Examples of the the word, lone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lone ), is the 8101 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Toward each other, and that congregations of this genus are the result of, lone ,individuals feeding on the same carcasses. It may have attacked large prey by
  2. Three of these electron pairs are used as bond pairs, which leaves one, lone ,a pair of electrons. The lone pair of electrons repel more strongly than bond
  3. And all valence electrons are paired with other electrons either in bonds or in, lone ,pairs. Not all substances consist of discrete molecules. Most chemical elements
  4. These lone electron pairs.: +I effect of alkyl groups raises the energy of the, lone ,a pair of electrons, thus elevating the basicity. Thus, the basicity of an amine
  5. A lone electron pair that can bind H+ to form an ammonium ion R3NH+. The, lone ,electron pair is represented in this article by a two dots above or next to the
  6. Alkoxides, with the general formula RO- M+. Meanwhile, the oxygen atom has, lone ,pairs of nonbonded electrons that render it weakly basic in the presence of
  7. And 1916,the Braves only twice posted winning records from 1917 to 1932. The, lone ,highlight of those years came when Judge Emil Fuchs bought the team in 1923 to
  8. With ketones such as acetone. The aromatic amines, such as aniline, have their, lone ,pair electrons conjugated into the benzene ring, thus their tendency to engage
  9. Arrangement, but is measured at 107.8°. The nitrogen atom in the molecule has a, lone ,electron pair, which makes ammonia a base, a proton acceptor. This shape gives
  10. Is explained by the electron-withdrawing nature of the carbonyl group where the, lone ,a pair of electrons on the nitrogen is delocalized by resonance. On the other
  11. Oxidation state, arsenic is typically pyramidal, owing to the influence of the, lone ,a pair of electrons. Inorganic Arsenic forms colorless, odourless, crystalline
  12. Raging hands, their father and their prey. ') * the aria" Oft she visits this, lone ,mountain" from Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, first performed in 1689 or earlier.
  13. With a metal atom to form a coordination complex. This is achieved by providing, lone ,pairs of the ligand into empty orbitals of the metal atom and forming bipolar
  14. To the approaching Brønsted acid.: -M effect of aromatic ring delocalizes the, lone ,a pair of electrons on nitrogen into the ring, resulting in decreased basicity.
  15. The degree of solvation of the pronated amine. The nitrogen atom features a, lone ,electron pair that can bind H+ to form an ammonium ion R3NH+. The lone electron
  16. Due to hydrogen bonding between protons in the water molecules and these, lone ,electron pairs.: +I effect of alkyl groups raises the energy of the lone pair
  17. Between hydrogen and any of fluorine, nitrogen and oxygen, coupled with their, lone ,pairs of electrons cause strong electrostatic forces between molecules.
  18. In which the hydroxyl group has been replaced by an amine or ammonia.: The, lone ,a pair of electrons on the nitrogen is delocalized into the carbonyl, thus
  19. Or attack the predator. The Slough, by comparison, is more of an independent, lone ,hunter and has a high hunting instinct. They are relatively uncommon in Europe
  20. Panthers and Cardinals have played each other every season since 2001 with the, lone ,exception to the 2006 season and are scheduled to play again during the 2011
  21. Based on Collins ': it began with a bagpipe solo introduction similar to her, lone ,voice, then accompanied by the band of bagpipes and horns, where in her version
  22. Pairs are used as bond pairs, which leaves one lone pair of electrons. The, lone ,a pair of electrons repel more strongly than bond pairs, therefore the bond angle
  23. And NRR'R" are chiral: the nitrogen atom bears four substituent counting the, lone ,pair. The energy barrier for the inversion of the stereo center is relatively
  24. Best season. The Ravens are currently one of only four teams to win in their, lone ,Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints, New York Jets, and
  25. Can (if activated first) undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions. The, lone ,pairs of electrons on the oxygen of the hydroxyl group also makes alcohols
  26. For the first time gave areas the status of cities. Philippines Congress is the, lone ,legislative entity that can incorporate cities. Provincial and municipal
  27. Carboxylic acid wherein the electrons in the double bond, hydroxyl group, lone ,pair, and the carbonyl double bond form a conjugated system. Because the two
  28. Call-sign Spirit 03,opted to stay to continue to protect the Marines. A, lone ,Iraqi with a Strela-2 MANUAL shot Spirit 03 down, and all 14 crew members died.
  29. By both an extinct North American species (T. florid anus),and the, lone ,surviving representative of the Tremarctinae, the South American spectacled
  30. Have evolved from top-down controlled, to franchise associated groups, to, lone , wolf operators. With the death of key communicators, like Anwar al-Awlaki, the
  31. Short and scrappy, she often wields a double-barreled,12-gauge shotgun. The, lone ,time she shoots it (with rock salt) was during a mock Indian invasion created
  32. Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, was assassinated by Said Akbar,a, lone ,assassin, in 1951. Conspiracy theorists believe his conflict with certain
  33. Consist of discrete molecules. Most chemical elements are composed of, lone ,atoms as their smallest discrete unit. Other types of substances, such as ionic
  34. In 1901,they finished last (8th place) with a record of 48–89. During its, lone ,Major League season, the team played at Lloyd Street Grounds, between 16th and
  35. In a syllabify, a grapheme denotes a complete syllable, that is, either a, lone ,vowel sound or a combination of a vowel sound with one or more consonant sounds
  36. Of electron density, with maximal occupation of bonding orbitals and, lone ,pair orbitals. This is in accordance with other theoretical and experimental
  37. Structure 2. Space-filling model 3. Electrostatic potential surface 4. " Carbon, lone ,pair" HOMO/LUMP A cyanide is a chemical compound that contains the cyan group
  38. Compounds and functional groups that contain a basic nitrogen atom with a, lone ,pair. Amines are derivatives of ammonia, wherein one or more hydrogen atoms
  39. Season with them. The Orioles, whose owner was a labor union lawyer, were the, lone ,dissenters against creating an ersatz team, choosing instead to sit out spring
  40. Hot 100 pop music chart and #1 on the Billboard Hot Country chart (the, lone ,country chart-topper for the duo). Flatt and Scruggs also had another
  41. Usually include computer hackers, who are often patterned on the idea of the, lone ,hero fighting injustice, such as Robin Hood. One of the cyberpunk genre's
  42. Is a large molecule consisting of a number of smaller groups, each possessing a, lone ,electron pair. The ligand-copper complex is extracted from the solution using an
  43. Acids as mentioned above, they can also function as Lewis bases due to the, lone ,pairs of electrons on their oxygen and nitrogen atoms. Definitions and concepts
  44. Noir characters often wisecrack and speak in double entendres. The recurring,a, lone ,saxophone accompaniment to the protagonist's narration, best exemplifies the
  45. A few special cases. One important special case was digit 0,represented by a, lone ,0 punch in the card, and (8,2) in core memory. The memory of the IBM 1620 was
  46. And early 21st centuries. They warn that this development may not only fuel, lone ,wolf terrorism but have devastating effects on American political life, such as
  47. The worst in franchise history. Was slightly better, with a 3–13 finish—the, lone ,highlight being the Browns' first home win in five years, against the Steelers
  48. The Lunar Module Aquarius, leaving the Command Module Odyssey to begin its, lone ,re-entry through the atmosphere. A normal lunar re-entry was accompanied by
  49. In 2007 and 2008 the team enjoyed some success. The most recent win is a, lone ,constructor team's victory by BMW Saber F1 Team, on 8 June 2008,at the
  50. Agencies in Barbados but there are no multinational companies. The island's, lone ,airport is the Granola Adams International Airport. It receives daily flights

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