Examples of the the word, kirk , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kirk ), is the 8096 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Most of the structure and common words are conservative Anglo-Saxon, hence ", kirk ," (church)," beck" ( stream)," heart" ( feared)," fell" ( hillside)
  2. Of the Isles wrote of" Edge" that it was:" guide maybe land with ANE parch, kirk , in it, with many Solène gas; very guide for store, namelie for scrap, with
  3. Cil- (church,monk's cell) might be expected. The reason appears to be that, kirk , was borrowed into Glaswegian Gaelic, though it was never part of standard
  4. And the Industrial Revolution. Historians have exploded the myth. The, kirk , schools indeed existed (as did similar schools in other Protestant countries)
  5. The town is pre-Roman in its origin with a name originating from the Danish, kirk , ( church) and -ham (Saxon for settlement, or " home" ). It appears in the
  6. John Maitland,1st Duke of Lauderdale decided he would demolish the ancient, kirk , and had a new church erected by Sir William Bruce in 1673 in the center of the
  7. Privately run prison, HM Prison Kilmarnock. *John Walker; burial place at the, kirk , yard of St Andrew's Glen cairn Church. *Kilmarnock War Memorial; Embank Avenue
  8. Is still in widespread use. In Scotland, James attempted to bring the Scottish, kirk ," so are as can be" to the English church and to reestablish episcopacy, a
  9. Originally known as Kinlochkilkerran (Eng: The head of the lock by the, kirk , of St. Kieran) - this form is still used in Gaelic. It was renamed in the 17th
  10. In the area are the ruins of several medieval castles and the 12th century, kirk , of Game. From 1975 to 1996,the area of the previous county lay within the
  11. Became a burgh. The marketplace remains the central focus of the town. The, kirk , was rebuilt as a Collegiate church in 1546 for Malcolm,3rd Lord Fleming, the
  12. There is a small village shop (now a Nisei),Episcopal Church of Scotland, kirk , Glencoe & North Lorn local history museum, Post Office, Glencoe Mountain
  13. Some other words are almost identical to their Scottish equivalents, e. g., kirk , and barn. In addition, the word by, meaning " village" or" town ", occurs in
  14. And Alexander Tibet recorded his tombstone in 1718,in the floor of the old, kirk , in North Berwick:" here lies Sir Robert de Lawedre, great laird of The Bass
  15. That remains of the old Kirk. From its beginnings as a small village around its, kirk , Large evolved into a busy and popular seaside resort in the nineteenth century
  16. Church of Scotland congregations: *East and Old Church, originally the parish, kirk , with a tall slender spire, with steeple clock overlooking the town center.
  17. To moderate the violence that had been endemic in rural Scotland. The reformed, kirk , actively mediated local communal conflicts that otherwise would have turned
  18. Although the first stone Kirk was built in 1164,on the site of the existing, kirk , In the 14th century, the Fleming family were given lands in the area by Robert
  19. Been a church at Bigger since the 6th or 7th century, although the first stone, kirk , was built in 1164,on the site of the existing Kirk. In the 14th century, the
  20. West coast. Its main settlements are Model (Refusal),known for its medieval, kirk , of St. Clement (Earlier Chliamhain),the most elaborate surviving medieval
  21. West end of the village street, but little is left of these buildings. A new, kirk , and manse were erected at the east end of the village in 1830 and a Factor's
  22. Caer,'fort ', and there is a Dark Age cross-slab preserved in the parish, kirk , itself dedicated to the early holy man St. Maelrubha. Architecture Built
  23. And restaurants. In the Middle Ages, the Kirk of St Nicholas was the only burgh, kirk , and one of Scotland's largest parish churches. Like a number of other Scottish
  24. Conflicts that otherwise would have turned violent. The premises of the parish, kirk , became a sacred space which often was used for public reconciliation. In order
  25. Of Scotland buildings in Dundee. They are on the site of the medieval parish, kirk , of St Mary, of which only the 15th century west tower survives. The attached
  26. At least the 12th century. After the Scottish Reformation the principal parish, kirk , for Lath was South Lath Parish Church, originally constructed in 1483. In
  27. Kingdom, and proceeded to impose upon it the absolute supremacy of the crown in, kirk , and state, restoring the nomination of the lords of the articles to the king
  28. From grassroots level with a sermon against 'idolatry' in the burgh, kirk , of St. John the Baptist. An inflamed mob quickly destroyed the altars in the
  29. Names are also derived from it. Basic meaning and etymology As a common noun, kirk , ( meaning 'church' ) is found in Scots, Scottish English and historically in
  30. Flying boat ML858 was wrecked at the head of Glenn For. A small plaque in the, kirk , is dedicated to those who died in this accident. A Wellington bomber crashed on
  31. Kirk as a place name element. Like words meaning" church" in other languages, kirk , is found as an element in many place names in Scotland and northern England
  32. Between exhumation at Lindisfarne and re-interment at Chester-le-Street. The ", kirk ," element is Old Norse in origin and itself superseded the term church which
  33. Of repentance and punishment. Moving beyond the local level, presbyteries and, kirk , sessions were increasingly accepted as legitimate alternative to the baronial
  34. Is a tradition within the Anglican Communion. Kicking ceremonies The verb to, kirk , meaning 'to present in church ', was probably first used for the annual church
  35. A Germanic feminine. ) Whereas church displays Old English palatalization, kirk , is likely to be a loanword from Old Norse and thus has the original mainland
  36. Kirkland, Washington is an exception, being named after a person. The element, kirk , is also used in Anglicization of continental European place names originally
  37. 14th century onwards, but as an element in place names much earlier. Both words, kirk , and church, derive from the Kline Greek κυριακόν (δωμα) (Kyriakos (dome) )
  38. Of cognate words distinguished by historical palatalization are church vs., kirk , witch vs. Wicca, ditch vs. dike, and shirt vs. skirt. The pronunciation of
  39. Figures in the Scottish Enlightenment or the Industrial Revolution. The, kirk , schools had a minor role in the Highlands or the islands, and in the
  40. With five surviving to adulthood. From 1758-1768,he was minister of the Lief, kirk , Paisley (Low Kirk). Witherspoon became prominent within the Church as an
  41. File: Stocks at Irvine,1903. JPG|Irvine in 1903 File: Irvine and the old, kirk , 1904. JPG|Irvine circa 1904 File: Irvine,1903,Ayrshire. JPG|An old view of
  42. And the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Within Scotland the term, kirk , is usually used to refer to a local Presbyterian church. Informally the term
  43. To discourage blood feuds and mortal combat, which had once been common,the, kirk , used preaching, mandatory attendance at weekly services and at seasonal
  44. That all magistrates must be true Protestants. One major impact of the, kirk , was to moderate the violence that had been endemic in rural Scotland. The
  45. Century. Sir Robert Montgomery built Skelmorlie Aisle in the ancient, kirk , of Large in 1636 as a family mausoleum. Today the monument is all that remains
  46. 1636 as a family mausoleum. Today the monument is all that remains of the old, kirk , From its beginnings as a small village around its Kirk, Largs evolved into a
  47. Church of St Peter and St Paul is believed to be on the site of the original, kirk , on a sandstone outcrop, and is the oldest building in the town. Its exact age
  48. North gate and Kirk gate. " Gate" derives from Old Norse data meaning road and, kirk , from Kirk indicates there was a church. Before 1066 the manor of Wakefield
  49. By Kirkintilloch, Dunbartonshire. His parents resolved to educate him for the, kirk , and through their self-denial and his own exertions as a pupil teacher and
  50. Meal with broth. From this custom his congregation was known as 'the Kiel, kirk ,'. In 1739 the General Assembly, without any appeal from him, removed the

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