Examples of the the word, sediment , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Viruses forming the majority of viruses found in seawater, fresh water, sediment , terrestrial, extreme,metazoan-associated and marine microbial mats. The
  2. Their energy; the larger the wave the more energy it releases and the more, sediment ,it moves. Coastlines with longer shores have more room for the waves to
  3. Challenger Deep grew to its present depth, many of the species present in the, sediment ,died out or were unable to adapt to the increasing water pressure and changing
  4. On land. This is important in understanding the Scientology and layers of, sediment ,deposited by these systems. " It is thought by some that the channels in the
  5. Or onto previously deposited layers * Deposition ( sediment ),material (like, sediment ,) being added to a landform * Deposition (physics),the process of gas
  6. To create innovative computer simulations that can be used to model how, sediment ,flows through these channels. The models the team will produce will have broad
  7. Matter passed Cairo each year. Today the Aswan High Dam obstructs most of this, sediment , now retained in Lake Nasser. The reduction in annual silt deposits has
  8. Year-to-year variation within that period allows correlation with soil and, sediment ,layers. Caesium-134,and to a lesser extent caesium-135,have also been used in
  9. South America and the Antarctic Peninsula, is more disputed; tectonic and, sediment ,evidence show that it could have been open as early as pre 34 Ma, estimates of
  10. With native fishes or disrupt the environment. Carp in particular can stir up, sediment , reducing the clarity of the water and making it difficult for plants to grow.
  11. Landslide. In 1980,the eruption of Mount St. Helen's deposited large amounts of, sediment ,in the lower Columbia, temporarily reducing the depth of the shipping channel
  12. 90 % of the contents are poured, and the remainder is swirled to suspend the, sediment ,before pouring it into the glass. Alternatively, the bottle may be inverted
  13. In the south-east to Pitting in the west. These plains are made up of alluvial, sediment ,and volcanic flows, and contain large areas of rich agricultural soils. A large
  14. Persisted in the Vietnamese environment since the war, settling in the soil and, sediment ,and entering into food chain through the animals and fish that feed in the
  15. It is usually recommended that the beer be poured slowly, leaving any yeast, sediment ,at the bottom of the bottle. However, some drinkers prefer to pour in the yeast
  16. Is believed to be the most accurate measurement taken yet. Diego also collected, sediment ,cores containing marine organisms from the bottom of the deep. Nears thus
  17. Ore mined in the Sinai. Workers collected gold by washing the nuggets out of, sediment ,in alluvial deposits, or by the more labor-intensive process of grinding and
  18. Root systems probably led to changes in the speed and pattern of erosion and, sediment ,deposition. The rapid evolution of a terrestrial ecosystem containing copious
  19. Is often blocked by dams and other human regulatory devices, which remove the, sediment ,from the stream by causing it to be deposited inland. Like the ocean which
  20. Of material onto a substrate or onto previously deposited layers * Deposition (, sediment ,), material (like sediment ) being added to a landform * Deposition (physics
  21. Into marshlands unusable for agricultural purposes during the dry season. The, sediment ,deposited into the lake during the Mekong's flood stage appears to be greater
  22. Worm (a multi-legged predator) about an inch long. An analysis of the, sediment ,samples collected by Diego found large numbers of simple organisms at. While
  23. The arsenic in the groundwater is of natural origin, and is released from the, sediment ,into the groundwater, owing to the anoxic conditions of the subsurface. This
  24. The former US airbases in The Gang, Phu Cat and Bain HOA. Some soil and, sediment ,on the bases have extremely high levels of dioxin requiring remediation. The The
  25. Waves. Sediment deposited by rivers is the dominant influence on the amount of, sediment ,located on a coastline. Today riverine deposition at the coast is often blocked
  26. Resulting from high pressures and temperatures produced by overlying, sediment , transforms the resin first into coal. Sustained heat and pressure drives off
  27. Ratio of 26Al to 10Be has been used to study the role of transport, deposition, sediment , storage,burial times, and erosion on 105 to 106 year time scales. Cosmogenic
  28. At the Willamette River confluence. Here the river slows considerably, dropping, sediment , that might otherwise form a river delta. Near Longview, Washington and the
  29. Of these properties, PAHs in the environment are found primarily in soil, sediment ,and oily substances, as opposed to in water or air. However, they are also a
  30. And social policy reasons. Formation Tides often determine the range over which, sediment ,is deposited or eroded. Areas with high tidal ranges allow waves to reach
  31. Of slopes by waves. If the slope/cliff being undercut is made of unconsolidated, sediment ,it will erode at a much faster rate then a cliff made of bedrock. (Easter brook
  32. The shift of the South American plate beneath the Caribbean plate scrapes, sediment ,from the South American plate and deposits it above the subduction zone forming
  33. Industry activity further contaminates river water, notably in the increased, sediment ,runoff that results from clear cuts. The Northwest Forest Plan, a piece of
  34. And pipelines. Dunes move downstream as the upstream slope is eroded and the, sediment ,deposited on the downstream or lee slope in typical bed form construction. These
  35. And Xingu—have clear (greenish) or dark water with few nutrients and little, sediment , The major river system in the Northeast is the Rio São Francisco, which flows
  36. Bonneville Slide blocked the river until rising water finally washed away the, sediment , It is not known how long it took the river to break through the barrier;
  37. Higher than international recommendations for action. The contaminated soil and, sediment ,continue to affect the citizens of Vietnam, poisoning their food chain and
  38. Following articles describe some coastal landforms: Cliff erosion * Much of the, sediment ,deposited along a coast is the result of erosion of a surrounding Cliff, or
  39. Khartoum. Unlike the White Nile, the Blue Nile carries a considerable amount of, sediment , For several kilometers north of Khartoum, water closer to the eastern bank of
  40. The project has met opposition because of concerns about stirring up toxic, sediment ,on the riverbed. Portland-based Northwest Environmental Advocates brought a
  41. Palmer of Portland State University found two distinct layers of sand and, sediment ,between the clay deposited on the river bank by the dredge and the sand layer
  42. Use to make shells. When the organisms die, their shells are deposited as, sediment ,and eventually turn into limestone. Limestones have accumulated over billions
  43. Of still aging and then venting a beer in this manner typically disturbs all the, sediment , so it must be left for a suitable period to" drop" ( clear) again, as well
  44. Fluvial systems draining Eurasia and Central Europe introduce large volumes of, sediment ,and dissolved nutrients into the Black Sea, but distribution of these nutrients
  45. From the University of Washington's School of Oceanography collected, sediment ,cores from the lagoon to study climate change over the last millennium. On
  46. These brewers noticed that the beers continued to ferment, and to also clear of, sediment , when stored in cool conditions. Lager yeast is a cool bottom-fermenting yeast
  47. Coast Plains is a strip of land parallel to the ocean. It is composed mostly of, sediment ,from the mountains that border it on the northern side. It is uniformly flat
  48. Shore (Easter brook 1999). Rivers on the coastline Coastal features formed by, sediment ,Coastal features formed by another feature Other features on the coast Coastal
  49. Lake. As the level of the Tone Sap retreats, it deposits a new layer of, sediment , The annual flooding, combined with poor drainage immediately around the lake
  50. The island is composed of coral roughly (thick),where reefs formed above the, sediment , The land slopes in a series of" terraces" in the west and goes into an

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