Examples of the the word, captive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( captive ), is the 8104 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. However, suspecting that the Baron has already killed Wanna, Yueh provides the, captive ,Let with a fake tooth filled with poisonous gas as a means to kill the Baron (
  2. 140 animals left in the wild - spread across four isolated populations. Whilst, captive ,breeding programs can be viewed as having been successful in ensuring
  3. After Cyrus had conquered Babylon and issued a decree in 538 BCE allowing the, captive ,Jews to return to Judea. Cyrus saw the restoration of the temple as necessary
  4. Angelo Alderman were the latest of its kidnap victims. The journalists held, captive ,were: GMA-7 television reporter Susan Enriquez (April 2000,Basil an, a few
  5. Green Goblin discovers Spider-Man's secret identity and reveals his own to the, captive ,hero. Romita's Spider-Man – more muscular and heroic-looking than Ditko's –
  6. They can distinguish between prey and non-prey (such as humans or boats);, captive ,Odontoceti can be trained to distinguish between, for example, balls of
  7. Hedge fund formation and investment, structured finance and securitization, captive ,insurance, and general corporate activities. " Regulation and supervision of
  8. Are no verified accounts of his ever having murdered or harmed those he held, captive , Teach may also have used other aliases; on 30 November, the Montserrat Merchant
  9. Solutions also known as Alternative Risk Transfer (ART). ART includes, captive ,insurances, Finite Risk insurance and insurance securitization such as Cat
  10. Was to allow those peoples exiled by the Babylonians (the Jews, among other, captive ,peoples) to return to their respective homes. The Jews, or at least some of
  11. Proboscis monkeys and baboons have been observed wading bipedally. Three, captive ,primates, one macaque Natasha and two chimps, Oliver and Polo (chimpanzee)
  12. Aeronautical. In some versions of the myth, Achilles has a relationship with his, captive ,Crisis. Achilles in Greek tragedy The Greek tragedian Aeschylus wrote a
  13. Commission. While at one time the BVI was well regarded as a good domicile for, captive ,insurance services, this changed beginning in recent years with the change of
  14. Opinion of scientists today is that the old European drawings showed overfed, captive ,specimens. A 17th century painting attributed to the Mughal artist USTA Manner
  15. Century BCE) Assyria often opposed Israel and eventually took the Israelites, captive ,in 722-721 BCE (see History of ancient Israel and Judah). The Assyrian
  16. The fly back transformer and rectifier circuitry into a single unit with a, captive ,output lead, ( known as a diode split line output transformer),so that all
  17. Soviet civilians and several thousand Soviet soldiers the Germans had taken, captive ,during the battle. Not all the 6th Army was trapped; 50,000 soldiers were
  18. By passing laws that preserve and restore bird habitat or by establishing, captive ,populations for reintroductions. Such projects have produced some successes;
  19. Wild specimen was killed in Okeechobee County, Florida,in 1904,and the last, captive ,bird died at the Cincinnati Zoo on February 21, 1918. This was the male
  20. He flew above Mexican mountains. He landed on a road as directed, and was held, captive ,for several hours under armed guard. He eventually was released with a" Burns
  21. That by c.1770,the King of Dahomey earned around £250,000 per year by selling, captive ,Africans to the European slave traders. He spent most of the money on
  22. Later created the Order of Dozen. From 1233 to 1239,Christian was held, captive ,by pagan Prussians, and freed in trade for five other hostages who then in turn
  23. On 18 June 1651,where the Tatars betrayed him again and even held the hetman, captive , The result was a crushing defeat for the Cossacks and a high number of
  24. Known as the Devshirme (translated" gathering" or" converting" ). The, captive ,children were persuaded to convert to Islam. The Sultans had the young boys
  25. Hannah, Mishael, and Pariah. These four young Hebrew men were taken, captive ,in one of the Babylonian raids against Judah in 605 BC. They were placed in
  26. Rahim Ghafoorzai. According to Human Rights Watch, in late May 1997,some 3,000, captive , Taliban soldiers were summarily executed in and around Mazar-i-Sharif by Dos tum
  27. Human rights organizations have noted problems with the treatment of, captive ,non-combatants by both sides and the re-emergence of child slavery among
  28. Likewise, Roger Cohen, in an op-Ed for the New York Times propounded that,", captive ,minds ... resort to conspiracy theory because it is the ultimate refuge of the
  29. Collapsing and Deign has shifted her attention and loyalty to saving the, captive ,Salt. In the end, he stays with the broken-down Comet in the middle of the
  30. Upgraded it. Colossus is especially offended by this because he had been held, captive ,and experimented upon by Danger's ally, Ord of the Break world. Ashamed, Xavier
  31. One at a coconut plantation called Golden Harvest; they took about 15 people, captive ,there and later used solo knives to hack the heads off two men. The number of
  32. Were the Mameluke of Egypt in the Middle Ages. The Mameluke were usually, captive ,non-Muslim Iranian and Turkish children who had been kidnapped or bought as
  33. As high as 30,000 – 15,000 dead and wounded with an additional 15,000 taken, captive , Trevelyan estimates Villeroy’s casualties at 13,000,but adds, ‘ his losses by
  34. 3) Through direct sampling, estimate the genetic diversity of the, captive ,bongo population and calculate its relatedness with the remaining isolated wild
  35. Were spent in alternate pleasure and military service. In 1141, he was taken, captive ,by the Seljuk Turks and remained in their hands for a year. On being ransomed
  36. Battle, their king slain by Albion, and Cunimund's daughter Rosamond taken, captive , according to references in the Orig. The full destruction of the Tepid
  37. Subtotal and the thief Valeria set out on a quest to rescue a princess held, captive ,by Tulsa Doom. The film was directed by John Milieus and produced by Dino De
  38. Al-Andalus as well. Ancestry Abdel-Rahman III's mother Luna was a Christian, captive , possibly from the Pyrenean region. His paternal grandmother Connect Fortune
  39. And blood-lettings that the dead could not be numbered. A, for they took, captive ,the churches and monasteries and slew the monks and maidens in great numbers. (
  40. Constantine; Constantine returned to Comedian from the Danube with a Sarmatian, captive ,to drop at Galleries' feet. It is uncertain how much these tales can be trusted
  41. The raiders succeeded in sacking the city. Ælfheah was taken prisoner and held, captive ,for seven months. God wine (Bishop of Rochester),Learn (abbess of St
  42. After 1950,executions from 1939 to 1953,the vast deportation of the people of, captive ,nations into the camps and their deaths 1939–1953,the massive deportation
  43. Occupied ATT and Risk Islands in the western Aleutians, and later transported, captive ,ATT Islanders to Hokkaido, where they were held as prisoners of war. Hundreds
  44. All the members of the upper classes and many of the ordinary people were taken, captive ,and carried off to live as prisoners of war. Interpretation and Context: Hosea
  45. On Coast to Coast AM again a few days later to announce that there was no, captive ,Bigfoot. Discard blamed an unnamed woman for misleading him, and the show's
  46. To many prisoners of war from the Napoleonic Wars which formed a, captive ,workforce. Before this, what is now the town center was almost entirely tidal
  47. Bavaria-Munich. The year before, Nicholas had chivalrously taken Christopher, captive ,as he bathed before a tournament in Munich. Although Christopher renounced his
  48. There are no known accounts of his ever having harmed or murdered those he held, captive , He was romanticized after his death, and became the inspiration for a number
  49. It will eventually become extinct in the wild. The existence of a healthy, captive ,population of this subspecies offers the potential for its reintroduction. The
  50. Troops quickly defeated them and took the Pizarro brothers Hernando and Gonzalo, captive , After occupying Cuzco, Almagro confronted an army sent by Francisco Pizarro to

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