Examples of the the word, goodbye , in a Sentence Context

The word ( goodbye ), is the 7112 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Way Ash can return to his time is to retrieve the Necronomicon. After bidding, goodbye ,to Sheila, Ash starts his search for the Necronomicon. Entering a haunted
  2. Of his guitar on the other side of the bridge. The narrator bids the world, goodbye ,announcing he has got to go and prepares to" face the truth" admitting" I do
  3. Resettle there. In Brussels, he bade his parents, who followed two years later, goodbye , He said goodbye to Benjamin in Supremo. Benjamin opted to remain in Europe
  4. Stress on other syllables, especially in compounds,e.g. viszontlátásra (", goodbye ,") pronounced. Elongated vowels in non-initial syllables can also seem to be
  5. Members of the aristocracy – many of whom probably sensed that they were saying, goodbye ,to the elderly composer. Haydn was both moved and exhausted by the experience
  6. Chris came back but dies without an answer. The Old Man in village is saying, goodbye ,to them and claims:" You're like the wind - blowing over the land and ...
  7. Council in the Star Chamber on 14 September and on that day he said his final, goodbye ,to Martyr. Cranmer was sent straight to the Tower to join Hugh Latimer and
  8. Teletubby again. The sun is then shown setting, and the Teletubbies each say, goodbye ,again, before jumping down the hole in the roof of their house. Finally, one
  9. Came near the end of the final day of the Fifth Test at The Oval. His last, goodbye ,was interrupted by Glenn McGrath taking Kevin Pietersen's wicket; Bénard
  10. The Teletubbies say" Bye-Bye" three times. The narrator bids each Teletubby, goodbye , and they disappear, but reappear a moment later saying" Boo! " The narrator
  11. Conquering Pomerania and Mecklenburg. Early November he went to Erfurt to say, goodbye ,to Maria Eleonora, who had been in Germany since the previous winter. In the
  12. Where shall we go? " They ask. Scene 19: At the gallows Jim says a tender, goodbye ,to Jenny, who,dressed in white, declares herself his widow. He surrenders her
  13. By Cal Ripen, Jr. winning his second A. L. MVP Award in 1991. The Orioles said, goodbye ,to Memorial Stadium, the team's home for 38 years, at the end of the 1991
  14. To see her. In the meantime, she apologizes to a statue of Buddha, then says, goodbye ,to her son and blindfolds him. She goes behind a screen and cuts herself with
  15. She left the British Secret Service to be with him. Emma visits Steed to say, goodbye , and while leaving she passes Tara on the stairway giving the advice that" He
  16. Giorgio: Date alley giving –" Say to this child of thine" ) and says, goodbye ,to Giorgio. In a gesture of gratitude for her kindness and sacrifice, Giorgio
  17. שלומו),refers to the God of Peace. Shalom can also mean either" hello" or ", goodbye ,", depending on context (cf." Aloha" ). Shekhinah (Hebrew: שכינה
  18. Again, in " Observer Effect" ) expressed regret at leaving without saying, goodbye ,to her students. There have been hints that NATO might be attracted to her
  19. Circled the stadium on the warning track waving to fans and wishing the stadium, goodbye ,.; Line score Boxing When Yankee Stadium opened in 1923,the Polo Grounds
  20. In Barbie's dream, now apparently with a biologically female body, and waves, goodbye ,to Barbie with Death. * NASA: A beautiful African queen, Nada is cast into hell
  21. Went down individually to Goebbels's shelter to say goodbye . While saying, goodbye ,I asked Goebbels to join us. But he replied: 'The captain must not leave his
  22. Including myself, went down individually to Goebbels's shelter to say, goodbye , While saying goodbye I asked Goebbels to join us. But he replied: 'The captain
  23. The implausibility of its plot). But once Milne had, in his own words," said, goodbye ,to all that in 70,000 words" ( the approximate length of his four principal
  24. Raised from the sea floor. Kid falls into a coma, and Hale bids the party, goodbye ,to fly with the Dragons. Serge regroups his party and tends to Kid, who remains
  25. Boo! " The narrator then says" No" ( which they mimic),and proceeds to say, goodbye ,to each Teletubby again. The sun is then shown setting, and the Teletubbies
  26. Was fine! Singing' and a dancing ', Laughin' and a prancing ', Adios,farewell, goodbye , good luck, so long ... HEEHAW!! " * And after the closing credits, cast
  27. If Joe continues with us, no one would be more delighted than me. If it's, goodbye , Joe, I wish you well, but I hope, even at this stage, to be reconciled and
  28. Sanchez and not any angels. Afterwards, Jim goes back up to Sara to tell her, goodbye ,again. At the same time the Clown finds the angel and after making fun of her
  29. Out and away for Altair Three: Glad were we all to kiss the tired old Earth, goodbye ,: Who'll come a-sailing in Jumble with me? " The plot of Terry Pratchett's
  30. The Japanese soundtrack. This was akin to the monsters' taking a bow or saying, goodbye ,to the audience, as at this point the film is over. In the American version
  31. Camp said he would cut the salary in half. Goodbye. That was that. I said, goodbye ," ( from Marietta: Painting with Fire). However, Frazetta returned briefly a
  32. One of his ex-wives reportedly said," Marriage is Alan's way of saying, goodbye , " The divorces cost him much of his wealth, but Lerner bears primary
  33. Rank chats for a while to convey obliquely to Nora that this is a final, goodbye , as he has determined that his death is near, but in general terms so that
  34. The jacket he was wearing, he thanked the audience for 30 years, said ", goodbye ,forever" and left the stage. His tour promoter, Andrew Miller, denied that
  35. Became a trademark of the show, and her call of" You are the weakest link —, goodbye , " Became a popular catchphrase. The presence of elements inspired by Big
  36. Legislation that made the BBC have to give up their AM frequencies, saying ", goodbye ,to listeners everywhere ". During this time it also began broadcasting on spare
  37. Literally means" to God," it carries more weight than" AU Renoir" ( ", goodbye ," literally" Until re-seeing" ). It is definitive, implying you will never
  38. Is seen, with six other girls, singing the" Alabama Song ", in which she waves, goodbye ,to her home and sets out in pursuit of whiskey, dollars and pretty boys. Scene
  39. He didn't think he was set up. The following day, September 11,Knight said, goodbye ,to a crowd of some 6,000 supporters at Indiana University. He asked that they
  40. Tim Finn for their contribution to the music of New Zealand. Worried that their, goodbye ,had been too low-key and had disregarded their home fans, the band performed
  41. The marriage scene in Donald's dream featured a group of sailors waving, goodbye ,to Daisy and mourning the loss of their apparent lover. The story bore little
  42. Season in Greece is also known as the Apiaries (Greek: Αποκριές," saying, goodbye ,to meat" ), or the season of the" Opening of the Trillion ", so named after
  43. Io: format (" Got hello message: ~s ", Text ); → Io: format (" Got, goodbye ,message: ~s ", Text ) end. As the example shows, processes may be created on
  44. Shoulder to shoulder with the doctors who work there, commemorating and saying, goodbye ,to the dead. " Pro-life commentators said Wolf" fails to carry through fully
  45. Instance, put the first word of the third line of field" hello" into field ", goodbye ," did exactly that. Referring to objects and the items on cards or backgrounds
  46. Leave the inn and Moon fleet but plans one last smuggling venture. John says, goodbye ,to Grace Masked, his love, and gets his mother's prayer book. The excise men
  47. In Brussels, he bade his parents, who followed two years later, goodbye . He said, goodbye ,to Benjamin in Supremo. Benjamin opted to remain in Europe, thus limiting their
  48. A woman different from me, An ' they knew it; a, yet they comes across TER say, goodbye , An' a '. (Excerpt," The Drained Cup" ) Although Lawrence's works after
  49. The security checkout point, where they used to go to the terminals to say, goodbye ,to their friends or wait for their friends to come. Non-passengers accompanying
  50. Jumping down the hole in the roof of their house. Finally, one Teletubby says, goodbye ,a fourth time; they pop out of a hole in the house and say" Bye-bye! " For

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