Examples of the the word, compost , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compost ), is the 7110 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cause of the depleted biological community. Generally, direct seeding into a, compost ,is not recommended due to the speed with which it may dry and the possible
  2. Remaining plant materials are filtered out of the solution and sent to the, compost , The solvent is then evaporated, leaving behind the desirable resins, called
  3. The roots have an easier time growing. The close plant spacing and the use of, compost ,generally result in higher yields with raised beds in comparison to
  4. Not millennia. In agriculture, humus is sometimes also used to describe mature, compost , or natural compost extracted from a forest or other spontaneous source for use
  5. Tea is a liquid extract or a dissolved solution but not simply a suspension of, compost , It is made by steeping compost in water for 3-7 days. It was discovered in
  6. Mostly carbon dioxide) and vented, so a toilet produces only a few pounds of, compost ,every six months. To control the odor, modern toilets use a small fan to keep
  7. It is used in gardens, landscaping,horticulture, and agriculture. The, compost ,itself is beneficial for the land in many ways, including as a soil conditioner
  8. Minimal, requiring only light feedings of organic material, such as green-waste, compost , and minerals to encourage earthworms and beneficial microbes. Management
  9. Would say that, if it is not stable, it is not humus at all. This kind of, compost , rich in plant remains and pelvic acids, is an excellent source of plant
  10. Binding target of a 20 % cut in emissions by 2010. By 2015,to recycle or, compost ,at least 33 % of household waste. Between 1998-99 and 1999–2000,household
  11. Include naturally occurring organic materials, ( e.g. manure, worm castings, compost , seaweed, guano ), or naturally occurring mineral deposits (e.g. saltpeter).
  12. Nutrient inputs can be chemical inorganic fertilizers, manure,green manure, compost ,and mined minerals. Crop nutrient use may also be managed using cultural
  13. And the application of natural materials prepared in specific ways to the soil, compost , and crops, with the intention of engaging non-physical beings and elemental
  14. Of" unification" can occur naturally in soil, or in the production of, compost , The importance of chemically stable humus is thought by some to be the
  15. Continually re-create aeration and drainage tunnels as they move through the, compost , A lack of a healthy microorganism community is the main reason why compost ing
  16. And as stuffing fiber for mattresses. It is used in horticulture in potting, compost , especially in orchid mix. Coconut leaves The stiff mid-ribs of coconut leaves
  17. The city operated a Tool Library as well, and continues to operate its own, compost ,recycling program and silo for corn-burning stoves. As one of the most
  18. By a frame generally made of wood, rock,or concrete blocks, and enriched with, compost , The vegetable plants are spaced in geometric patterns, much closer together
  19. Problems associated with traditional, slow compost ing. Many advocate that, compost ,can be made in 2 to 3 weeks. Many such short processes involve a few changes to
  20. Safety, that there is no evidence of any eco-toxicity in finished, compost ,and soils can support plant growth; and # Toxicity, that heavy metal
  21. To traditional methods, including smaller, more homogenized pieces in the, compost , controlling carbon to nitrogen (CN) ratio at 30 to 1 or less, and monitoring
  22. In reference to plastics that enter the environment in other ways other than, compost ,- i.e. as terrestrial or marine litter or in landfills, OBP technology is
  23. Ton or dry tonne has the same mass value, but the material (sludge, slurries, compost , and similar mixtures in which solid material is soaked with or suspended in
  24. Are skeptical that there is a" super-charged" way to get nature to make, compost ,rapidly. They also point to the fact that it is the structure of the natural
  25. Covered with dirt. The buried decomposing wood will give off heat, as all, compost ,does, for several years. This effect has been used by Sept Holder for one to
  26. Matter into compost . There are many types of microorganisms found in active, compost ,of which the most common are: * Bacteria-The most numerous of all the micro
  27. To study diseases and another that the site was intended to become a giant, compost ,heap. At this unveiling, James Rouse described Columbia as a planned new city
  28. In the Sun has been compared to the volumetric heats generated in an active, compost ,heap. The tremendous power output of the Sun is not due to its high power per
  29. Vital humus or humid acids, and as a natural pesticide for soil. In ecosystems, compost ,is useful for erosion control, land and stream reclamation, wetland
  30. Solution but not simply a suspension of compost . It is made by steeping, compost ,in water for 3-7 days. It was discovered in Germany and became a practice to
  31. Toilets use bacteria to decompose human feces into useful, odourless, sanitary, compost , The process is sanitary because soil bacteria eat the human pathogens as well
  32. Been fed the DDSG by-products from grain ethanol production. The concentrated, compost ,nutrients from manure are then used to fertilize the soil and grow the next
  33. Its commitment to sustainability through pesticide-free grounds, a food waste, compost ,facility, recycling program and energy conservation program. The most
  34. Land and stream reclamation, wetland construction, and as landfill cover (see, compost ,uses). Organic ingredients intended for compost ing can alternatively be used
  35. First industrial station for the transformation of urban organic materials into, compost ,was set up in Well/Austria in the year 1921. The early personages most cited
  36. Nitrogen,microorganisms are allowed to break down organic matter to produce, compost , The compost ing process is dependent on microorganisms to break down organic
  37. Process is dependent on microorganisms to break down organic matter into, compost , There are many types of microorganisms found in active compost of which the
  38. Float in on the wind, are dropped by birds, or are inadvertently mixed into, compost ,before it is used. Unlike weeds, which are unwanted plants, a volunteer may be
  39. Such as docks, thistles and nettles. Notorious for its ability to persist in, compost , * atropine, a thiamine herbicide used in corn and sorghum for control of
  40. Logo that enables consumers to identify and dispose of packaging in their, compost ,heap. The United Kingdom general election,2001 was held
  41. It back into the tanks. This saves water and the waste gathered can be used in, compost ,or, in some cases, could even be treated and used on land. While RAS was
  42. Two weeks buried under soil, the food scraps should be broken down into rich, compost , Compost tea is a liquid extract or a dissolved solution but not
  43. Sea hydrothermal vents, as well as decaying plant matter such as peat bogs and, compost , As a prerequisite for their survival, thermophiles contain enzymes that can
  44. Standards are related to the performance of plastics in a commercially managed, compost ,environment. They are not biodegradation standards. Both were developed for
  45. The USA is the only Western country that does not distinguish sludge-source, compost ,from green- compost s, and by default in the USA 50 % of states expect compost s
  46. And for control of noxious thistles. Notorious for its ability to persist in, compost , It is another example of synthetic auxin. * jicama, a post-emergent broadleaf
  47. Common are: * Bacteria-The most numerous of all the microorganisms found in, compost , * Actinomycetes- Necessary for breaking down paper products such as newspaper
  48. Humus is sometimes also used to describe mature compost , or natural, compost ,extracted from a forest or other spontaneous source for use to amend soil. It
  49. Solid waste and 22,500 dry tonnes of biosolids per year into 80,000 tonnes of, compost , The facility is 38,690 meters2 (416,500 ft2),equivalent to 4½ Canadian
  50. A decade later it was further expanded by the addition of the Wolf son Wing. The, compost ,heap is in an area of the gardens not accessible to the public, but a

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