Examples of the the word, sacramento , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sacramento ), is the 8097 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Drank deep of it, drank in the surrounding beauty. “ Es Como el Salado, sacramento , (This is like the Holy Sacrament. )” The valley and the river were then
  2. Two different types being known as the declarative which were the Lewis action, sacramento , ( which could be in rem or in personam),Lewis action per indices arbitrage
  3. Dignitate Morris (On the Nature and Dignity of Love) around the same time De, sacramento , altaris (On the Sacrament of the Altar) which is the earliest Cistercian text
  4. Supported Westphalia, and to this end wrote his Confession Fidel de Eucharistic, sacramento , ministrorum ecclesial Saxonicarum (Magdeburg,1557). At Cosmic he sought to
  5. Two others, De Antichrist and De mode existed corporal Christi in, sacramento , altaris, appeared in print centuries after his death. A treatise, Contra
  6. In Italy: for example" Ostia" is commonly modified in" asteria ". The word ", sacramento ," has also produced the verb" sacramental ", which colloquially means to use
  7. On Virginity); Exhortation Virginians (Exhortation to Virginity); DE, sacramento , regenerationis five de philosophic (On the Sacrament of Rebirth, or,On
  8. 2004 this event has changed to an annual" RIDE" which involves 4 stops from, sacramento , to the Bay Area. Traditionally, after Sac to the Bay, SBF hosts a party where
  9. It was probably at this time that Baldwin wrote one of his works, De, sacramento , altaris. In 1178, he was recommended to Pope Alexander as a possible candidate
  10. Wine into blood” ). In the MS. the first passage reads:“ I'd est, vere in, sacramento , subsistens” (“ That is, truly subsisting in the sacrament” ); and in the
  11. Di ditto canonical Dell Chaise Catholic Oriental (1993); *IL, sacramento , del matrimonial new Nova Ditto canonical Dell Chaise Oriental (1994); *IL
  12. Handbook modeled on Cicero's De Official. ) * De incarnations Dominican, sacramento , ( On the Sacrament of the Incarnation of the Lord) * Exposition evangelic
  13. Of the money to the poor. Writings and studies Baldwin wrote a work on the DE, sacramento , altaris, which is his longest work that survives. This work was on the
  14. While engaged in this work he published a treatise on penance, Doctrina de, sacramento , poenitentiae recite administration (St Basin,1778). His abbot, Gerbert had
  15. Impediment. Bibliography *Thomas Sanchez, Disputationes de anti matrimonial, sacramento , Philip Achilles is a British harmonica player who attended Solidly School, a
  16. In quarter Libras sententious, Lyons,1495. Theological writings * DE, sacramento , altaris and De corpora Christi, Strasbourg 1491,Venice 1516. Political
  17. Ever National" poetry slam" team from northern California with members -, sacramento , based jazz poet Mario Ellis Hill. chico's punk poet Matt Rouse, and bluesman
  18. Respondet ad convict J. Calvin (1556); Confession Fidel de Eucharistic, sacramento , in qua ministry ecclesial Saxon ... stunt corporal et sanguine D. n.
  19. Fathers, and in Mine, the words are,26:26,“ Hoc est corpus mum. I'd est, in,Sacramento,” (“ This is my body. That is, in the sacrament,” or the sacramental sign as
  20. VT: Medieval MS,2007. *Barrow, Julia. “ Tracts magister Petra Abelard de, sacramento , altaris. ” Tradition 40 (1985): 328–36. *Butler, E. M. General introduction
  21. In a performance of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Litanies de venerable altars, sacramento , with the Boston Symphony Orchestra under conductor Hugh Ross at the Tangle wood
  22. The only one which he himself edited, is the Disputations de anti matrimonial, sacramento , The first edition is said to have appeared at Genoa in 1602; but this can have
  23. Of 16th in the state of California (season in progress) and 1st in the, sacramento , valley league. The Marauder lacrosse team finished the season with a record of
  24. Adversus ones heretics" ( 7 vols., Naples,1619-39) *"Pro macro ordinal, sacramento , vindiciae Orthodox" ( Naples,1634; Cologne,1638) *"Apologetic us ad versus
  25. And Nun Dimitri),for 4vv,2 violins, and organ * Litanies de sanctissimo, sacramento , for 4vv,2 violins, and organ Other * Around 200 figured bass lessons, known
  26. As The Signature of All Things: On Method (2009). ISBN 978-1-890951-98-6 * IL, sacramento , del linguaggio. Archeological del Sacramento. Homo racer 2,3 (2008). Trans.
  27. Ed. Otto Fallen 1962,Vol. 78 * De spirit Sancho, De incarnations Dominican, sacramento , – ed. Otto Fallen 1964,Vol. 79 * Epistle et ACTA – ed. Otto Fallen (Vol.
  28. In Movie. The most significant include: Signora Ava (1942) and Le Terry del, sacramento , ( 1950). *Carlo Romeo (Guardialfiera,1755 - Naples, December 12, 1799)
  29. Wine into blood” ). In the MS. the first passage reads:“ I'd est, vere in, sacramento , subsistens” (“ That is, truly subsisting in the sacrament” ); and in the
  30. Fathers, and in Mine, the words are,26:26,“ Hoc est corpus mum. I'd est, in,Sacramento,” (“ This is my body. That is, in the sacrament,” or the sacramental sign as
  31. Contained in E. Renaudot's Genii patriarchal Constantinopolitani homicide de, sacramento , eucharistiae (Paris,1709). ----- * Bird stone (foaled May 16, 2001 in
  32. Are in use: in particular" Ostia" ( host) and (more so in the past) ", sacramento ," are relatively common expressions in the North/East, which are lighter (and
  33. Antonio del SS. Sacramento. Andrés de la Madre de Dios (d. 1674) wrote" DE, sacramento , ordinis et matrimonial" ( Salamanca,1668)," De censures "," De Justinian "

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