,any of the original Seven Ecumenical councils nor did any Pope attend any of
  2. Capital of the world be established! New Granada will join Venezuela, if they, convene ,to form a new republic, their capital will be Maracaibo …. This is great nation
  3. West Virginia. Soon thereafter, the National Academy of Sciences asked Drake to, convene ,a meeting on detecting extraterrestrial intelligence. The meeting was held at
  4. War with Finland four days later. *1942 – World War II: Yugoslav Partisans, convene ,the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of
  5. As Association for Peace in the Basque Country) was founded; they began to, convene ,silent demonstrations in communities throughout the Basque Country the day
  6. Would be held on December 14,the third on January 3 and the new assembly would, convene ,on March 17. Nomination for the elections will start on October 12. 70 % of the
  7. Serbians (Lumborum) and other Scythian (Scythian) peoples use to, convene ,every year for sundry necessary commerce. " (I 62):" Turning from the
  8. Scotty's resignation as parliamentary speaker, the parliament was unable to, convene ,as members of parliament could not decide whom to appoint as his replacement.
  9. A human face ". In May, he announced that the Fourteenth Party Congress would, convene ,in an early session on 9 September. The congress would incorporate the Action
  10. By the Emperor and Pope to convene in Mantra on May 23, 1537. It failed to, convene ,after another war broke out between France and Charles V, resulting in a
  11. Of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The National Convention continues to, convene ,and adjourn. Many major political parties, particularly the NLD, have been
  12. To Article II, Section 3,Clause 2 of the Constitution, the president may, convene ,either or both houses of Congress. If both houses cannot agree on a date of
  13. PLO will get included. In March 2011 the PLO-EC Chairman asked the PLO-EC to, convene ,the PLO Constitution Committee, either in Amman or in Cairo, and advised that
  14. To either approve or veto bills passed by the New York State Legislature, to, convene , the legislature, and to grant pardons, except in cases of treason and
  15. Amendment immediately rather than wait for the incoming 39th Congress to, convene , In January 1865,Congress sent to the state legislatures for ratification what
  16. That Louis XVI call the Estates-General. In August 1788 the King agreed to, convene ,the Estates-General in May 1789. While the Third Estate demanded and was
  17. Of Great Britain and France cooperated in taking the necessary steps to, convene ,an international conference of hydrographs. London was selected as the most
  18. East and the first four by the Oriental Orthodox church. Rome did not host nor, convene ,any of the original Seven Ecumenical councils. The Pope of Rome did not convene
  19. Consumer goods, resort management, Senior members of the military can, convene ,for the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, so during the course of the
  20. For it to take place in Italy, but Emperor Marian instead called for it to, convene ,at Nicaea. Finnish invasions forced it to move at the last moment to Chalcedony
  21. The Germans allowed the Vilnius Conference (September 18–22, 1917) to, convene , demanding that Lithuanians declare loyalty to Germany and agree to an
  22. 1991: Adoption of Resolution 1080,which requires the Secretary General to, convene ,the Permanent Council within ten days of a coup d'état in any member country.
  23. Battle of Cape Finistère. *1787 – In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,delegates, convene ,a Constitutional Convention to write a new Constitution for the United States;
  24. Of summer, the builder is nearly at the entrance to the fortification. The gods, convene , and figure out who is responsible, resulting in a unanimous agreement that
  25. And not more than forty days after the dissolution. The National Assembly shall, convene ,as of right on the second Thursday following its election. Should it so convene
  26. In the seven seceding states Lincoln issued this call before Congress could, convene ,on the matter, and the original request from the War Department called for
  27. In Christ. Theodore planned the Lateran Council of 649 but died before he could, convene ,it, which his successor, Pope Martin I, did. The Council condemns the Thesis
  28. Union for its 14th congress, Diefenbaker was forced to wait until the fall to, convene ,Parliament. However, the Cabinet approved measures that summer, including
  29. Abroad, and was entitled to do so, as the newly elected 16th Bundestag did not, convene ,for the first time until 18 October 2005. Bayerische Motored Were AG (BMW) (
  30. Channels. Chat Rooms allowed a large group of people with similar interests to, convene ,and hold conversations in real time, including: * Private rooms – created by
  31. The Aragonite claimant to the throne of Naples, his next important act was to, convene ,a congress of the representatives of Christian princes at Mantra for joint
  32. The power to either approve or veto bills passed by the Alabama Legislature, to, convene , the legislature, and to grant pardons, except in cases of impeachment. There
  33. He summoned physicians, wise men, and magicians from all across the empire to, convene ,at the capital in Kaifeng and share ideas on how to cure patients of it. From
  34. All the proconsuls" was granted to Augustus by the Senate. This allowed him to, convene ,the Senate and people at will and lay business before it, veto the actions of
  35. After repeated failed attempts at financial reform, Louis XVI was persuaded to, convene ,the Estates-General, a representative body of the country made up of three
  36. Took place in Rome, Italy,between 16 and 18 November 2009. The decision to, convene ,the summit was taken by the FAO Council, at the proposal of FAO
  37. S finances. Unable to raise revenue through Parliament – and unwilling to, convene ,it – Charles resorted to other means. For example, not observing often
  38. Could be considered" correct" if the users of the language mutually agreed to, convene ,upon that set of rules as the standard way to represent the spoken language.
  39. The head of government is, nevertheless,required. The Prince has the right to, convene ,and adjourn parliament and, for serious reasons, to adjourn it for 3 months or
  40. This. The legislators passed a law which stated that a new Parliament should, convene ,at least once every three years—without the King's summons, if necessary.
  41. President is further empowered to grant federal pardons and reprieves, and to, convene ,and adjourn either or both houses of Congress under extraordinary circumstances
  42. Showcase the best practices in community college administration. Focus groups, convene ,at the conference to serve as a" think tank" to inform practice of community
  43. On January 21, 2008,the Solomon Times reported that Italy had" pledged to, convene ,an Italian-Pacific Islands Forum towards the end of 2008 ". The newspaper
  44. Failure in Mantua-Vicenza The council was ordered by the Emperor and Pope to, convene ,in Mantra on May 23, 1537. It failed to convene after another war broke out
  45. Person who interfered in the performance of his duties. The tribunes could even, convene ,a Senate meeting and lay legislation before it and arrest magistrates. Their
  46. Her Premier). In view of the meaning of the Hebrew root (" gather, assemble, convene ,") one might opt for the translation" Speaker ". Authorship and historical
  47. To rule. The city also holds the Great Sept of Baylor, where the Most Devout, convene ,with the High Seton. It is the holiest Sept of the Seven. The slums of King's
  48. Challenge the Orthodox faith. At such times the Church deemed it necessary to, convene ,a general or" Great" council of all available bishops throughout the world.
  49. Diet had not convene d for decades. In the 1820s,the Emperor was forced to, convene ,the Diet, which marked the beginning of a Reform Period (1825–1848,). Count
  50. Involving South and North Korea, the United States, China,Japan and Russia, convene ,to find a peaceful resolution to the security concerns as a result of the North

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