Examples of the the word, provisional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( provisional ), is the 7098 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sun Yat-sen of the Kuomintang (the KMT or Nationalist Party) was proclaimed, provisional ,president of the republic. However, the presidency was later given to Yuan
  2. Fight against the Dentist regime, assumed control of Eritrea and established a, provisional ,government. Eritrea achieved full independence on May 24, 1993. President Males
  3. Customs duties for his entire reign, deciding instead to grant it only on a, provisional ,basis. Charles, meanwhile,pressed ahead with his European wars, deciding to
  4. Uprising, the Chang Uprising, began on October 10, 1911 in Wuhan. The, provisional ,government of the Republic of China was formed in Nanjing on March 12, 1912
  5. The Articles. Starting in 1775,the Second Continental Congress acted as the, provisional ,government that ran the American Revolutionary War. It was an era of
  6. War II: In Yugoslavia, resistance leader Marshal Josie Bros Tito proclaims a, provisional ,democratic Yugoslav government in-exile. * 1943 – World War II: U. S. President
  7. Frame of reference wherein the Earth is stationary. In accommodation of that, provisional ,postulation, the otherwise fictitious centrifugal and Coriolis forces are
  8. Austria-Hungary. The national councils had already begun acting more or less than, provisional ,governments of independent countries. With defeat in the war imminent after the
  9. To Australia for the main tour featuring 6 provincial matches and 3 tests. The, provisional ,dates and venues for the three international tests are: In June 2009 the
  10. Bluetooth low energy technology as the hallmark feature of the version 4.0. The, provisional ,names Wire and Bluetooth UP (Ultra Low Power) are abandoned. Cost-reduced
  11. Bourgeois, officially French-speaking and neutral, independent Belgium under a, provisional ,government and a national congress. Since the installation of Leopold I as king
  12. Which supplied AC power for radios. The design of the Mark VI allowed for a, provisional ,long-range fuel tank to increase range for action over enemy territory, for the
  13. Hotchkiss guns in the Wounded Knee Massacre. *1911 – Sun Yat-sen becomes the, provisional ,President of the Republic of China; he formally takes office on January 1
  14. Of the Federal State North Rhine-Westphalia. With Bonn being chosen as the, provisional ,capital (provisorische Bundeshauptstadt) and seat of the government of the
  15. By sector Gross domestic product by sector of the economy. Note: 2007 data are, provisional , 2008-09 data are preliminary. GDP subtotal does not include VAT taxes and
  16. By the military in 1957 with the backing of both political parties, and a, provisional ,government was installed. The National Front regime (1958–1974) In July 1957
  17. Not deal on the basis of the Fourteen Points anymore. In fact, a Czechoslovak, provisional ,government had joined the Allies on 14 October. The leaders of the South Slavs
  18. War II, Bonn was in the British zone of occupation, and in 1949 became the, provisional ,capital of West Germany. The choice of Bonn was made mainly due to the advocacy
  19. Site was the only community inhabited by American settlers. They organized a ", provisional ,city government," which was Alaska's first city government, but not in a
  20. A national war of restoration began in Santiago, where the rebels established a, provisional ,government. Spanish troops reoccupied the town, but the rebels fled to the
  21. Designations are used to avoid confusion. Until 1994,comets were first given a, provisional ,designation consisting of the year of their discovery followed by a lowercase
  22. Challenge was that Russia was exhausted after three years of war, while the, provisional ,government did not offer much motivation for a victory outside continuing
  23. Origin of new traits remained a mystery. Towards this end, Darwin developed his, provisional ,theory of pan genesis. In 1865 Gregor Mendel reported that traits were inherited
  24. Him of his power, leading him to resign in 1862. Condemned to death by the, provisional ,government, Santana died under mysterious circumstances in 1864,and is widely
  25. Athens became the capital of Greece in 1834,following Nation which was the, provisional ,capital from 1829. In addition, the municipality of Athens is the capital of
  26. Of the population. However, the questionnaires for the 1980 were lost and only, provisional ,figures are available from this census. The census in 2002 involved some 50,000
  27. 1 drachma, and 2 drachma) and cupro-nickel (5,10,and 20 drachma). These, provisional ,coins carried the design of the phoenix rising from the flame on the obverse
  28. Was created to build the verification regime, including establishment and, provisional ,operation of the network of monitoring stations, the creation of an
  29. Organization's International Program on Chemical Safety (PCs) suggests a, provisional ,tolerable intake would be 5 mg/kg body weight per day. Cats have a
  30. Serve independently as unique identifiers. *Names are those accepted by IUPAC;, provisional ,names for recently produced elements not yet formally named are in parentheses.
  31. When it succeeded in having the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico recognized as a, provisional ,decolonized status subject to continued monitoring; Acevedo Vila stated that it
  32. States made similar declarations. On February 7,the seven states adopted a, provisional ,constitution for the Confederate States of America and established their
  33. After being forced to leave Guangzhou, and then had to establish a new, provisional ,capital of Chongqing, the capital during the Japanese occupation. There, Chiang
  34. Further award for compensation at a later time unless the claim is settled by, provisional ,damages often found in industrial injury claims such as asbestos related
  35. Vicing, the son of a wealthy Italian immigrant sugar planter, was named, provisional ,president, and the process of U. S. withdrawal began. 1924–1996 Vásquez The
  36. Calais de l'Europe, the House of Europe (demolished in 1977),and came to a, provisional ,end in 2007 with the opening of the New General Office Building, later named "
  37. GDP composition Main macroeconomic aggregates of GDP. Note: 2007 data are, provisional , 2008-09 data are preliminary. Source:
  38. By General Antonio Pigmented three months later. The rebels formalized their, provisional ,rule by holding a national convention in February 1865,which enacted a new
  39. Before the government of Canada took control (1867). *Red River Rebellion -, provisional ,government in Rupert's Land, led by Louis Riel in (1869–1870). *Republic of
  40. Declaring secession illegal. The Confederacy selected Jefferson Davis as their, provisional ,President on February 9,1861. There were attempts at compromise. The
  41. Ray-finned fish living today. An important caution is that any cladogram is a, provisional ,hypothesis. There is genetic evidence, for example, that Restudies, Aves, and
  42. Their attempt to delegitimize the Qing Dynasty. ) When Sun Yat-sen became the, provisional ,president of the Republic of China, he sent telegrams to leaders of all
  43. And agree on a new president, or have the United States impose one. After the, provisional ,presidency of Ramón Baez Machado, Jimenes was elected in October, and soon
  44. 4,1861 where the fundamental documents of government were promulgated,a, provisional ,government was established and a representative Congress met for the
  45. Known as the Hughes-Peynado Plan. It stipulated immediate establishment of a, provisional ,government pending elections, approval of all laws enacted by the U. S.
  46. Vacuum, the convention on secession reconvened and took power as the Unionist, provisional ,government of Missouri. Kentucky did not secede; for a
  47. Served as Minister in various governments and then as Prime Minister, in the, provisional ,government, from March 11-April 11, 1844. He served a second term (October 27
  48. An investigation (due to be completed on 25 April 2009) and published, provisional ,findings on 7 August 2008. Leasing companies (ROCCO) * Angel Trains - owned
  49. He witnessed the Oberammergau Passion Play. In the following year he became, provisional ,Principal of the Theological College of Saint Thomas (from which he had just
  50. Proved unable to present a cohesive set of demands. The first president of the, provisional ,government, Pepillo Salted (allied with Baez) was deposed by General Gaspar

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