Examples of the the word, woods , in a Sentence Context

The word ( woods ), is the 7107 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is the copious (Managerial rose, Chilean bellflower),which grows in the, woods ,of southern Chile. The coat of arms depicts the two national animals: the
  2. Battalions with a great battery of 16 guns at the village's edge. In the, woods ,to the left of Futzing, seven French battalions under the Marquis de Rozel
  3. Paper, canvas and a range of other materials. However, their use on engineered, woods ,such as Medium-density fiberboard can be problematic because of the porous
  4. Callimachus, which has become the standard setting, Artemis was bathing in the, woods ,when the hunter Actaeon stumbled across her, thus seeing her naked. He stopped
  5. I set so many boys' hearts on fire that they took to calling that neck of the, woods ,The Smoky Mountains. ": Granny's full name, Daisy Moses, allegedly an homage
  6. Of any regiment, North or South. Slowly the Iron Brigade was pushed out of the, woods ,toward Seminary Ridge. Hill added Maj. Gen. William Dorsey Pender's division
  7. Hot and dry. In the southern part winters are milder. During the centuries many, woods ,have been cut down and replaced with bush. In the southern part and on the
  8. Across to the string and the length is called out by a sighted marker, when the, woods ,are sent the distance from the jack is called out, in yards, feet and
  9. Off to infinity. He often made items from materials he brought home from the, woods , and sometimes made his own tools. He experimented with designing a new
  10. Plastic ferrules. A quality cue can be expensive and may be made of exotic, woods ,and other expensive materials which are artfully inlaid in decorative patterns.
  11. some Sternberger designs) have also been used. While a wide variety of, woods ,are suitable for use in the body, neck,and fretboard of the bass guitar, the
  12. Year. The central Sahel is characterized by drought-resistant grasses and small, woods , Rainfall is more abundant there than in the Saharan region. For example
  13. Of Blenheim, for here too there is an immense area of arable land unimpeded by, woods ,or hedges. Villeroy’s right rested on the villages of Franquenée and Davies
  14. The infant Hermes stole a number of his cows and took them to a cave in the, woods ,near Pylons, covering their tracks. In the cave, he found a tortoise and killed
  15. With and landed the plane which left the end of the runway and taxied into the, woods ,after a total hydraulic failure upon landing. * 22 February 1982 – Lt. Cmdr Stu
  16. Fighting while directing troop and artillery placements just to the east of the, woods , Shelby Foot wrote that the Union cause lost a man considered by many to be "
  17. Used in, steel-string guitars. The various combinations of the different, woods ,and their quality, along with design and construction elements (for example
  18. Identified with today's Cuevas de San Marcos). His cavalry ravaged the nearby, woods ,and the countryside, while the rest of the troops moved to Turns, a castle
  19. S arms immobile. It was used in the Ronald Reagan political ad" Bear in the, woods ,". * Bear tracking - in the old Western states of the U. S. and to this day in
  20. Jacob),others from purple heart, and even from Linux vitae. Tropical, woods ,are often quite heavy, a feature often desirable in a broken despite the
  21. Sword, named Mistletoe, which he had received from Miming, the satyr of the, woods ,; after lingering three days in pain Balder us died of his injury and was buried
  22. The most common, and Alpine and Adirondack spruce, the most sought-after, woods ,for the making of guitar tops. The back and sides of a particular guitar are
  23. Combat was hard, but the Black Prince still had a mobile reserve hidden in the, woods , which was able to circle around and attack the French in the flank and rear.
  24. Guitars have been made of a combination of various" tone woods ", or, woods , that have pleasing resonant qualities when used in instrument-making. Foremost
  25. For the neck is maple, and for the fretboard is rosewood. Other commonly used, woods ,include mahogany, maple,ash, and poplar for bodies, mahogany for necks, and
  26. Of KPH" to the constitutive congress of KPH (Croatian Communist Party) in, woods ,near Seymour. *1944 – The Warsaw Uprising against the Nazi occupation breaks
  27. Tighter grain and will be able to withstand repeated impacts. Superior, woods , such as American white oak, also known as Kasai (not to be confused with
  28. Skilled luthiers are becoming increasingly available. Exotic materials include, woods ,such as buying, wenge, ovangkol, ebony and Gonzalo Alves. Graphite composite
  29. Sneezewood or Cape ebony (Pteroxylon utile) and ironwood. Extensive miniature, woods ,of heaths are found in almost endless variety and covered throughout the
  30. Some cursed, some whined; and some overcome with fear, hid themselves in the, woods , leaving everything to the tender mercies of the army. ' Negroes were
  31. Hobbes, Watterson has taken up painting, at one point drawing landscapes of the, woods ,with his father. Watterson has kept away from the public eye and has given no
  32. The battle was fought in the narrow strip of open land formed between the, woods ,of Tramecourt and Agincourt (close to the modern village of Agincourt). The
  33. Thousands of fleeing Pasternak perished, many asphyxiated in nearby, woods ,by encircling fires set by the Romans, others drowned trying to swim across the
  34. And Gonzalo Alves. Graphite composite is used to make lightweight necks Exotic, woods ,are used on more expensive instruments: for example, Alembic uses cocoon as a
  35. In a broken despite the brittleness of these heavy and hard woods . Many exotic, woods ,are suitable for suburb (solo practice),but not for paired practice where
  36. And Bulkhead business districts, the skyline gives way to a dense canopy of, woods ,that spreads into the suburbs. The nickname is factually accurate, as the city
  37. Entering a haunted forest, an unseen force pursues Ash through the, woods , Fleeing, Ash ducks into a windmill where he crashes into a mirror. The small
  38. Were originally made from Linux vitae, a dense wood giving rise to the term ", woods ," for bowls, but are now more typically made of a hard plastic composite
  39. Alps, forests of deciduous trees are rarely found. In many districts where such, woods ,once existed, they have been replaced by the Scots pine and Norway spruce
  40. The Imperial troops had been repulsed three times – driven right back to the, woods ,– and had taken a real drubbing. – Mérode-Westerloo. On the Allied right
  41. Part and on the coast there is evergreen vegetation. In the inland there are, woods ,typical of Central Europe (oak and beech, and in the mountains, spruce,fir
  42. That when it was rediscovered and moved the Virgin asked to be returned to the, woods , After it was moved back a hermitage was build and many believers join this
  43. Murder after a boy, William of Norwich, was found dead with stab wounds in the, woods , The legend was turned into a cult, with William acquiring the status of martyr
  44. 1973) ISBN 978-0-87286-063-6 * Sad Dust Glories: poems during work summer in, woods ,(1975) * Plutonium Ode: Poems 1977–1980 (1981) ISBN 978-0-87286-125-1 *
  45. Often desirable in a broken despite the brittleness of these heavy and hard, woods , Many exotic woods are suitable for suburb (solo practice),but not for
  46. 20 August 1233,Andrew had a meeting with the legate of Pope Gregory IX in the, woods ,of Being, and they made an agreement which ensured the privileges of the clergy
  47. Small cavalry unit, commanded by Jean de Grailly, the Capital de Buch, hidden in, woods ,at the rear. The attacking French forces were divided in four parts. At the
  48. Many manufacturers have begun experimenting with alternative species of, woods ,or more commonly available variations on the standard species. For example
  49. Leisure park on the banks of the Rhine * Kottenforst, a large area of protected, woods ,on the hills west of the city center * Rhine promenade and the Alter Poll (Old
  50. Men, upon seeing this display and fearing for their lives, creep back into the, woods , One of his men, however,Willa, who finds great distress in seeing Beowulf's

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