Examples of the the word, deteriorate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deteriorate ), is the 7111 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During its Gründerzeit period. In his late fifties, his mental health began to, deteriorate , and he spent the last years of his life under psychiatric care. According to
  2. In the 1980s Guyana Airways Corporation's domestic operations started to, deteriorate ,for a number of reasons, not least among them the unrealistically low fares it
  3. By the early 2000s,the relationship between Ferguson and Beckham had begun to, deteriorate , possibly as a result of Beckham's fame and commitments away from football. In
  4. Americans of differing tribal backgrounds, whose artistic and family life, deteriorate ,into ennui, deceit,and abuse, all of which are attributed to the overbearing
  5. Eventually became a composer. In his later years,Telemann's eyesight began to, deteriorate , and he was increasingly troubled by health problems. This led to a further
  6. Schopenhauer had a robust constitution, but in 1860 his health began to, deteriorate , He died of heart failure on 21 September 1860,while sitting on his couch at
  7. Video, but VCD exhibits block artifacts rather than analog noise, and does not, deteriorate ,further with each use, which may be preferable. 352x240 (or IF) resolution
  8. Remaining extant whilst leather had virtually no intrinsic value and would also, deteriorate ,with time. In traditional Japanese archery a special glove is used, provided
  9. Was elected joint secretary of the Geological Society. As his eyesight began to, deteriorate , he turned to geology as a full-time profession. During the 1840s,Lyell
  10. Game continues as players become inebriated and their coordination and memory, deteriorate , Numerous types of thinking games exist, including 21,beer checkers, bizz buzz
  11. Does often cause involuntary tooth grinding, known as bruise, which can, deteriorate ,tooth enamel and lead to gingivitis. Chronic intranasal usage can degrade the
  12. Threats that the X-Men faced every day, Bobby let his relationship with Opal, deteriorate ,and, when they finally saw each other again after weeks, it was only to save
  13. A terrible storm. There are no plans to raise the ship as it would quickly, deteriorate ,in open air. Still missing are the two last warships to sink in the Great Lakes
  14. Two adhered surfaces. Sunlight and heat may weaken the adhesive. Solvents can, deteriorate ,or dissolve adhesive. Physical stresses may also cause the separation of
  15. British Isles The political situation in Germany under the Nazis continued to, deteriorate ,throughout the 1930s; he lost his contract with Hanover City Council in 1934
  16. The East and the West. Convocation and session The situation continued to, deteriorate , with Leo demanding the convocation of a new council and Emperor Theodosius II
  17. The alternative universe's Author). Luthor's clone body eventually begins to, deteriorate ,and age (and lose its hair) at a rapid rate, a side effect of a disease that
  18. Was reported in the Sunday People that Harrison's condition had continued to, deteriorate ,in spite of the treatment, and that he was likely to die within days. Alderman
  19. Brown and many of its interior color schemes had been abandoned or allowed to, deteriorate , but it has since been restored and many of the original colors revived.
  20. Lenin and called“ The Year 1917. ” Around this time, his health also began to, deteriorate , Shostakovich's musical response to these personal crises was the Eighth
  21. And acetate are known to be unstable mediums: improperly preserved film can, deteriorate ,in a period of time much faster than many photographs or other visual
  22. And the nation-wide trend of suburbanization; the city's economy began to, deteriorate , Like much of the Rust Belt, Buffalo,which peaked at more than half a million
  23. To. Scalability A network is said to be scalable if its performance does not, deteriorate ,even if the network is very large. The scalability of Freenet is being
  24. And, unless treated, will continue, to a reasonable medical probability, to, deteriorate , to become a danger to self or others or unable to provide for basic needs" may
  25. Environment in the low-lying coastal regions of northwestern Europe began to, deteriorate ,ca. 250 and gradually worsened over the next 200 years. Tectonic subsidence, a
  26. Defective collagen prevents the formation of strong connective tissue. Gums, deteriorate ,and bleed, with loss of teeth; skin discolors, and wounds do not heal. Prior to
  27. Or" inferior" usages sanctions those usages by default and causes language to, deteriorate , Although the debate can become very heated, only a few
  28. Light wood of the OKed is particularly susceptible to denting and will quickly, deteriorate ,if hit. The Armor region is famous for the Nebula festival where huge OKed
  29. And Mary monarchs. Generally there was a great fear that the situation might, deteriorate ,into a civil war. The Bill of Rights The proposal to draw up a statement of the
  30. Years, with people reaching sexual maturity at five Ultimately, conditions will, deteriorate ,to the point of a" sword-interval," in which swords appear in the hands of
  31. Withdrew from the Warsaw Pact on 5 September. Relations with China began to, deteriorate ,on 15 July 1971,when United States' President Richard Nixon agreed to visit
  32. Was still opposed to market reforms, the economic situation continued to, deteriorate , By December 1991,the shortages had resulted in the introduction of food
  33. In his body. Because of his altered biochemistry, Rogers ' body begins to, deteriorate , and for a time he must wear a powered exoskeleton and is eventually placed
  34. Established as a plasmid. The virus remains dormant until host conditions, deteriorate , perhaps due to depletion of nutrients, then the endogenous phages (known as
  35. Act (FLEA) of 1938,which created the minimum wage. When the economy began to, deteriorate ,again in late 1937,Roosevelt asked Congress for $5 billion in WPA relief and
  36. Approximately 1,570 kilometers. Most of those roads are unpaved, and will, deteriorate ,if maintenance remains inadequate. They are found mostly in the hinterland and
  37. It withdrew from international politics and was forced to let its fleet, deteriorate , making England the dominant maritime power of the world. The Dutch economy
  38. Status of Guantánamo, were not addressed. This caused Cuban-Soviet relations to, deteriorate ,for years to come. On the other hand, Cuba continued to be protected from
  39. Self, grumbling and feuding with the studio, while his health was beginning to, deteriorate , Bogart gave a bravura performance as Captain Queen, an unstable naval officer
  40. Ten minutes away from the hospital,Sharon's condition suddenly began to, deteriorate , Doctor Negev called Chief Loan, chief of cardiology at Harass, and reported
  41. Of the Cold War and Mobutu deliberately allowed the military's condition to, deteriorate ,so that it did not threaten his hold on power. Protesting low wages and lack of
  42. By the museum to address objects in the collection that had begun to rapidly, deteriorate ,as a result of being stored in the London Underground tunnels during the First
  43. Strongly for the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 because it greatly helped them, deteriorate ,the Asian community. " The Act required the few non-labourers who sought entry
  44. The process again. During the Avasarpini half-cycle, these human experiences, deteriorate ,from the best to the worst. Jains believe we are currently in the fifth Ara of
  45. In October 1605. At about the same time in December,Tresham's health began to, deteriorate , He was visited regularly by his wife, a nurse, and his servant William
  46. Posthumous works Following his accident in 1995,Kurosawa's health began to, deteriorate , While his mind remained sharp and lively, his body was giving up, and for the
  47. With the Lancaster House Agreement. In the 2000s Zimbabwe's economy began to, deteriorate ,due to various factors, including mismanagement and corruption, the imposition
  48. For 2005. With the absence of sustained growth, the fiscal situation started to, deteriorate ,after 2001 reflecting a continued expansionary policy with sharp increase in
  49. Antrum, Mossley West and White abbey. The service, which had been allowed to, deteriorate ,in the 1990s,has since been boosted by increased investment. Currently, a plan
  50. In the meantime, Guyana Airways Corporation's domestic service continued to, deteriorate ,and, by 1993,possessed only one Twin Otter DHC-6 to service the entire country

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