Examples of the the word, instalment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( instalment ), is the 7108 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the Scottish throne in January 1356 and died childless in 1364. The first, instalment , of the ransom was paid punctually. The second was late and after that no more
  2. The literary story of the year behind the publication of JK Rowling's final, instalment , of the Harry Potter series. Biography Biographical information concerning Jane
  3. Of the most significant questions in the series up until the end of the final, instalment , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Although the first five novels depict
  4. As Ron Weasley's pet rat, Scabbers. Fourth through sixth books In the fourth, instalment , of the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Voldemort appears at the
  5. More upbeat note ". Adams also remarked that if he were to write a sixth, instalment , he would at least start with all the characters in the same place. Join Golfer
  6. All they have to what's left of the series ". Watson's filming for the final, instalment , of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, began on 18
  7. Clavier (1871–84). (The letters were published irregularly after the 87th,installment, in March 1878. ) These letters were personal, dealt with every subject in his
  8. Farmers Partners" Partridge and Prince Ludwig the Indestructible in the final, instalment , of Black adder II. He similarly reprised this role in Back & Forth. *Miranda
  9. And Sirius from their unjust executions. Fourth and fifth books In the fourth, instalment , Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Dumbledore introduces the Trinidad
  10. Article targeted Donovan (who was raided and charged soon after); the second, instalment , ( published on 5 February) targeted the Rolling Stones. A reporter who
  11. Nurses Piggy and Janice, much to the bemusement of the hapless patient. Each, instalment , ends with Dr. Bob and his nurses looking around in puzzlement as a disembodied
  12. 21st century In 2001 construction began on Priory Vale, the third and final, instalment , in Swindon's 'Northern Expansion' project, which began with Abbey Mead's and
  13. Her portrayal of the love interest of a suspected serial killer in the first, instalment , of the Granada series Prime Suspect. She played Madam Hooch in the film Harry
  14. A lasting unsavory reputation. Edwards continued the series with a further, instalment , called the Curse of the Pink Panther, which was shot back to back with the
  15. Academy Awards, including consecutive Best Picture nominations. The final, instalment , of this trilogy was the second film to break the one-billion-dollar barrier and
  16. The accounts of the city of Glasgow for 1752 show that the very first, instalment , of ten millions sterling spent in making Glasgow a seaport, viz. a sum of £28
  17. He envisioned them. He would brief the illustrator on plans for each month's, instalment , so that work could begin before he wrote them. Marcus Stone, illustrator of Our
  18. Never been related. In early 2006 Fraser said that he planned to write another, instalment , of the Flash man Papers. Fraser said he had chosen three possible subjects to
  19. Book, Harry manages to prevent Voldemort from stealing the stone. In the second, instalment , Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Rowling introduces Tom Marvel Riddle
  20. And February 2011. In 2011,Hickman again appeared as Severus Shape in final, instalment , in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2.
  21. Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood. On 15 July 2009,the series's sixth, instalment , Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was released. It centers around Harry
  22. You won't have an empty arm ... or an empty anything! ") Another well-known, instalment , is The Radio Ham, in which Hancock plays an amateur radio enthusiast who
  23. 1981) Quentin Crisp,192 pages, HarperCollins,ISBN 0-00-638798-5. Second, instalment , of autobiography, describing the fame his first book and its dramatization
  24. The series, which originally premiered at Art 39 Basel in June, was the first, instalment , of an ongoing public arts content partnership between Creative Time and MTV.
  25. Work, Dickens had Oliver become embroiled in a robbery. That particular monthly, instalment , concludes with young Oliver being shot. Readers expected that they would be
  26. To write the script. In March 2008,Warner Bros. announced that the final, instalment , of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, would be filmed in two
  27. 29 April 2007,KL Monorail was not able to make the repayment of the interest, instalment , which had become due. One of the effects of the appointment of receivers and
  28. Orchestral, though the games adopt different instrumentation and tone with each, instalment , in the series. Nathan McCree's style when scoring the first Tomb Raider is
  29. Starred as Hermione in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second, instalment , of the series. Reviewers praised the lead actors' performances. The Los
  30. Approving all the scripts as well as acting as a producer on the final two-part, instalment , Deathly Hallows. On her website, Rowling revealed that she was considered to
  31. To the poverty of the kingdom it was found impossible to raise the ransom, instalment , of 1363. David then made for London and sought to get rid of the liability by
  32. First exposed on the ships deck for twenty-one days or less (six days for each, instalment , of the cargo),and then transported to the Lazaro, where they were opened and
  33. 17 to 7 February 1943 with two episodes on each Sunday. All but the last, instalment , which ran for one and a half hours, were one hour long. Leslie Banks played
  34. Cash became a source of friction between the Atoms and the Mughal. The first, instalment , was paid by Jayadhwaj promptly. But as soon as Mir Lumley II withdrew from Assam
  35. That Artemis Fowl author Join Golfer had been commissioned to write the sixth, instalment , entitled And Another Thing ... with Jane Nelson, Adams ' widow. The story
  36. Blake Edwards did not participate in the planning of this new Clouseau, instalment , as the working relationship between him and Sellers had broken down during the
  37. Punctuated by cliffhangers to keep the public looking forward to the next, instalment , The continuing popularity of his novels and short stories is such that they
  38. Who grew up in Tamworth, wrote a book called The King of Camber well, the third, instalment , of her Adams family saga about Cockney life. The avant-garde band Camber well
  39. One goal they all had to come back two weeks later on 21 August for the next, instalment , Again neither scored and a fortnight later on 4 September both teams returned
  40. Grand Canal after the emperor had given his assent to the treaty and the first, instalment , of money had been received (Article XII). British troops would remain in
  41. Film as the best of the series to star Pierce Brosnan and" the most satisfying, instalment , of the franchise in recent memory. " Entertainment Weekly magazine also gave a
  42. Release (except for a promo CD). On 5 June 2006,they released their third, instalment , in the River run series,I'm a Big Sister, and I'm a Girl, and I'm a Princess
  43. Lara Croft's funeral serving as framing story for the various tales. The sixth, instalment , Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness revived the character and was to start a
  44. Later, Radcliffe starred in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, the second, instalment , of the series. Reviewers were positive about the lead actors' performances but
  45. As demonstrated in http://questionablecontent.net/view.php? Comic 183 this, instalment , of the webcomic Questionable Content, for example. A nightclub named Zap hod
  46. As well as maintaining creative control by serving as a producer on the final, instalment , Rowling is perhaps equally famous for her" rags to riches" life story, in
  47. Radcliffe has starred in eight Harry Potter films since 2001,with the final, instalment , released in July 2011. In 2007 Radcliffe began to branch out from the series
  48. Baggage of political dualism was ushering Quebec out of Confederation on the, instalment , plan. He could not accept any theory of two nations, however worded, because it
  49. Each comprising 32 pages and featuring two illustrations by Phil. Each, instalment , cost a shilling,except the last, a double issue which cost two
  50. Film adaptation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was based on the first, instalment , of the Narnia series. Film adaptations have been made of two other books he

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