Examples of the the word, depress , in a Sentence Context

The word ( depress ), is the 7115 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Possess an identical construction as MX Blacks but require less force to, depress , Buckling-spring keyboard Many typists prefer buckling-spring keyboards. The
  2. Workforce reductions or eliminations; * Market conditions and perceptions that, depress ,the valuation or stock price. Characteristics Leveraged buyouts involve
  3. Depression resulted in less exposure. The main guns of Soviet tanks could only, depress ,4 degrees. By contrast, the 105 mm guns on Centurion and Patton tanks could
  4. Due to a brain infarction or cardiac arrest),severe poisoning with drugs that, depress ,the activity of the central nervous system (e.g., alcohol and other hypnotic
  5. Visited Sumatra, Borneo,and Burma, but " the physical experience ... was to, depress ,him. " Any spiritual or religious inspiration that he was looking for eluded
  6. Recession combined with the after effects of the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks to, depress ,the aviation sub-sector in and around Wichita. Orders for new aircraft
  7. Which unsurprisingly required the pen owner to blow into the barrel to, depress ,the internal sac. In 1907 Walter A. Shaffer patented the Lever filler, using a
  8. Capital with the highest rate of unemployment in Spain. This, too,tends to, depress ,the population level. Young Radians, those between 18 and 30 years of age
  9. The VOC pricing policy was to slightly over-supply the pepper market,to, depress ,prices below the level where interlopers were encouraged to enter the market (
  10. Negative isotropic effect and may cause heart failure. * Class II agents do not, depress ,conduction or contractility. * Class III agent has negligible isotropic effect
  11. On the end of the barrel; when pressed, it acted on a pressure bar inside to, depress ,the ink sac. Following the crescent filler came a series of systems of
  12. The universeand he taught a therapy of extirpating the unruly passions which, depress ,and crush the soul. He initiated the success of Stoicism as one of the most
  13. The baby in her uterus remains conscious. However, larger or repeated doses can, depress ,the baby. Thiopental is not used to maintain anesthesia in surgical procedures
  14. To raise system voltages. Above it, the line absorbs reactive power, tending to, depress ,the voltage. The Ferrari effect describes the voltage gain towards the remote
  15. Not benefit Japan either, he said. Withdrawal would mean retreat. It would, depress ,morale. A demoralized Army would be as worthless as no Army. Our troops in
  16. Time consecutive games have been rained out at Dodger Stadium. The stadium does, depress ,doubles and triples quite a bit, due to its uniform outfield walls and
  17. Which induce perceptual and cognitive distortions. *Hypnotics, which, depress , the central nervous system. These are used recreationally because of their
  18. When used at anesthetic doses, it will usually stimulate rather than, depress ,the circulatory system. It is sometimes possible to perform ketamine anesthesia
  19. Responding to another's anger, frigidity,indulging in sexual practices that, depress ,spontaneity and make objects of participants, giving inordinate amounts of time
  20. Use sedation. Many drugs and agents used during surgery to relieve pain and to, depress ,consciousness remain in the body at low amounts for hours or even days
  21. 10:4,that is" a 10 percent decrease in securities industry employment would, depress ,employment in the retail, services,and restaurant sectors by more than 1
  22. The private sector. The Japanese monetary authorities' continued desire to, depress ,the price of the Japanese yen relative to other key specific currencies to
  23. 4 degrees. By contrast, the 105 mm guns on Centurion and Patton tanks could, depress ,10 degrees. Home front during the war created a state of emergency in
  24. Are also employed in electrical transmission systems, where they are used to, depress ,voltages from lightning strikes and to limit switching currents and fault
  25. From the Latin verb derriere," to press down ". From the 14th century," to, depress ," meant to subjugate or to bring down in spirits. It was used in 1665 in
  26. And international development is well documented. Agricultural subsidies, depress ,world prices and mean that unsubsidized developing-country farmers cannot
  27. Because of their euphoric effects. *Opioid analgesics, which also, depress ,the central nervous system. These are used recreationally because of their
  28. Two staff members each have a station in which they key the machine on and, depress ,two stations buttons to be ready in case of mechanical failure. Each person
  29. Side); a servant or apothecary would then insert the nozzle into the anus and, depress ,the plunger, resulting in the liquid remedy (generally, water,but also some
  30. Preferred indifferent things as" good ", The passions are like diseases which, depress ,and crush the soul, thus he sought to eradicate them (apartheid). One cannot
  31. A mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen for the patient to inhale, in order to, depress ,the feeling of pain -while keeping the patient in a conscious state. The
  32. In partnership with Be. Beds also claimed that Microsoft acted to artificially, depress ,Be Inc. is initial public offering (IPO). The case was eventually settled out
  33. In the solar wind or the Earth's magnetic field above the current value would, depress ,the amount of carbon-14 created in the atmosphere. These effects are corrected
  34. The ranks. * Roman agriculture declines as imports from Egypt and North Africa, depress ,wheat prices, making it unprofitable to farm and forcing many farmers off the
  35. It had the disadvantage that some symbols required three times as much force to, depress ,them as others which made it hard to achieve any speed with the device. That
  36. And Traffic. They argued that China had controls in place and the sale might, depress ,prices. However, price of ivory in China has skyrocketed. Some believe this
  37. smugglers’M suspects that South African diamonds may be being stockpiled to, depress ,prices by dumping, and orders Bond to uncover the smuggling ring. Disguised as
  38. The C-130's were actually below the level of the gun, the gunner was unable to, depress ,the piece low enough and the bullets passed harmlessly over the C-130s. The
  39. Falls is that Fraser is located within the Rocky Mountains which would help to, depress ,low temperatures while International Falls is located on relatively flat land
  40. Him the go-ahead to manufacture it with the certainty that it will further, depress ,the company's stock. However, his invention, the hula-hoop, is a smash success
  41. Creature disappears permanently. While Möbius lies dying, he directs Adams to, depress ,a vertical lever that ultimately sets the Knell complex's atomic reactors to
  42. Much food they themselves got. For some reason, the chimps were unwilling to, depress ,the lever that would give their long-time chums' food. It is plausible but
  43. Inhabiting Sikohte-Alin until the 1930s,when tiger numbers decreased. Tigers, depress ,wolf numbers, either to the point of localized extinction or to such low
  44. Traits discourage respect for property, encourage violence and revenge, and, depress , the economy of the areas in which they operate. Proponents of the status quo
  45. Clear switches contain a similar design as MX Browns but require more force to, depress ,and do not provide the audible click as found in the MX Blues, and,lastly
  46. To buy the controlling interest in the company. His plan is to temporarily, depress ,the stock price by hiring an incompetent president to replace Sucker.
  47. 3,380 short tons,3,066 tonnes) Engine Propeller Other data Depression or, depress ,(ed) may refer to: Medicine * Depression (mood),a state of low mood and
  48. Or cardiac arrest. As might be expected for an anesthetic, chloroform vapors, depress ,the central nervous system. It is immediately dangerous to life and health at
  49. Heart: systolic and diastolic heart failure, likely due to cytokines that, depress ,monocyte function, cellular damage, manifest as a troponin leak (although not
  50. Working classes, fomented and continued by the ruling class. Its effect was to, depress ,wages, since worker could be set against worker. They concluded that the first

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