Examples of the the word, coloring , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coloring ), is the 8113 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Employees: a Bowman who guards the chips, supervises the dealers and handles ", coloring ,out" players (exchanging small chip denominations for larger denominations in
  2. Scheele's Green, a copper Senate, was used in the 19th century as a, coloring ,agent in sweets. *Up to 2 % of arsenic is used in lead alloys for lead shots
  3. Extreme caution should be taken with sodium nitrite which is mainly used a food, coloring ,agent. Sodium nitrite is added to meats to produce an appealing and fresh red
  4. If the configuration is removed and the remaining graph four-colored, then the, coloring ,can be modified in such a way that when the configuration is re-added, the
  5. And phthalocyanine). Unfortunately, many manufacturers have added additional, coloring ,to disguise their unstable cyanine CD-Rs in the past, so the formulation of a
  6. Of pasanda-style curries. Adam Alva is a sweet made from almonds with added, coloring , Almond flakes are added to many sweets (such as shan barf),and are
  7. Versus seeing other animals. The classic example involves placing a spot of, coloring ,on the skin or fur near the individual's forehead and seeing if they attempt
  8. Additives that increase the bulk of food without affecting its taste.; Food, coloring ,: Coloring are added to food to replace colors lost during preparation, or to
  9. And the string is given as input to a computer. The computer program finds a, coloring ,of the graph, encodes the coloring as a string, and outputs the result.;
  10. Hours to apply. DeVito had to put a combination of mouthwash and red/green food, coloring ,in his mouth" to create a grotesque texture of some weird ooze. " More than 60
  11. For example: Graph coloring Many problems have to do with various ways of, coloring ,graphs, for example: * The Heidegger conjecture (graph theory) (unsolved).
  12. That the top of a map should point north, but this might not be the case. Map, coloring ,is also very important. How the cartographer displays the data in different
  13. With subsequent addition of alcohol (usually vodka or grain alcohol),sugar, coloring ,and flavoring. Such drinks are legally classified as beers in virtually all
  14. Of the ring; any coloring that can be extended without modification to a, coloring ,of the configuration is called initially good. For example, the single-vertex
  15. Solvent dyes, for wood staining and producing colored lacquers, solvent inks, coloring ,oils, waxes. * Carbine dyes, a recently developed method for coloring multiple
  16. Lead the way in producing breakthrough titles, including the first interactive, coloring ,book, Sesame Street Disc and children's programs, Groliers and Comp toms
  17. Faces. These could double as a ten-sided die by ignoring the distinguishing, coloring , Application in divination Dice can be used for divination; using dice for such
  18. Depending on the particular nearby consonants. In most MSA accents, emphatic, coloring , of vowels is limited to vowels immediately adjacent to a triggering consonant
  19. As he was usually covered in fake blood made from a mixture of corn syrup, food, coloring , and non-dairy coffee creamer. Joel Coen served as an assistant editor on the
  20. Following example. An example Consider the computational problem of finding a, coloring ,of a given graph G. Different fields might take the following approaches:;
  21. Also requires six colors (Weinstein). There is no obvious extension of the, coloring ,result to three-dimensional solid regions. By using a set of n flexible rods
  22. There is still water passing through the semipermeable membrane. So if food, coloring ,is put in system A, eventually it would be of equal color to system B.
  23. And maximum falsifiability problem. Many other decision problems, such as graph, coloring ,problems, planning problems, and scheduling problems, can be easily encoded
  24. Learned perspective from the younger artist, while Raphael added skills in, coloring ,and handling of drapery, which was noticeable in the works he produced after
  25. Breeders may also breed a piebald dapple brindle; and although dogs with this, coloring ,are increasingly popular due to their unique markings, they are not considered
  26. The surrounding graph must be systematically recolored to turn the ring's, coloring ,into a good one, as was done in the case above where there were 4 neighbors;
  27. Inks, coloring oils, waxes. * Carbine dyes, a recently developed method for, coloring ,multiple substrates * Contrast dyes, injected for magnetic resonance imaging
  28. Tutti–Counter graph (Tutti eight cage) has a girth of 8 Girth and graph, coloring ,For any positive integers and, there exists a graph with girth at least and
  29. Eyes, partially blue eyes, or a blue eye and a brown eye are called" wall ", coloring , and are considered a non-desirable trait in kennel club standards. Dappled
  30. Then seen a live specimen. A walghvogel described as having a" dirty off-white, coloring ," was mentioned in an inventory of specimens in the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf
  31. Is colorable using four colors or fewer, so is the original graph since the same, coloring ,is valid if edges are removed. So it suffices to prove the four color theorem
  32. Or Mughal ai curries. Adam Alva is a sweet made from almonds with added, coloring , Almond flakes are added to many sweets (such as shan barf),and are
  33. And used in embroidery. *Gold produces a deep, intense red color when used as a, coloring ,agent in cranberry glass. *In photography, gold toners are used to shift the
  34. Cases above, one may enumerate all distinct four- coloring s of the ring; any, coloring ,that can be extended without modification to a coloring of the configuration is
  35. Use for pure carbon monoxide is purifying nickel in the MOND process. Meat, coloring ,Carbon monoxide is used in modified atmosphere packaging systems in the US
  36. Of graphs are determined by their point-deleted subgraphs, for example: Graph, coloring ,Many problems have to do with various ways of coloring graphs, for example: *
  37. Of a coloring must be small and which therefore requires at least colors in any, coloring , Related concepts The odd girth and even girth of a graph are the lengths of a
  38. Include limestone, hydrated lime, air entrainers, retarders,waterproofed and, coloring ,agents. They are formulated to yield workable mortars that allow rapid and
  39. Then the whole graph is also k-colorable. One can also consider the, coloring ,problem on surfaces other than the plane (Weinstein). The problem on the
  40. Were abandoned well before the 17th century. Similarities in pottery, coloring ,and burials suggest the following scenario for the emergence of the distinctive
  41. That also belongs to Arizona and Colorado, are not. Despite the motivation from, coloring ,political maps of countries, the theorem is not of particular interest to
  42. Analogs of concepts and methods in topology are used to study graph, coloring , fair division, partitions,partially ordered sets, decision trees, necklace
  43. Combination tiles are slightly different in Pie Go and Then Go. Using the same, coloring ,scheme of the traditional Chinese dice, every half-domino with 1 or 4 spots has
  44. Pigments produced by algae can be used as an alternative to chemical dyes and, coloring ,agents. Stabilizing substances Cartagena, from the red alga Chorus Crispus
  45. To a computer. The computer program finds a coloring of the graph, encodes the, coloring ,as a string, and outputs the result.; Parallel algorithms *Again, the graph G
  46. Has three classes of symmetry, which can be represented by vertex-transitive, coloring ,the faces. The highest octahedral symmetry Oh has all the faces the same color.
  47. And birds, appear green because of a mixture of layers of blue and green, coloring ,on their skin. By far the largest contributor to green in nature is chlorophyll
  48. Leaves a smaller graph with girth greater than in which each color class of a, coloring ,must be small and which therefore requires at least colors in any coloring .
  49. The earlier work of Kolmogorov. Chaitin is also the originator of using graph, coloring ,to do register allocation in compiling, a process known as Chaitin's algorithm
  50. Of tie-in merchandise hit store shelves, particularly toys. Several, coloring ,books and jigsaw puzzles were released, as was a fairly long-running comic book

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