Examples of the the word, wherein , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wherein ), is the 8110 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To perform the bold enter-and-blend movements that underlie aikido techniques, wherein ,an attack is met with confidence and directness. Morita Yeshiva once remarked
  2. Of the city The urban plan of Amelia Capitoline was that of a typical Roman town, wherein ,main thoroughfares crisscrossed the urban grid lengthwise and widthwise. The
  3. The Peninsula. The first assembly of the estates-general convened at Lam ego (, wherein ,he would have been given the crown from the Archbishop of Bragg, to confirm his
  4. Additionally, PWM (pulse-width modulation) anemometers are also used, wherein ,the velocity is inferred by the time length of a repeating pulse of current
  5. Elected to the office of censor. Julius Caesar had been granted similar powers, wherein ,he was charged with supervising the morals of the state, however this position
  6. Time, Niels Bohr stepped into the fray and introduced a new model of the atom, wherein ,electrons orbited the nucleus with classical periods, but were only permitted
  7. And perished in a night. And should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein ,are more than six score a thousand persons that cannot discern between their right
  8. In a country that has been isolated from the rest of the world for centuries, wherein ,all the inhabitants are blind even as their ancestors had been. These people
  9. The stream was temporarily turned aside from its course while the grave was dug, wherein ,the Gothic chief and some of his most precious spoils were interred. When the
  10. An idea in the Book of Revelation (3:12 and 21:2) describing a Second Coming, wherein ,Jesus establishes a new Jerusalem. The Christian church in general, and the
  11. He regularly made guest appearances on other programs, including The Love Boat, wherein ,a Midwestern wife (Marion Ross) fears Andy Warhol will reveal to her husband
  12. Organizations (labor unions, communes,voluntary socialist associations, wherein ,the product of the labor and of the capital goods of those who join which they
  13. Used to give a different context to the world itself, such as" PIN" (, wherein ,if the abbreviation were removed the context would be invalid). History
  14. Then expected. In the case of aphotic polar solvents (like DSO and DMF), wherein , the extent of solvation is not as high as in erotic polar solvents (like water
  15. Then make a" plea in mitigation" ( also called" submissions on penalty" ), wherein ,he or she will attempt to mitigate the relative seriousness of the offense and
  16. Large; then it can donate a second proton to form the sulfate anion (SO42-), wherein , the Ka2 is intermediate strength. The large Ka1 for the first dissociation
  17. Richard Francis Burton theorized that there is a geographical Static zone, wherein ,penetrative intercourse between men is particularly prevalent and accepted;
  18. mind's concept of the self as a whole entity — including both mind and body —, wherein ,the being is in the mind, and the" body" is all sensory aspects within the
  19. Attack on another's person, as demonstrated in Atkinson v. HM Advocate, wherein ,the accused was found guilty of assaulting a shop assistant by simply jumping
  20. Of speaking in clear, modulated tones directly into his mother's forehead, wherein ,she would hear him with reasonable clarity. Bell's preoccupation with his
  21. The Amber multiverse consists of Amber, a city at one pole of the universe, wherein ,is found the Pattern, the symbol of s (shadows) between and around them.
  22. Acidity Ascorbic acid, a reduction, behaves as a analogous carboxylic acid, wherein ,the electrons in the double bond, hydroxyl group lone pair, and the carbonyl
  23. Blood is never blue, there are several conditions and diseases, wherein ,the color of the heme groups make the skin appear blue. If the heme is oxidized
  24. Was featured in a home remodeling program called The Adam Corolla Project, wherein ,he and a crew of old friends renovated his childhood home. The 13 episodes
  25. Structure and Bonding The simplest amides are derivatives of ammonia, wherein ,one hydrogen atom has been replaced by an acyl group. The ensemble is generally
  26. Are joined in a snake-like structure * branched (general formula, n > 3), wherein , the carbon backbone splits off in one or more directions * cyclic (general
  27. In a framework of a federal parliamentary representative democratic monarchy, wherein ,the Sovereign of Antigua and Barbuda is the head of state, appointing a
  28. e., is purely unsigned). As an example, a 4-byte value consists of 8 nibbles, wherein ,the upper 7 nibbles store the digits of a 7-digit decimal value and the lowest
  29. A basic nitrogen atom with a lone pair. Amines are derivatives of ammonia, wherein ,one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by a substituent such as an alkyl
  30. Log_) - 1)\! \, where D_L\! \, is the star's luminosity distance in parsecs, wherein ,1 parsec is approximately 3.2616 light-years. For very large distances
  31. With its roots as a full-moon harvest festival of" tabernacles" ( huts, wherein ,the harvest was processed and which later gained religious significance).
  32. Of the 'hierarchy' ( entrepreneurship),(2) join an existing 'hierarchy' (, wherein ,he/she will likely be lower in the scheme of things),or (3) abandon these
  33. S ministry. Evidence for this is found in the prologue to the Gospel of Luke, wherein ,the author alludes to his sources by writing," Many have undertaken to draw up
  34. Variable, is the Breach–Godfrey test. This involves an auxiliary regression, wherein ,the residuals obtained from estimating the model of interest are regressed on (
  35. Of an awareness of writing as a social act, and an effort to create a balance, wherein ,the authority over the text is negotiated among all the positions in the
  36. Capitalism, crony capitalism, corporatism,or contemporary mixed economies, wherein ,market incentives and disincentives may be altered by state action. So they
  37. Are subject to treatment, neither can be cured. In developing countries, wherein ,people have shorter life expectancies, cataracts and water-borne parasites—both
  38. But one in every four B-N bonds can be viewed as a coordinate covalent bond, wherein ,two electrons are donated by the nitrogen atom which acts as the Lewis base to
  39. And that he had become acquainted with them by the Discourses they held, wherein ,they had constantly praised the ancient Manners, and spoke with Distaste of the
  40. Are distanced from objects. Abstraction uses a strategy of simplification, wherein ,formerly concrete details are left ambiguous, vague,or undefined; thus
  41. Course from the Square's northwest corner. Union Square is the only location, wherein ,Broadway is discontinuous in Manhattan. At Madison Square, location of the
  42. The star Mars among the planets in their sevenfold courses through the either, wherein ,you're blazing steeds ever bear you above the third firmament of heaven; hear me
  43. Art, Marcel Duchamp's" Fountain" is among the first examples of pieces, wherein ,the artist used found objects (" ready-made" ) and exercised no traditionally
  44. Classification Saturated hydrocarbons can be: * linear (general formula), wherein , the carbon atoms are joined in a snake-like structure * branched (general
  45. Orthodox Church and the Holy See meet in Metz, France,and come to an agreement, wherein ,the Russian church would send observers to the Second Vatican Council and in
  46. Was not finding enough time to be in role with most adopting a 24/7 lifestyle, wherein ,both partners maintain their dominant or submissive role throughout the day.
  47. Arm and posture of the pope is counterbalanced by an active drama below, wherein ,the figures of Charity and Justice are either distracted by Patti or lost in
  48. Process In philosophical terminology, abstraction is the thought process, wherein ,ideas are distanced from objects. Abstraction uses a strategy of simplification
  49. Labor disputes, such as the Coal Strike of 1902. This type of arbitration, wherein ,a neutral arbitrator decides the terms of the collective bargaining agreement
  50. Splits off in one or more directions * cyclic (general formula, n > 2), wherein , the carbon backbone is linked to form a loop. According to the definition

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