Examples of the the word, junction , in a Sentence Context

The word ( junction ), is the 7104 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of that ancestor. It thus excludes from the clade the line below the, junction ,of A and B. Crown groups are a type of node-based clade. * Branch-based: A
  2. Town center is the A680 running from Rockdale to Halley. The town is served by, junction ,seven of the M65 and is linked from the A680 and the A56 dual carriageway which
  3. Wetumpka (about below Rome and below Green sport),and from Wetumpka to its, junction ,with the Tallapoosa. The channel of the river has been considerably improved by
  4. System. Local landmarks include the Christie Park, the Fountain (a traffic, junction ,in the town center, although there has not been a working fountain there for
  5. On the roles of antibodies directed against ion channel at the nerve-muscle, junction ,in the pathogenesis of above-mentioned diseases. She has demonstrated that
  6. Tied to physical phenomena that are relatively easy to reproduce, the Josephson, junction ,and the quantum Hall effect, respectively. At present, techniques to establish
  7. Are found in the subcortical and central white matter and cortical gray-white, junction ,of both cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum,brain stem, and spinal cord, but
  8. Lead-antimony alloy were used to dope the emitters and collectors of NPN alloy, junction ,transistors with antimony. Medical Few biological or medical applications exist
  9. Throughout the year. Transport Road Bordeaux is an important road and freeway, junction , The city is connected to Paris by the A10 freeway, with Lyon by the A89,with
  10. Card (130 DKK). The fine for not having a valid ticket is 750DKK. The main, junction ,stations for interchange between system or lines are the stations of Report
  11. Descendants of that ancestor. It thus includes in the clade the line below the, junction ,of A and B. (Many taxonomists use the term" stem-based" instead of "
  12. Kiosks selling the local Turkish delight. Anyone is also an important railroad, junction ,between Izmir, Konya, Ankara and Istanbul. Cuisine Courses **suck - the famed
  13. Now the location for the (smaller) Kurdistan. Adjacent to the Forum, at the, junction ,of the same card, and the other documents, Hadrian built a large temple to the
  14. Gaul or Britannia. Ancyra's importance rested on the fact was that it was the, junction ,point where the roads in northern Anatolia running north-south and east-west
  15. Was standard for new Roman cities, Hadrian placed the city's main Forum at the, junction ,of the main card and documents, now the location for the (smaller) Kurdistan.
  16. Is the P-doped layer which initially supplies holes to the junction . In the, junction ,region, the holes supplied by the anode combine with electrons supplied from
  17. Ancestor. It thus includes in the clade only that part of the line below the, junction ,of A and B which corresponds to ancestors possessing the apomorphy. The process
  18. For temperature, the forward voltage drop of a transistor's base-emitter, junction ,can provide an usably-accurate logarithmic or exponential function. Op amps
  19. Of the Central Pacific Railroad, the Berkeley Branch Railroad, was laid from a, junction ,with the mainline called Shell mound (now a part of Maryville) into what is
  20. A terminal of the major Abakan-Taishet Railway. Now it is an important railway, junction , The city is served by the Balkan International Airport. The city has a river
  21. Diode, the anode is the P-doped layer which initially supplies holes to the, junction , In the junction region, the holes supplied by the anode combine with electrons
  22. The seeds attached to a framework made up of the placenta and tissue from the, junction ,between the valves (replum). There is often an indecent beak at the top of
  23. Of the tetra pylon are preserved in the 19th century Franciscan chapel at the, junction ,of the Via Dolorosa and Sub Khan Eliza. As was standard for new Roman cities
  24. Of the temple mount. The main Adriatic card terminated not far beyond its, junction ,with the documents, where it reached the Roman garrison's encampment, but in
  25. Street between St. Albany,Boudica's last known location, and the Fosse Way, junction ,has suggested the Cuttle Mill area of Paulerspury in Northamptonshire, which
  26. Kevin K. Carroll suggests a site close to High Cross in Leicestershire, on the, junction ,of Wailing Street and the Fosse Way, which would have allowed the Legion II
  27. And ends entirely within Switzerland. Its total length from its source to its, junction ,with the Rhine comprises about 295 Course The AAR rises in the great AAR
  28. S research is focused on autoimmune and genetic disorders of the neuromuscular, junction ,and peripheral motor nerves. The principal autoimmune diseases studied are
  29. South-westwards from Livingstone, crossing the Zambezi, then continuing to a, junction ,with the existing BR tracks at Moses. Lunga's proposal arose following the
  30. Is about 132 km from the city center. Rail Ajmer is at an important railway, junction ,with Broad gauge lines to Jaipur and Mar war, Ahmedabad and Mumbai onwards to
  31. Freshwater marsh was in Van Cortland Park until displaced in the 1930s by the, junction ,of the Mostly and Henry Hudson Parkways. ) Almost 27 %, of the Bronx's total
  32. Completing the necessary statutory procedures, work on a grade separated, junction ,to connect the West link to the M2/M3 motorways is scheduled to take place
  33. Km north of the Medžitlija-Níki border crossing with Greece. It is an important, junction ,connecting the south of the Adriatic Sea with the Aegean Sea and Central Europe
  34. It is joined by the Bigger),Often, Aarau, name CODE /> near which is the, junction ,with the Sure, and Wild egg, where the Hallie AA falls in on the right. A
  35. Keeping residences inland rather than crowding the coast. The city lies at the, junction ,of railway lines from all parts of the country. To the south-west (about, by
  36. The child was born at Trever, near the village of Ambitarvium, just before the, junction ,of the Moselle River and the Rhine River (modern Koblenz Germany). At this
  37. From a structural perspective the Azores is located above an active triple, junction ,between three of the world's large tectonic plates (the North American Plate
  38. Is prevented by shoals and a fall at Tallahassee, a few miles north of its, junction ,with the Coos. The Alabama is navigable throughout the year. The river played
  39. 78 makes connections from Baden to Abarth, Yazd Solid and Yalu. It has a, junction ,with Baden Shiraz Expressway 24 km south of the city. A road starts from
  40. Milan From Forum Multi, Alboin next reached Aquila, the most important road, junction ,in the northeast, and the administrative capital of Venetian. The imminent
  41. Ballarat has historically been a major railway hub in Victoria, situated at the, junction ,of the Ballarat line, Ararat line and Mildura lines it currently has several
  42. Into Westchester County. U. S. 9 continues to be known as Broadway through its, junction ,with NY 117. Because Broadway is a true north–south route that parallels the
  43. Journeys that do not involve London. However, some important railway, junction ,stations lie in smaller cities and towns, for example York station, Crewe
  44. Commercial, educational,and cultural center. It represents an important, junction ,that connects the Adriatic Sea to the south with the Aegean Sea and Central
  45. Rail Atlanta began as a railroad town, and it still serves as a major rail, junction , with several freight lines belonging to Norfolk Southern and CSX intersecting
  46. Were Pan, Sua Pan and NPAI Pan. Botswana's lowest elevation point is at the, junction ,of the Limpopo and Phase Rivers, at a height of 513 m. The highest point is
  47. Substantial remains of the western card have now been exposed to view near the, junction ,with Sub bazaar, and remnants of one of the tetra pylon are preserved in the
  48. The Guinea. Several larger lakes extend West from the Skanderborg railway, junction ,and rise to heights exceeding at Himmelbjerget. The railway traverses this
  49. Of Balk, Jowzjan, Faryab and Sarge Pol. The whole territory, from the, junction ,of the Rocha river with the Amu Darya on the north-east to the province of
  50. Oxus and Amu River, is a major river in Central Asia. It is formed by the, junction ,of the Vanish and Pan rivers. In ancient times, the river was regarded as the

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