Examples of the the word, kilogram , in a Sentence Context
The word ( kilogram ), is the 12096 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The median lethal dose (LD50) value for cesium chloride in mice is 2.3 g per, kilogram , which is comparable to the LD50 values of potassium chloride and sodium
- Per kilogram , and the energy density of gasoline is 47.2 megajoules per, kilogram , Sulfur-free gunpowder The development of smokeless powders, such as Cordite
- Amaranth grains grow very rapidly and their large seed heads can weigh up to 1, kilogram , and contain a half-million seeds in three species of amaranth. Amaranth was one
- The higher conversion efficiency, means that more electricity is obtained per, kilogram ,than with D-T fusion (17.6 MeV),but not that much more. As a further
- In only seconds. Buffoon, using only 48 small mirrors, was able to melt a 3, kilogram , ( six pound) tin bottle, and ignite wood from a distance of 46 meters (150 ft
- Less than 8 kilogram s, a 105 mm howitzer of the same weight could fire 15, kilogram , shells. This is a matter of fundamental mechanics affecting the stability and
- e.g. malathion and bendiocarb, respectively,are more expensive than DDT per, kilogram ,and are applied at roughly the same dosage. Parathyroids such as deltamethrin
- Gravity, gn=9.80665 m/s2,is used to define the pound-force as well as the, kilogram ,force, and the international avoirdupois pound (1959),one mechanical
- And sand with net specific energy consumption of at least 5 kilojoules per, kilogram ,of the mix. A plasticizer or a superplasticizer is then added to the activated
- American immigrants. Techniques Cocaine is also carried in small, concealed, kilogram , quantities across the border by couriers known as“ mules” ( or“ mules” )
- Decay with half-life of, giving about 1 alpha decay per two minutes in every, kilogram ,of natural europium. This value is in reasonable agreement with theoretical
- Grams per year is emitted to the atmosphere. Mid-ocean ridges emit another 3, kilogram , per year. Around subduction zones, various sources produce helium-3 in natural
- With dogs showed that a single dose of 3800 PCI (4.1 kg of caesium-137) per, kilogram ,is lethal within three weeks; smaller amounts may cause infertility and cancer.
- To expressions of the specific heat capacity of water in joules per gram or, kilogram , Notes and references Corona Australia or Corona Austria is a constellation.
- Average specific energy consumption is approximately 15±0.5 kilowatt-hours per, kilogram ,of aluminum produced (52 to 56 MJ/kg). The most modern smelters achieve
- Released in the fusion of deuterium and tritium to form He-4; this is per, kilogram ,of product produced. * 1 MeV: Or, about twice the rest mass-energy of an
- Atomic weight of (12 + 16 × 2 = 44 kg/MOL). The CO2 released to air for each, kilogram ,of incinerated coal is therefore: \franc \ \math rm \dot \franc = \franc \ \math rm
- The CGS system has been largely supplanted by the MKS system, based on meter, kilogram , and second. MKS was in turn extended and replaced by the International System
- Spin. Fundamental properties The invariant mass of an electron is approximately, kilogram , Astronomical measurements show that the proton-to-electron mass ratio has held
- To be 1 ampere (A). It is a base unit of the SI system, along with meter, kilogram , and second. The ampere is not dimensionally equivalent to any combination of
- Units in the metric system can be discerned by their prefixes (for example,1, kilogram ,1000 grams,1 milligram 0.001 grams) and are thus not listed in this article.
- As the world's former major producer Ontario Hydro. Current (2006) cost of a, kilogram ,of 99.98 % reactor-purity heavy water, is about $600 to $700. Smaller
- Own oxidant. For comparison, the energy density of TNT is 4.7 megajoules per, kilogram , and the energy density of gasoline is 47.2 megajoules per kilogram .
- Is also used for sculpture. Artist Elizabeth Thompson created a giant 200, kilogram , sculpture of a spider using Blu-Tack over a wire frame. It took 4000 packs and
- Prices plunged on the international market from a high of more than US$2.25 per, kilogram ,in the mid-1970s to less than US$0.45 per kilogram in the early 1990s. As a
- Its most stable isotope,astatine-210,has a half-life of 8.1 hours If a, kilogram ,of astatine-210 could ever be collected at a moment, less than 20 grams would
- The main diet types (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat),with a 2–4, kilogram , weight loss in all studies. The first popular diet was" Banting ", named after
- Extracting indium from their zinc tailing. In 2002,the price was US$94 per, kilogram , The recent changes in demand and supply have resulted in high and fluctuating
- Specific entropy may be expressed relative to a unit of mass, typically the, kilogram ,(unit:). Alternatively, in chemistry, it is also referred to one mole of
- And individual sensitivity and estimated to be about 150 to 200 milligrams per, kilogram ,of body mass, roughly 80 to 100 cups of coffee for an average adult taken
- Of more than US$2.25 per kilogram in the mid-1970s to less than US$0.45 per, kilogram ,in the early 1990s. As a result of the declining prices, coffee producers were
- Range. The dosages are specified in ratios of milligrams (of the drug) per, kilogram ,(of one's body mass). Doses are experimentally, not scientifically derived.
- Kgf) (sometimes kilo pond),is the force exerted by standard gravity on one, kilogram ,of mass. The kilogram -force leads to an alternate, but
- About a third of the total" mineral" mass remaining, is the approximately one, kilogram ,of calcium that composes the average skeleton (the remainder being mostly
- So Galileo and Apollo spacecrafts (e.g. Apollo 14) had heaters powered by, kilogram ,quantities of plutonium-238 oxide; this heat is also transformed into
- Of coal power plants is about 30 %, so of the 6.67 kW·h of energy per, kilogram ,of coal,30 % of that—2.0 kW·h/kg—can successfully be turned into electricity;
- Market for vacuum-cast beryllium ingots was about $338 per pound ($745 per, kilogram ,) in 2001. The chemical equation for the key reaction is as follows:: BeF2 + Mg
- Energy density of coal,i.e. its heating value, is roughly 24 megajoules per, kilogram , The energy density of coal can also be expressed in kilowatt-hours, the units
- Elementary entities (atoms, molecules or ions) as there are atoms in 0.012, kilogram , ( or 12 grams) of carbon-12,where the carbon-12 atoms are unbound, at rest
- Of two out of the three base units (centimeter versus meter and gram versus, kilogram , respectively),while the third unit (second as the unit of time) is the
- There are many units for mass density in use. The SI unit of, kilogram ,per cubic meter () and the CGS unit of gram per cubic centimeter () are
- The rest is waste heat. So coal power plants obtain approximately 2.0 kW·h per, kilogram ,of burned coal. As an example, running one 100-watt lightbulb for one year
- Properties of the chemical elements, including all chemical bonding. In a four, kilogram ,(~1 gallon) jug of water there are 4000 \ \box\, H_2 O \dot \franc \dot
- The category of Class 1. Energy content Gunpowder contains 3 megajoules per, kilogram , and contains its own oxidant. For comparison, the energy density of TNT is 4.7
- A carbon content of at least 70 %. Coal with a heating value of 6.67 kWh per, kilogram ,as quoted above has a carbon content of roughly 80 %, which is: \franc = \franc \
- Of samples; NG/L and NG/kg nanograms (10−9 g) per liter, and nanograms per, kilogram , respectively): Physical and chemical properties DMT is commonly handled and
- Which the bank manager of the country's accounts, Simon Kari, brought a 27, kilogram , suitcase with $3 million in plastic-wrapped cash to Riggs's Dupont Circle
- Producers seek relief from a relatively low official price of 25 empires per, kilogram ,of sugar by smuggling sugar across the borders to Nicaragua and El Salvador
- Of 1 gram of water by 1 °C. This is about 4.2 joules. * The large calorie, kilogram ,calorie, dietary calorie or food calorie (symbol: Cal) The gram calorie
- Early 2008,the wholesale price for abalone meat was approximately US$40.00 per, kilogram , There is an active trade in the shells, which sell for more than US$1,400 per
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