Examples of the the word, simultaneous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( simultaneous ), is the 8095 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Interference by concurrent parasitic infection Another hypothesis is that, simultaneous ,infection with parasites changes the immune response to BCG, making it less
  2. Teachers and students are frequently enacted asynchronously rather than in, simultaneous ,or face-to-face conversations (see synchronous communication). Originally
  3. Could be solved without the use of the intermediate output and input was two, simultaneous ,equations, a trivial problem. ) Intermediate results were binary, written onto
  4. Key. Berkeley DB is not a relational database. BDB can support thousands of, simultaneous ,threads of control or concurrent processes manipulating databases as large as
  5. Each channel (4 channels × 8-bits/channel = 32 bits commonly quoted) ***16, simultaneous , colors (4 bits) from palette per scan line (more than 16 colors can be
  6. SMAC supports play by email (" POEM" ) and TCP/IP mode featuring, simultaneous ,movement, and introduces direct player-to-player negotiation, allowing the
  7. Rolls as a single entity. * Diamond Aileron Roll: All 4 diamond jets perform, simultaneous ,aileron rolls. * Forts: Solos flying in carrier landing configuration with
  8. One hypothesis is that concurrent infection with various parasites produces a, simultaneous ,Th2-response which blunts the effect of BCG. #Exposure to Ultraviolet Light
  9. Software, or a LAN connecting multiple computers, could host multiple, simultaneous ,users. The first BBSes used Homebrew software, quite often written or
  10. Four daughter cells. There are two kinds of microsporogenesis: successive and, simultaneous ,(although intermediates exist). In successive microsporogenesis, walls are
  11. Times reported: Competitors As is sometimes common in scientific discoveries, simultaneous ,developments can occur, as evidenced by a number of inventors who were at work
  12. In monocots. It seems that when the Asparagus first diverged they developed, simultaneous ,microsporogenesis, which the 'lower' Asparagus families retain. However, the
  13. Supported matrices and matrix operations, useful for the solution of sets of, simultaneous ,linear algebraic equations. These dialects would support matrix operations such
  14. The emergence of strength and gymnastics champions joining the sport, and the, simultaneous ,popularization of muscle training, most of all by Charles Atlas, whose
  15. Eddington's observations were of poor quality, and he had unjustly discounted, simultaneous ,observations at Social, Brazil which appeared closer to the Newtonian model.
  16. Professional Chess Association (PCA). From then until 2006,there were two, simultaneous ,World Champions and World Championships: the PCA or Classical champion
  17. Remembered for its strong opposition to the rationalism of René Descartes and, simultaneous ,assertion that the main countervailing philosophy, empiricism,was also
  18. The ABC was designed for a specific purpose, the solution of systems of, simultaneous ,linear equations. It could handle systems with up to twenty-nine equations, a
  19. Are also known as operations master roles. Although domain controllers allow, simultaneous ,updates in multiple places, certain operations are supported only on a single
  20. Cyclotron at the University of California, Berkeley. Similar to the nearly, simultaneous ,discovery of americium (element 95) and curium (element 96) in 1944,the
  21. Have deep analogues in algebraic geometry over finite fields. Zeros of, simultaneous ,polynomials In classical algebraic geometry, the main objects of interest are
  22. Clock cycle, such as the UltraS PARC Technology. Another type of MT is known as, simultaneous ,multithreading, where instructions of multiple threads are executed in parallel
  23. Walls are laid down separating the daughter cells after each division. In, simultaneous ,microsporogenesis, there is no wall formation until all four cell nuclei are
  24. Species can operate the two sides of the spring independently, allowing the, simultaneous ,production of two different songs. Bond formation, the claiming and maintenance
  25. Seize Charleston, South Carolina, the leading port in the South, hoping for a, simultaneous ,rising in South Carolina. It seemed a cheap way of waging the war, but it failed
  26. Sheets that encrust over surfaces. Zoo ids of all the freshwater species are, simultaneous ,hermaphrodites. Although those of many marine species function first as males
  27. May be written with the" Velarized or pharyngealized" diacritic () as:. This, simultaneous ,articulation is described as" Retracted Tongue Root" by phonologists. In some
  28. To count the numbers of cattle in the Herd of the Sun by solving a number of, simultaneous ,Diophantine equations. There is a more difficult version of the problem in
  29. Those Greeks who chose to resist (the 'Allies' ) were defeated in the twin, simultaneous ,battles of Thermopylae on land and Artemis at sea. All of Greece except the
  30. The risk of hitting aircraft parked forward. The angled deck also allows, simultaneous ,launching and recovery of aircraft. The superstructure of a carrier (such as
  31. Attack which included the near annihilation of the total Soviet air force by, simultaneous ,attacks on airfields. On the ground, four giant panzer armies encircled
  32. Of Lagrange and Euler. Nineteenth and early 20th century It took the, simultaneous ,19th century developments of non-Euclidean geometry and Abelian integrals in
  33. Space programs of both the United States and the Soviet Union in the 1960s. The, simultaneous ,missions became one of the first instances of Soviet/American space cooperation
  34. By the Great Depression, for it was feared that the empire could not survive a, simultaneous ,attack by both nations. Although the issue of the empire's security was a
  35. As. Arabic has consonants traditionally termed" emphatic" (),which exhibit, simultaneous ,pharyngealization as well as varying degrees of velarization, so they may be
  36. Autumn of 1946. Overall the competition between the NFL and the AFC, and the, simultaneous ,raising of the NFL team roster limit from 28 to the prewar level of 33,caused
  37. Formation in stars Formation of the carbon atomic nucleus requires a nearly, simultaneous ,triple collision of alpha particles (helium nuclei) within the core of a
  38. Of total and background absorption, and correction for the latter, are strictly, simultaneous ,(in contrast to LS AAS),even the fastest changes of background absorption
  39. Abstraction operates in one of these opposing functions when it excludes the, simultaneous ,influence of the other functions and other irrelevancies, such as emotion.
  40. Missile. The weapons system based on Phoenix was the world's first to allow, simultaneous ,guidance of missiles against multiple targets. Both the missile and the
  41. Period of separation. During this period, Russell had passionate (and often, simultaneous ,) affairs with a number of women, including Lady Otto line Morrell and the
  42. Of O’Have and Hardly in the USA, who also developed the (up until now) only, simultaneous ,multi-element spectrometer for this technique. The break-through, however,came
  43. Has sharply declined. Characteristic techniques include suicide attacks and, simultaneous ,bombings of different targets. Activities ascribed to it may involve members of
  44. The black migration from the countryside to urban areas in the 1920s and the, simultaneous ,development of the recording industry. “ Blues” became a code word for a
  45. Basic concepts of algebra and geometry, and could solve simple sets of, simultaneous ,equations. Mathematical notation was decimal, and based on hieroglyphic signs
  46. 13th century, sedentary merchants depended on bookkeeping to oversee multiple, simultaneous ,transactions financed by bank loans. One important breakthrough took place
  47. Human symbol of existential anxiety and encompasses the creative person's, simultaneous ,fear of – and desire for – separation, individuation and differentiation. The
  48. Rejected the idea of the decisive battle in favor of several large scales and, simultaneous ,offensives. The Reichswehr and the Red Army collaborated in war games and tests
  49. Targets the Germans could reach, the ships of the 5th Battle Squadron received, simultaneous ,fire from Hipper's battlecruisers to the east (which HMS Bar ham and engaged)
  50. Through the desire to field the formidable QF 17 pounder anti-tank gun and, simultaneous ,lack of suitable tanks to carry it. As a result they were of a somewhat

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