Examples of the the word, sidewalk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sidewalk ), is the 7114 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the guide way. As a result, a grade-level Ultra guide way resembles a, sidewalk ,with curbs and is very inexpensive to construct. Ultra resembles a small
  2. And Melbourne, Australia,motorcycles are generally permitted to park on the, sidewalk , rather than occupy a space on the street which might otherwise be used by a
  3. Poured out of them. Twenty people, with wounds of varying degree, lay on the, sidewalk ,and on the street. Some managed to stand, others to crawl, still others tried
  4. User of sidewalk s, is among the class of people put at risk by driving on a, sidewalk , whereas a driver who is distracted by another driver driving on the sidewalk
  5. To the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (third edition 1933) the term, sidewalk ,was still in occasional use in the UK and pavement was also used for: 'a piece
  6. Disability Rights Advocates for Technology, advocates for Segway PT, sidewalk ,and facility access as an ADA issue, Segways cannot be marketed in the US as
  7. Many of the lanes. On several central MIT streets, bike lanes transfer onto the, sidewalk , Cambridge bans cycling on certain sections of sidewalk where pedestrian
  8. Paul Albert and rue Fourier meet and Kline's character throws money on the, sidewalk ,and later Ryan's character picks it up. The last scene in Paris is at the Gear
  9. To square wooden boards. Accordingly, skateboarding was originally denoted ", sidewalk ,surfing" and early skaters emulated surfing style and maneuvers. Crate
  10. Mile. Part of the fort outline is marked by plaques and a line embedded in the, sidewalk ,and road near the Michigan Avenue Bridge and Wacker Drive. A few boards from
  11. S liberty is limited. For example, a person has a liberty right to walk down a, sidewalk ,and can decide freely whether to do so, since there is no obligation
  12. Are wholesalers. Chinatown's grocers and markets are often characterized by, sidewalk ,vegetable and fruit stalls – a quintessential image of Chinatowns – and also
  13. Office Building to the west and the Treasury Building to the east, this, sidewalk , served as a queuing area for the daily public tours of the White House. These
  14. Vice-President, Principal of Central Party School) 15th Politburo members A, sidewalk ,(or pavement, footpath,footway, and sometimes platform) is a path along the
  15. And dining choices. Centrally,8th Street contains a pedestrian zone with, sidewalk ,cafés and restaurants. The neighborhood is home to many local restaurants, bars
  16. Surfing has a similar feel to surfing and requires only a paved road or, sidewalk , To create the feel of the wave, surfers even sneak into empty backyard
  17. Craps is generally called shooting dice, and is played on the floor or on a, sidewalk , often without a back-stop. Among Black players, the name" craps" refers
  18. Which lies just outside the Binnenhof). The Plan is taken by several large, sidewalk ,cafés where often politicians may be spotted. The Wrote Market is completely
  19. Corporate sponsorships. When the waves were flat, surfers persevered with, sidewalk ,surfing, which is now called skateboarding. Sidewalk surfing has a similar feel
  20. Played it using an Army blanket as a shooting surface. With no backboard or, sidewalk ,curb to hit against, this gave rise to presumed methods of dice control, of
  21. A sidewalk , whereas a driver who is distracted by another driver driving on the, sidewalk , and consequently crashes into a utility pole, is not. The second prong of the
  22. Are" as legendary as the building itself:" there are five of them: the, sidewalk ,line, the lobby elevator line, the ticket purchase line, the second elevator
  23. Died in Norfolk on May 10, 1923,after striking her head in a fall on a city, sidewalk , She is buried alongside her husband and their daughter, Little Flora, in
  24. And roaring oohs and AHS broke from the special viewing stages and the, sidewalk ,of the Same Riyadh Street as the parade passed. The colorful batik fashions
  25. Basements, with open space between the street and the building, previously the, sidewalk , now at the basement level. Most property owners used screw jacks to raise
  26. Months before. An injury from an accidental fall while walking on an icy, sidewalk ,briefly hospitalized Parks with two broken bones, causing her considerable and
  27. David Lynch, Michael Madsen, family and fans, he attended its addition to the, sidewalk ,on March 26, 2010. As of March 23, 2010,Hopper reportedly weighed only and was
  28. Of Parks and Recreation maintains of green space,180 parks, of trails, of, sidewalk , 60 parking lots, vacant lands, natural areas and forest cover within the city
  29. Of life. " In further strips,Calvin's creative instincts diversify to include, sidewalk ,drawings (or, as he terms them, examples of" suburban postmodernism" ).
  30. Refers to the state of waiting in a line or queue; for example, standing on a, sidewalk ,waiting for a table at a restaurant. Elsewhere in AME, one waits" in line ".
  31. Universal design. One example is the" curb cuts" ( or dropped curbs) in the, sidewalk ,at street crossings. While these curb cuts enable pedestrians with mobility
  32. In reference to the original style of play by people crouched over a floor or, sidewalk ,), reportedly owes its modern popularity to street craps being spread through
  33. As Lombardi Field. *Vince Lombardi Square (with a plaque dedication in the, sidewalk ,on the square) is near Sleepyhead Bay Road and East 14th Street in Brooklyn
  34. Footway, and sometimes platform) is a path along the side of a road. A, sidewalk ,may accommodate moderate changes in grade (height) and is normally separated
  35. 1 km) wide, encompassing more than. Destroyed were more than of roads, of, sidewalk , 2,000 lampposts,17,500 buildings, and $222 million in property—about a third
  36. Space bordered by very high buildings. This type of environment may shade the, sidewalk ,level from direct sunlight during most daylight hours. While an oft-decried
  37. And related structures that facilitate the use of a path as well as the, sidewalk , The term pathway is used for pedestrian paths that are not next to a road.
  38. Killing one of the Cossacks and seriously wounding the driver and people on the, sidewalk , had only damaged the bulletproof carriage, a gift from Napoleon III of France.
  39. States, general: The company has challenged bans and sought exemption from, sidewalk ,restrictions in over 30 states. The Segway PT has been banned from use on
  40. The location, as well as a small stone monument against the wall on the, sidewalk , Shoddy named the town after his wife, Mary Ellen Shoddy, and officially began
  41. Lanes transfer onto the sidewalk . Cambridge bans cycling on certain sections of, sidewalk ,where pedestrian traffic is heavy. While Bicycling Magazine has rated Boston as
  42. Then concrete, such as asphalt. In the United States, the most common type of, sidewalk ,consists of a poured concrete ribbon with cross-lying strain relief grooves at
  43. Of BRE are likely to understand most common AME terms, examples such as ", sidewalk ,"," gas (gasoline/petrol) "," counterclockwise" or" elevator (lift) "
  44. Another Molotov cocktail caused paint charring on a car. Painted in red on the, sidewalk ,in front of his house was" FREE THE PANTHER 21 "," THE VIEW CONG HAVE WON "
  45. His powers, causing him to do things such as accidentally fly through the, sidewalk ,when landing. *A renegade S. T. A. R. Labs scientist created a" hybrid
  46. Fracture which had forced her to leave Egypt. In 2001,she was found on the, sidewalk ,below the building in which she was living; she had fallen from the balcony of
  47. Outside the club. As he was escorting an attractive blonde woman across the, sidewalk ,to a taxi, Davis was told by Patrolman Gerald Kickoff to" move on. " The
  48. For sunbathing include beaches, open air swimming pools, parks,gardens, and, sidewalk , cafés. Sunbathers typically wear limited amounts of clothing or some simply go
  49. For Colchester. Social uses Sidewalks may be used as rich social spaces with, sidewalk ,cafés, markets by busking musicians. Or for parking for a variety of vehicles
  50. Pig-Pen, the perpetually dirty boy who could raise a cloud of dust on a clean, sidewalk , in a snowstorm, or inside a building; and Frieda, a girl proud of her "

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