Examples of the the word, rogue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rogue ), is the 8114 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Who expects to die in the confrontation. Further, if the initial act is from a, rogue ,group instead of a sovereign nation, there is no fixed nation or fixed military
  2. 1930s,including two significant series in Weird Tales. One series concerns the, rogue ,and adventurer, Northwest Smith, and his wanderings through the Solar System;
  3. Could trigger a small-scale nuclear retaliation aimed at destroying the ", rogue ,state's" power centers. Second pillar: disarmament The NPT's preamble
  4. Later returned to the island to help restore peace between its government and a, rogue ,group of super-powered beings that had fled the island. The Kenosha government
  5. Been several reported detections of planetary-mass objects, sometimes called ", rogue ,planets," that do not orbit any parent body. Some of these may have once
  6. Folk began in New York City in the 1980s. Folk punk, known in its early days as, rogue ,folk, is a fusion of folk music and punk rock. It was pioneered by the
  7. Lee Jones played Harvey Dent as a Joker knock-off rather than a multi-layered, rogue , " Lee Termed called Batman Forever" unbearable ". Gene Sister and Roger
  8. That pit an early in his career version of Batman against his entire, rogue ,'s gallery (most notably Two-Face, whose origin was re-envisioned by Lobe)
  9. The Arian conflict as the exclusive construct of Arius and a handful of, rogue ,bishops engaging in heresy, other historians recognize Arius as providing a
  10. Mid-course Defense (GMD). It was planned to protect all 50 states from a, rogue ,missile attack. The Alaska site provides more protection against North Korean
  11. Including Xavier himself, should the need ever arise, such as if they went, rogue , Astonishing X-Men vol. 3,#12 (August 2005) reveals that when Xavier
  12. Ross Andre as artist shortly afterward, and with Wolfman introduced the likable, rogue ,the Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) in #194 (July 1979). As a love interest for
  13. Scientific research – or both – involving the police or a government agency, or, rogue , elements within them. Themes * Koontz employs serious themes about the
  14. Ed Breaker officially sidestepped the entire issue via a storyline where a, rogue ,group of S. H. I.e. L. D agents resurrect a zombified version of FM Manchu
  15. Ten robot judges, with disastrous results. *Inferno (frogs 842–853) Escaped, rogue ,Judges from Titan take over the city, forcing the Judges into exile in the
  16. Attack was sanctioned by Hitler, rather than the unauthorized action of a, rogue ,general. However, some documentary evidence of orders given by Stalin
  17. From the Organization of the Zodiac (more commonly referred to as OZ) to turn, rogue ,after the completion of the mobile suit prototype Tall geese. The story of
  18. Abuses and human rights violations on the part of both the armed groups and any, rogue ,security forces that might have links to the paramilitaries. In short, that the
  19. Vulnerability to rogue device drivers is probably harder than for arbitrary, rogue ,executables. Two techniques, used in VMS, that can help are memory mapping only
  20. Takes it. Then Scarlett meets Rhett Butler, a man who has a reputation as a, rogue , Rhett had been alone in the library where the dialogue between Scarlett and
  21. The source of modern Jihadi terrorism and the actions and words of some, rogue ,members, the Brotherhood now has little in common with radical Islamists and
  22. By a storyline, such as Series 8 being devoted to the Doctor battling a, rogue ,Time Lord called The Master, Series 16's quest for The Key to Time, Series 18
  23. Of independence. Magician realized that he could not immediately suppress the, rogue ,commander, and so, for the whole campaigning season of 287,campaigned against
  24. Brown suggests that Gorbachev's response this time was better, condemning the, rogue ,action, sending his condolences and suggesting that secession could take place
  25. Definitions, all planets must revolve around stars; thus, any potential ", rogue ,planets" are excluded. In the Solar System, all the planets orbit the Sun in
  26. Most prominently in certain visual jokes; for instance, when Ash traps his, rogue ,hand under a pile of books, on top is A Farewell to Arms (adding to the joke
  27. Ransom groups. Balls and Erna Chavez were taken by at least 40 Abu SAAF, rogue ’M. I. L. F. rebels and KFR elements when they raided Site Arc in Damian City
  28. Power Man and Iron Fist #79 and Avengers Annual #22. His enemies include the, rogue ,robots known as the Redox. There have also been many references to Doctor Who
  29. Need to set up default profiles for the new code. Eliminating vulnerability to, rogue ,device drivers is probably harder than for arbitrary rogue executables. Two
  30. For the past 15,000 years. Rogue waves In various oceans around the world, rogue ,waves have caused ships to sink and oil platforms to topple. These waves, until
  31. By linking the franchise with property qualifications. Though both ended up as, rogue ,governments and did not follow through on their constitutional promises, they
  32. To kill while they were both in their mother's womb, orders a group of, rogue ,Sentinels to destroy the independent mutant nation of Kenosha. Magneto, who is
  33. Website hosting the malware as well as the malware is generally temporary or, rogue ,Frequently changes and extends its functions * It is difficult for antivirus
  34. GMD system has the more limited goal of shielding against a limited attack by a, rogue ,state. US plans for Central European site During 1993,a symposium was held by
  35. There are traditional fantasy roles such as knight, barbarian,wizard, rogue , Valkyrie, priest,monk, and samurai, but there are also unusual ones
  36. Of a picaresque novel. As the plot unfolds, readers find that Candide is no, rogue , Cunégonde becomes ugly and Pan gloss is a stubborn fool. The characters of
  37. A reputation in many (and somewhat mysterious) ways. Kurtz seems to be a, rogue ,ivory collector," essentially a great musician ", journalist,skilled painter
  38. Mercenaries who don powered armor and fight various problems, most frequently, rogue ,boomers. Boomers are humanoid robots designed to perform a variety of tasks
  39. From Hell (BOTH),a fictional character created by Simon Travails, is a, rogue ,system administrator who takes out his anger on users (often referred to as
  40. A Zamboni, an apparent homage to Chuckles the clown being" shelled by a, rogue ,elephant" in a Mary Tyler Moore episode written by David Lloyd. Carla later
  41. Of the country's nuclear weapons in response to a non-conventional attack by ", rogue ,states ". In January 2006,President Jacques Chirac of France indicated that an
  42. Leading the clandestine organization S. P. H. I. N. X. as it targets ", rogue ,super villains" * Los Angeles based indie rock band Fat City Reprise's name is
  43. Have continued to demand this in the form of NATO expansion, the overthrow of, rogue ,states, the invasion of Iraq, and the War on Terror. The morally inferior
  44. The Miracle ", acting opposite Anna Magnate. To play the role of a vagabond, rogue ,mistaken by Magnate for a saint, Fellini had to bleach his black hair blond.
  45. Weapons to these states, a few of which are often described by the US as ", rogue ,states ". *Declared nuclear weapon states not party to the NPT:::: *Undeclared
  46. Expectations for a planet. Free-floating planets not orbiting a star may be, rogue ,planets ejected from their system, or objects that have formed through
  47. Cup. The following day the ship ran into a savage storm and was hit by several, rogue ,waves, with Nemesis (the winner of the 1876 AJC Metropolitan Handicap in
  48. Missile Defense to protect the United States from nuclear blackmail by a, rogue ,state. The withdrawal had many critics as well as supporters. John Rhinelander
  49. Of needing to defend against the possibility of a missile attack conducted by a, rogue ,state. The next day, Russian Federation promptly dropped the START II agreement
  50. The days Hoosier. Then, do you remember" Baron" Altar? There was a pretty, rogue ,for you! He eluded the clutches of half the police in Europe. But we nailed him

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