Examples of the the word, garment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( garment ), is the 7101 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Fashion. Men who were not knights wore arming doublets, probably because the, garment ,suggested status and chivalry.
  2. Farmers, more than three quarters of Bangladesh’s export earnings come from the, garment ,industry, which began attracting foreign investors in the 1980s due to cheap
  3. Edges, and knitting more squares to continue the piece. The appearance of a, garment ,is also affected by the weight of the yarn, which describes the thickness of
  4. And the shield are merged, with a small version of the shield appearing on the, garment , It originally was derived from the protective shield associated with a
  5. Exports of cash crops have grown fast in recent years, developments in the, garment ,industry have a major impact on Cambodia’s export performance. On the other
  6. Watch out for" ) are cognates, as are shirt ( garment on top) and skirt (, garment ,on bottom) ( *skier-," to cut" ). In some cases, such as" shirt" and "
  7. To tightly curled, and so on. Texture The most common texture for a knitted, garment ,is that generated by the flat stockinette stitch—as seen, though very small, in
  8. Made arbitration a central element of the Protocol of Peace it negotiated with, garment ,manufacturers in the second decade of the twentieth century. Grievance
  9. And data entry by foreign firms. However, over the last 5 years,the, garment ,industry has suffered from reduced export earnings, continued factory closures
  10. And control the output of a gold mine or oil field compared to a sector of, garment ,manufacturing or hospitality services. A second source of finance is national
  11. Or the holder of a protective shield signifying the same, such as a bag-like, garment ,that contained a shield. Sometimes the garment and the shield are merged, with
  12. Al-qutn" cotton (definite article - the cotton) ". In medieval Norse,the, garment ,was known as vapntreyiu, lit. " Arming shirt" or pannier/pannzarum, another
  13. On the season. Various prayers are said upon arising; the tall it Satan (a, garment ,with Tlingit) is donned at this time. The tall it (large prayer shawl) is
  14. In the manufacturing sector. Haiti's cheap labor brought some textile and, garment ,assembly work back to the island in the late 1990s. Although these gains were
  15. Through them. This process eventually results in a final product, often a, garment , Knitting may be done by hand or by machine. There exist numerous styles and
  16. Déshabillé: partially clad or scantily dressed; also a special type of, garment ,.; resole: sorry; détente: easing of diplomatic tension; diabetic: witchcraft
  17. Articles of clothing, especially larger ones like sweaters, the final knitted, garment ,will be made of several knitted pieces, with individual sections of the garment
  18. Boldness of drawing. The painting is almost like a sculpture. The folds of the, garment , the rounded belly, and the calm on the face suggest a devoted worshiper. Cave
  19. Roes and Kim Nora started their careers in Amsterdam. Amsterdam has its, garment ,center in the World Fashion Center. Buildings which formerly housed brothels in
  20. 2010 and March 2011,Shrinking at a dramatic pace in the current year,the, garment ,industry, most companies which in 2010 was detrimental, resulting in the
  21. The pejorative term latrines masticate, which means" thieves with a rough, garment ,in wool ". Roman domination in this area of Sardinia was never more than
  22. To Europe, with the Brooklyn Navy Yard providing many of the warships and the, garment ,trade provided uniforms. The city's great financiers, however,were less
  23. The same, such as a bag-like garment that contained a shield. Sometimes the, garment ,and the shield are merged, with a small version of the shield appearing on the
  24. Which soiled the outer part of their suits, the integrated thermal meteoroid, garment , They deployed the EASE, which included a passive seismograph and a laser
  25. Fr. Décolleté; Fr. décolletage means: 1. Action of lowering a female, garment ,'s neckline; 2. ARIC.: cutting leaves from some cultivated roots such as beets
  26. To wear one only after marriage. A tall it Satan (small tall it) is a fringed, garment ,worn under the clothing throughout the day. In some Orthodox circles, the
  27. Brown velvet ". Costume jewelry is meant to complement a particular fashionable, garment ,or" costume "; Hence the name," costume jewelry ". According to Stiffer
  28. Belts, curtains,fountain pens, and other shoo paraphernalia were produced. A, garment ,factory in Baltimore turned out a whole line of shoo apparel, including "
  29. Farmers, more than three quarters of Bangladesh’s export earnings come from the, garment ,industry, which began attracting foreign investors in the 1980s due to cheap
  30. Abbreviated as south). A" brassiere" in French is a newborn baby's knitted, garment ,but is also a special kind of woman's under garment for sports. Larger than a
  31. Gust of air would at one moment with quite lubricious affection blow this, garment ,aside, so that when wafted away it revealed her virgin bloom; at another moment
  32. Economic liberalization in the years following the coup created a boom in the, garment ,industry and a steady growth rate despite growing uncertainty of land tenure in
  33. And air, two natural elements we cannot do without. By shunning the humble, garment ,of an exploited person, ( garment s which, in my opinion, are the result of all
  34. As frogs and buttons can be added; usually buttonholes are knitted into the, garment , rather than cut. Ornamental pieces may also be knitted separately and then
  35. In the Ftps all reported increases for 2006,which somewhat offset textile and, garment ,losses. Industry experts from the Ftps expect that entry into force of the
  36. And length of their legs, with erotic connotation. The corset is another staple, garment ,of the dominatrix signification. Gloves—whether long opera gloves or fingerless
  37. Leather goods and cigars & assembled electronics, textiles and apparel. The, garment ,industry is a major job employed thousands of locals, and they formed 12.9 % of
  38. For approved enterprises. Free trade zones have stimulated investment in, garment ,assembly, light manufacturing, and data entry by foreign firms. However, over
  39. City, to a Ukrainian Jewish family. His father, Sam Sagan, was an immigrant, garment ,worker from Kamenets-Podolsk, Ukraine; his mother, Rachel Molly Gruber, a
  40. Per passenger than previous aircraft. The bins are wider to accommodate, garment ,bags without folding, and strengthened for heavier carry-on items. A single
  41. And the decorative possibilities of sewing led to the art of embroidery. In a, garment ,from Migration period Sweden, roughly 300–700 CE, the edges of bands of
  42. Manufactured as ornamentation to complement a particular fashionable costume or, garment , Costume jewelry came into being in the 1930s as a cheap, disposable accessory
  43. Of two tongues of red or other brightly colored cloth, sewn onto an outer, garment ,in an x pattern, marked those who were under investigation. The penalties in
  44. Washing at high temperatures can permanently break the hydrogen bonds and a, garment ,may permanently lose its shape. Heraldry is the profession, study,or art of
  45. Agriculture sector. Manufacturing activity is modest, consisting mainly of a, garment ,factory in Yap and production of buttons from torches shells. Taxation and
  46. Unblemished beauty by appearing naked and unclothed except for a thin silken, garment ,veiling her entrancing lower parts. An inquisitive gust of air would at one
  47. In services (mainly tourism) and construction combined with a slowdown in, garment ,exports. Export growth, especially to the US, began to slow in late 2007
  48. Nuremberg, were Austrian Jewish immigrants, and his father earned a living as a, garment ,factory worker. Growing up on Suffolk Street, Kirby was often involved in
  49. Wer-," to perceive, watch out for" ) are cognates, as are shirt (, garment ,on top) and skirt ( garment on bottom) ( *skier-," to cut" ). In some
  50. S chest (from shoulder to waist) and, by extension, the part of a woman's, garment ,that covers this area.; coup de main (pl. coups de main): a surprise attack.

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