Examples of the the word, mastery , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mastery ), is the 8116 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Young musicians of the time, responded positively to Wagner's sensuousness, mastery ,of form, and striking harmonies. Wagner's extroverted emotionalism was not to
  2. S book Outliers popularized a great deal of research into geniuses and, mastery , Gladwell mentions the work of psychologist Andes Ericsson, who is an expert
  3. And avoid situations where their abilities are exposed. Research has found that, mastery ,goals are associated with many positive outcomes such as persistence in the
  4. And poet, earned Baudelaire's respect for his perfection of form and his, mastery ,of language, though Baudelaire thought he lacked deeper emotion and
  5. The cradle of the Persian literary renaissance lay also in Eastern Iran. The, mastery ,of the newer speech having now been transformed from Middle-into New Persian
  6. Years and long-term retention is strongly dependent on the initial level of, mastery , One study found that university students who took a child development course
  7. Himself as" bilingual" ( meaning that the sum total of the varying degrees of, mastery ,of all the languages that he's studied comes to 3.14159 ...),as well as an "
  8. Of algebraic topology, all in an integrated way. He is also noted for his, mastery ,of abstract approaches to mathematics and his perfectionism in matters of
  9. Claimed that the poet had" great genius" and asserted that his" technical, mastery ,which can hardly be overpraised ... has made his verse an inexhaustible study
  10. MPA which has its main social roots exactly in those social segments where the, mastery ,of Portuguese as well as the proportion of native Portuguese speakers was
  11. Richer). According to Ericsson, mentors play an important role in attaining, mastery , Only so much can be taught, however,since many of a genius' skills may be
  12. To the Tang Dynasty Chinese court. In a space of few years, the Uyghurs gained, mastery ,of Inner Asia and established the Uyghur Khanate. Custom and culture;
  13. Showbiz insider who punctured himself before an audience by disassembling his, mastery ,of comedic stagecraft, influenced other '70s post-modern comedians, including
  14. Is cast in the form of a chronicle studying the stages of the hero’s growing, mastery ,and maturity. " The master-pupil relationship in the films of the postwar
  15. Is what closes on Saturday night. " Much of Kaufman's fame occurred due to his, mastery ,of sharp lines such as these, generally referred to in the press as" wise
  16. Album ever made! " The result was Pet Sounds (1966),where Wilson's growing, mastery ,of studio recording and his increasingly sophisticated songs and complex
  17. Of the universe. He is a brilliant, ruthless scientist who has demonstrated, mastery ,of robotics, mechatronics,metallurgy, chemistry,artificial intelligence
  18. Form was ideal for him at this stage of his career, when his comprehensive, mastery ,of orchestration was still in contrast to his tendency to write his melodies in
  19. Engenders. " Skill and craft Art can connote a sense of trained ability or, mastery ,of a medium. Art can also simply refer to the developed and efficient use of a
  20. Part of Chicago in their districts. Former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley's, mastery ,of machine politics preserved the Chicago Democratic Machine long after the
  21. 1890s were for many years little known (and performances remain rare),the, mastery ,of his first great success, the Enigma Variations, appeared to be a sudden
  22. Was arguably able to encompass much of the modern day ASEAN due to its unique, mastery ,of bronze-smithing and use of a central arsenal) fed by many
  23. Of Gibraltar since controlling both Gibraltar and Malta meant the effective, mastery ,of the Mediterranean Sea by the Royal Navy. * 1802 - Several mutinies among
  24. Wouldn't It Be Nice" and" God Only Knows ", showcased Wilson's growing, mastery ,as a composer, arranger,and producer, Its failure to gain wider recognition
  25. Which sang badly. Elgar was deeply depressed, but the critics recognized the, mastery ,of the piece despite the defects in performance. Richard Strauss, then widely
  26. Greek word" techno" is often mistranslated as" art," it actually implies, mastery ,of any sort of craft. The Latin-derived form of the word is" technics ", from
  27. Enfolding the philosophy of religion and moral implications of human, mastery ,of genetic engineering in the context of classical Greek drama and hubris. It
  28. Regensburg, and is inclined to give him the palm for the devout and ingenuous, mastery ,of his style. Certainly this impression is fully borne out by the beautiful and
  29. Out of print. Dickens' work has been highly praised for its realism, comedy, mastery , of prose, unique personalities and concern for social reform by writers such as
  30. And generations. Traditionally, the term art was used to refer to any skill or, mastery , This conception changed during the Romantic period, when art came to be seen
  31. Which Rodin had observed at the Louvre. Attempting to combine Michelangelo's, mastery ,of the human form with his own sense of human nature, Rodin studied his model
  32. Were called master craftsmen. Before a new employee could rise to the level of, mastery , he had to go through a schooling period during which he was first called an
  33. Documents by written, practical and/or computer based testing, illustrating a, mastery ,of knowledge and skills that define a particular area of medical specialization
  34. Learners' goals affect the way they engage with academic tasks. Those who have, mastery ,goals strive to increase their ability and knowledge. Those who have
  35. Rockets Avis, the critic Erik BGH admired Ibsen's originality and technical, mastery ,:" Not a single declamatory phrase, no high dramatics, no drop of blood, not
  36. Of the third law. As leaving a contradictory impression," suggesting at once, mastery ,over a landscape and the insignificance of the individual within it. We see no
  37. g. Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking). Research into what causes genius and, mastery ,is still in its early stages, but psychology already offers relevant insights.
  38. Created by Benjamin Bloom and colleagues. Discovered that a combination of, mastery ,learning with one-to-one tutoring is highly effective, producing learning
  39. And Palestine, Anushtakin Al-Jazari, in 1029. This victory gave the latter, mastery ,over Syria, displeasing his Fatimid overlords, but gaining the admiration of
  40. Based on modern learning theories that test individual learning, and teach to, mastery ,of a subject have been proved by the Kentucky Education Reform Act (ERA) to
  41. To Alfred Worker, directed in large part by Mann, demonstrates their technical, mastery ,and exemplifies the late 1940s trend of" police procedural" crime dramas. Put
  42. Even visit his principality. Although, the young prince's troops could get the, mastery ,in 1189 when the boars of Hatch rose against his rule, but shortly afterwards
  43. Even as a child, he was noted for his devotion to learning and for his, mastery ,of many kinds of artistic craftsmanship. With his parent's consent he was
  44. Kaufman was more than a writer of gags. He created scripts that revealed a, mastery ,of dramatic structure; his characters were likable and theatrically credible.
  45. Portuguese is the official language of the country. However, in Angola the, mastery ,of the official language is probably more extended than elsewhere in Africa
  46. Life because it involves an apprenticeship in self- mastery . By attaining, mastery ,over one's passions, reason,will and desire can harmoniously work together to
  47. Paul's own temporal imprisonment and Philemon's temporal freedom (and, mastery ,over Onesies),balanced by the inversion of that relationship in what Paul
  48. Re-enacts being a person without guilt feelings '. Defenses 'The, mastery ,of guilt feelings may become the all-consuming task of a person's whole life
  49. When Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, it was for" his, mastery ,of the art of narrative, most recently demonstrated in The Old Man and the Sea
  50. The first to use a ratio scale. His later work was on programmed instruction, mastery ,learning and computer-based learning: John Dewey (1859-1952) had a major

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