Examples of the the word, disarmament , in a Sentence Context
The word ( disarmament ), is the 7109 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The 1955 Russell–Einstein Manifesto was a document calling for nuclear, disarmament ,and was signed by 11 of the most prominent nuclear physicists and intellectuals
- It turned the case over to the Nine Power Treaty Conference. Failure of, disarmament ,Article 8 of the Covenant gave the League the task of reducing" armaments to
- Of struggle against colonialism and apartheid, its struggle towards global, disarmament ,and the ending of the arms race, and towards the creation of a more equitable
- The end of 2004,more than 100,000 Liberian fighters had been disarmed, and the, disarmament ,program was ended. In light of the progress made, President Bryant requested an
- Including nuclear weapon states, were committed to the goal of total nuclear, disarmament , However, India,Pakistan and Israel have declined to ratify the NPT on grounds
- His mind about nuclear weapons and ceasing to advocate unilateral nuclear, disarmament ,by Britain. The journal received many letters of support, reflecting the growth
- CND) is an anti-nuclear organization that advocates unilateral nuclear, disarmament ,by the United Kingdom, international nuclear disarmament and tighter
- Dependence upon nuclear weapons by Britain and the bringing about of a general, disarmament ,convention. In the meantime, Britain should halt the flight of planes armed
- To roll back South Africa's nuclear weapons program; the process of nuclear, disarmament ,was essentially completed in 1991. The existence of the program was not
- On November 8,2002,offering Iraq" a final opportunity to comply with its, disarmament ,obligations" that had been set out in several previous UN resolutions
- Making idealistic but very vague offers of disarmament (in the 1930s,the term, disarmament ,was used to describe arms-limitation agreements). At the same time, the
- January 1981 Wembley conference which committed the party to unilateral nuclear, disarmament ,and withdrawal from the European Common Market. They also believed that Labor
- Vestiges of the past. The withdrawal of foreign forces and the disbandment and, disarmament ,of militias would, with finality, end that sad chapter of Lebanese history. ".
- Of Versailles following the end of World War I. The League's goals included, disarmament , preventing war through collective security, settling disputes between
- The status of these brigades has been described as" pretty chaotic. " A 2007, disarmament , and repatriation study said" army units that have not yet gone through the
- Muhammad. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 called for the, disarmament ,of militia with the Tail agreement at the end of the Lebanese civil war.
- In the United States). They were also vehemently opposed to unilateral nuclear, disarmament , an increasingly popular policy amongst members of the party. The final straw
- To popular music in the mid- to late 1950s that was popular amongst the nuclear, disarmament ,and antiwar protester subculture. Folk rock songs like Bob Dylan's 1963
- Unilateral nuclear disarmament by the United Kingdom, international nuclear, disarmament ,and tighter international arms regulation through agreements such as the
- To reduce military spending by making idealistic but very vague offers of, disarmament ,(in the 1930s,the term disarmament was used to describe arms-limitation
- Poet Over Train, who is also active in the movement for global nuclear, disarmament ,and some of his 'Hiroshima Haiku' have been read at various peace conferences
- 1972; it extends previous gun legislation. In 1945 the Allies commanded full, disarmament ,of the country, private ownership of firearms was not allowed until after 1956
- Of the League of Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union as well as peace and, disarmament ,conferences. In domestic policies he tended toward socialism and wanted to
- The dispute dragged on until after Beatty's retirement, and a further naval, disarmament ,treaty, ( the London Treaty of 1930) would limit the numbers of cruisers. In
- Of an international organization whose aim was to prevent future war through, disarmament , open diplomacy, international co-operation, restrictions on the right to wage
- To 1698 he defended the right of King William III to a standing army during, disarmament ,after the Treaty of Renwick (1697) had ended the Nine Years' War (1688–97)
- Public the facts about the Government's policy on deterrence and multilateral, disarmament ,". Gerald Vaughan, a government minister, tried to halve government funding for
- Of African Unity, and the Economic Community of West African States, disarmament ,and demobilization of warring factions were hastily carried out and special
- S involvement in the Vietnam War, and was an outspoken proponent of nuclear, disarmament , One of his last acts was to issue a statement which condemned Israeli
- Conducted a strike against these outrages. Veteran Soldiers A program for, disarmament ,and reintegration of veteran soldiers is currently taking place. A national
- Of dissident leftists closely associated with the nascent movement for nuclear, disarmament ,in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The New Reasoner combined with the
- Nations was given a mandate to enforce a ceasefire, and deal with refugees and, disarmament ,known as the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNAC).
- Nations sign the Biological Weapons Convention, the first multilateral, disarmament ,treaty banning the production of biological weapons. *1973 – A British Vanguard
- States followed an independent course, and succeeded in a program of naval, disarmament , and refunding the German economy. New York became the financial capital of the
- Prevailing in the subsequent decades, little progress was made in nuclear, disarmament ,until the end of the Cold War in 1991. Parties to the PTBT held an amendment
- Aired in Japan induces seizures in 685 Japanese children. *1998 – Iraq, disarmament ,crisis: Operation Desert Fox – The United States and United Kingdom bomb
- Mores, and pushed for change in matters like women's rights, sexuality, disarmament , and environmental issues. Today, the Netherlands is regarded as a liberal
- With the former colleague General Mannheim, assisting the Whites during the, disarmament ,of the Russian garrisons in Finland. The number of Russian soldiers active in
- And 1960s engaged in various political causes, primarily related to nuclear, disarmament ,and opposing the Vietnam War (see also Russell Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal).
- The first republic of Hungary. A devotee of Entente. Carolyn ordered the full, disarmament ,of the Hungarian Army, leaving Hungary without any national defense. Romania
- Foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon" and" for the disbanding and, disarmament ,of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias ". On May 25, 2000,Israel completed
- Such as in the United Nations, and especially regarding the use of force, disarmament ,obligations, and the terms of the UN Charter. Interpretation Where there are
- Between the British-backed Papandreou and EAM, especially over the issue of, disarmament ,of the various armed groups, leading to the resignation of the latter's
- Stated in its Covenant, included preventing war through collective security and, disarmament , and settling international disputes through negotiation and arbitration. Other
- Petrograd to Jaipur, as promised to the Reds by Lenin. They also continued, disarmament ,of Russian garrisons, initiated in Karelia on 23,by a major operation in
- Was the most prominent intellectual of the revived movement for nuclear, disarmament , revered by activists throughout the world. In Britain, his pamphlet Protest
- Of veteran soldiers is currently taking place. A national commission for the, disarmament , demobilization and reintegration was put in place in September 2004. The
- Only at the end of 1949 Allied economic policy originally was one of industrial, disarmament ,plus building the agricultural sector. In the western sectors most of the
- The United States and the Soviet Union, making further progress toward nuclear, disarmament ,impossible. When Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev declared a unilateral
- Weapons. It includes policy analysis, diplomacy,political measures, nuclear, disarmament , and more military responses such as a National Missile Defense and air defense
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