Examples of the the word, lawmaker , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lawmaker ), is the 8098 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the same ease as a woman. As a result of the lawsuit, a California state, lawmaker ,introduced a bill to put a space on the marriage license for either spouse to
  2. Were nonbinding, meaning the Cabinet does not have to abide by them. Kuwaiti, lawmaker ,Abdulhamid voted in favor of cutting diplomatic ties, saying," We have to cut
  3. And in the U. S. House of Representatives by Jim Leach (R-Iowa). The third, lawmaker ,associated with the bill was Rep. Thomas J. Bailey, Jr. (R-Virginia)
  4. On defining modern storage technologies *Toronto Fernández-Miranda, key, lawmaker , during the Spanish transition to democracy *Ángel González, major Spanish poet
  5. United States Attorney *Hays B. White (1855–1930) Kansas state politician and, lawmaker ,1888–1918 then 5 terms US Representative 1919–1929 *Robert Williamson Steele
  6. Who received government contracts or other benefits with his help," the, lawmaker ,who is in charge of $800 billion a year, writes " preferences he wrote into law
  7. Constitution, Diet members are paid about ¥1.3 million a month in salary. Each, lawmaker ,is entitled to employ three secretaries with taxpayer funds, free train tickets
  8. Due to its derivation from the father of democracy, Solon,the famous Athenian, lawmaker ,of Ancient Greece. The early settlers faced challenges common to pioneers, but
  9. Like ours cannot afford to throw itself open to the world where every man is a, lawmaker , every dull-witted or fanatical immigrant admitted to our citizenship is a bane
  10. The 2000 census. History Solon is named for the classical Athenian statesman, lawmaker , and lyric poet Solon. Ironically, the local high school's mascot is the
  11. Officer and paymaster in the Imperial Japanese Navy. " As a freshman, lawmaker ,in 1951,he delivered a 28-page letter to General MacArthur criticizing the
  12. 1986) * August 31 – Augustus F. Hawkins, American politician and civil rights, lawmaker ,(d. 2007) September–October * September 3 – Loren Gisela, American author (
  13. The act is better known as the Mann Act, after James Robert Mann, an American, lawmaker , Chinese immigrants in the U. S. were singled out as white slavers, although
  14. Nations involved in difficult long-standing historical disputes. ” Australian, lawmaker ,Michael Darby also criticized Coach’s tactics stating that“ Israelis and
  15. Resentful about the abuses which they themselves have observed. " As a freshman, lawmaker ,in 1973,Helms tried to reverse the 1968 congressional vote which had permitted
  16. Was outraged. Meanwhile, the studio received stern warnings from U. S., lawmaker ,Martin Dies about defaming a" friendly country. " Initially, the studio bowed
  17. Republican presidential nominee John McCain said," Kennedy is a legendary, lawmaker ,and I have the highest respect for him. When we have worked together, he has
  18. Republican House manager, had an affair while married; Barr had been the first, lawmaker ,in either chamber to call for Clinton's resignation due to the Lewinsky affair
  19. Norwegian Lutheran missionary (d. 1758) *1752 – Governor Morris, American, lawmaker , and diplomat (d. 1816) *1759 – François Detainee, French composer (d. 1803)
  20. Green Level. Colonel Charles Lynch was a planter and distinguished himself as a, lawmaker ,and soldier during the turbulent times of the American Revolution era. The term
  21. Africa) (approximate date). Significant people * 638 BC—Birth of Solon, lawmaker ,of Athens (approximate date) * 635 BC—Birth of Thales, Greek philosopher (d.
  22. Aggressive history regarding the king. Balfour-Melville views James as a, lawmaker ,and a 'reformer' whose legislation was aimed at not only increasing the
  23. End to the shortage of fuel in its power stations. " On April 25, 2007,Kuwaiti, lawmaker ,Sale As hour called in a statement for reopening Kuwait's embassy in Baghdad
  24. With Iraq in the Persian Gulf. Middle East Iran On July 13, 2008,Kuwaiti, lawmaker ,Qassem Al-Farabi publicly accused the West of" provoking" Iran on the
  25. German jurist (d. 1854) * November 29 – Andrés Hello, Venezuelan poet, lawmaker , teacher, philosopher and sociologist (d. 1865) * November 30 – Alexander
  26. Loans," al-Omari has been quoted as saying. On November 8,2008,Kuwaiti, lawmaker ,Ampulla proposed that Kuwait allow Iraq to back pay its debt to Kuwait in
  27. Of 1,108,as of the 2000 census. The name of the town comes from the Greek, lawmaker ,Solon. The Town of Solon is in the center of the county, east of the City of
  28. On June 27th 2011,both countries re-exchanged Ambassadors. Iraq Kuwaiti, lawmaker ,al-Omari opposes forgiving Iraq's debt. The debt, estimated at $16 billion
  29. Philippe Wiki, and Brigadier General (Acid) Ahmad Would Bar. Mauritanian, lawmaker , Mohammed Al Mokhtar, announced that" many of the country's people were
  30. Chronicler, essayist,biographer and researcher. *Andrés Hello, humanist,poet, lawmaker , philosopher, educator and philologist. * (1927–1991),psychiatrist, writer
  31. Catholic schools allowed him an opportunity to compare all three systems as a, lawmaker , Davis was nicknamed Gray by his mother. His father, Joseph Graham Davis, Sr.
  32. Direction thereafter. This stretch of road, called " a deathtrap" by one, lawmaker , has become notorious for traffic accidents, many with fatalities. In 2007,ten
  33. Spoke for civil rights legislation, opposed abortion, and was the first, lawmaker ,to popularize enterprise zones, During his career, he sometimes sounded like a
  34. A sacral institution combining the functions of military leader, high priest, lawmaker ,and judge. Germanic monarchy was elective; the king was elected by the free men
  35. Election,OSCE's ODI HR was accused of double standards by Russia's, lawmaker ,Slut sky. The point was made that while numerous violations of the voting
  36. Supporters to distance themselves from him. Controversial Dutch anti-Islam, lawmaker ,Gee rt Wilder's, who has often been accused of being far-right, has also
  37. With the task of governing. For example, the Wall Street Journal reported, lawmaker ,trips abroad at taxpayer expense, which included spas,$300-per-night extra
  38. Philippe Wiki, and Brigadier General (Acid) Ahmad Would Bar. Mauritanian, lawmaker , Mohammed Al Mokhtar, announced that" many of the country's people were
  39. Castle. Solon (ancient Greek:, c. 638 BC – 558 BC) was an Athenian statesman, lawmaker , and poet. He is remembered particularly for his efforts to legislate against
  40. Irish mathematician (b. 1805) * October 16 – Andrés Hello, Venezuelan poet, lawmaker , teacher, philosopher and sociologist (b. 1781) * October 18 – Henry John
  41. Austrian ballet dancer (b. 1724) *1865 – Andrés Hello, Venezuelan poet, lawmaker , philosopher, and sociologist (b. 1781) *1877 – Theodore Barrier, French
  42. Crete and judge of the final vote ** Rhadamanthys (Ῥαδάμανθυς),former mortal, lawmaker ,and judge of the men of Asia * Keuthonymos (Κευθόνυμος),an Underworld spirit
  43. 2008,added its voice to the growing criticism of the film 'Fiona' by Dutch, lawmaker ,Gee rt Wilder's, which features disturbing images of violent acts juxtaposed with
  44. Leader and politician (b. 1726) *1816 – Governor Morris, American, lawmaker , and diplomat (b. 1752) *1822 – Claude Louis Berthollet, French chemist (b.
  45. Was Depiction, whose family boasted of a relationship with the famous Athenian, lawmaker ,and lyric poet Solon. Depiction was sister of Charm ides and niece of Critics
  46. In the middle of the Mohawk Valley. ". Senator Roscoe Conking, a leading GOP, lawmaker ,of the Stalwart political faction, resided in the city at this time, and
  47. Forgiveness was also found in Ancient Athens, where in the 6th century BCE,the, lawmaker ,Solon instituted a set of laws called seisachtheia, which canceled all debts
  48. As did a group of about 100 Arab-Israeli writers and clerics in 2003. Arab, lawmaker ,Mohammed Brake plans to attend a Holocaust memorial ceremony at Auschwitz
  49. 2009. The CCT is currently scheduled to open in 2016. In 2005,a Maryland, lawmaker ,proposed a light rail system to connect areas of Southern Maryland, especially
  50. b. 1925) ** Augustus F. Hawkins, American politician and civil rights, lawmaker ,(b. 1907) * November 11 – Delbert Mann, American film and television director

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