Examples of the the word, alley , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alley ), is the 8111 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ensuing pandemonium inside Ford's Theatre, Booth fled by a stage door to the, alley , where his getaway horse was held for him by Joseph" Peanuts" Burroughs. The
  2. In an automobile accident after an altercation at a Payson, Utah bowling, alley ,which began when Colt Rush ton,24,photographed Coleman without his permission;
  3. On any public or private property, including but not limited to the street, alley , residences, block walls and fences, vehicles and/or any other real or personal
  4. That are immune to the influence of Hell, such as The Dead Zone (a patch of, alley ,that is touched by Heaven) and the Green world. Spawn also holds a vast arsenal
  5. Mentally furniture depository building (a local landmark),includes a bowling, alley , fitness center, a 14-screen Deon multiplex cinema and some restaurants.
  6. Snaggle-toothed boy who wore a yellow nightshirt and hung around in a ghetto, alley ,filled with equally odd characters, mostly other children. With a goofy grin
  7. As a longing (弄堂),pronounced long dang in Shanghaied. The entrance to each, alley ,is usually surmounted by a stylistic stone arch. The whole resembles terrace
  8. And 1981. During this time period, Spacey performed stand-up comedy in bowling, alley ,talent contests. Career Spacey's first professional stage appearance was as a
  9. Up a meeting between the Clown and Claudio. At this point Jim returns to his, alley ,and sees that the angel is no longer pinned to the wall and finds her around
  10. Traversing some dirty lanes, the doctor and his escort arrived at a narrow, alley ,.:" What the Devil is all this," said Radcliffe," your colonel doesn't live
  11. In contravention of the 1949 Armistice agreement. The four-meter wide public, alley ,which formed the Wall was expanded into a massive plaza and worshipers were
  12. Which was a small 2 up,2 down terraced house in a cul-de-sac, with an, alley ,to the rear. The only heating was a single coal fire, and the toilet was
  13. States, a non-purebred cat is sometimes referred to in slang as a barn or, alley ,cat, even if it is not a stray. Cats come in a variety of colors and patterns.
  14. University who are protesting racial segregation at the town's only bowling, alley , leaves three or four dead in Orange burg, South Carolina. *1969 – Allende
  15. Languages not present in other varieties of Chinese, such as Yutong (胡同) ", alley ,". Southern Chinese varieties have borrowed from Tai, Austro-Asiatic,and
  16. An innovator, a superb technician, and someone best not encountered in a dark, alley , " Sheila Benson of the Los Angeles Times called the film" the most
  17. That he is sticking his noses where it shouldn't be. After walking down the, alley ,the bald demon is then jumped by the same man and a group who then reveals that
  18. The Afro Mall has a supermarket, retail outlets, coffee shops, a bowling, alley , movie theaters, and a children's playground. Also, recently Sudan opened the
  19. A mechanical bull, doing the tequila dance and ambushing Anderson Cooper in an, alley ,way with a chair. Upcoming Pee-wee ventures Ever since Reuben's started giving
  20. Now the main building of the University of Bonn. The Poppelsdorfer Allee is an, alley ,flanked by chestnut trees which had the first horsecar of the town. It connects
  21. Line intersects with the Green Monster at nearly a right angle, so the power, alley ,could be estimated at 336 feet (102.4 m),assuming the power alley is 22.5
  22. Over 200 events, including a community parade through downtown, a midway, food, alley , hot dog eating contest, bed race, arts fair, and fireworks spectacular.
  23. Education had" changed his whole viewpoint on life from the viewpoint of an, alley ,rat to the viewpoint of a cultured person. " World War I and after Soon after
  24. Home to a number of University departments and student organizations, a bowling, alley , the University Book Store, and the Hotel Memorial Union. The original building
  25. Card and Jim leaves for the alley ways. Jim returns to his throne in the, alley ,and is met by The Freak, who tells Jim that he will use Jim to" punish those
  26. With the film's production designer Richard Heinrich's' design for the bowling, alley , According to Joel, he " came up with the idea of just laying free-form neon
  27. Depressed, suffering or humiliated, he points to the mansion at the top of the, alley ,at the end opening out to the desert, and says sadly,'That is our ancestor's
  28. In the same location. For example, if the main shot is of a man walking down an, alley , possible cutaways may include a shot of a cat on a nearby dumpster or a shot
  29. Marked by a thick, laid-back Texas accent. He is seen in the bar of the bowling, alley , and converses directly with The Dude on two occasions. He expresses
  30. The Gotham City Police Department finds what appears to be Luthor's body in an, alley , John Henry Irons examines the body at S. T. A. R. Labs and notes that the
  31. Was so negative on both sides that a reporter described the contest as" two, alley ,cats scrapping over truth in advertising ". The campaign focused on the
  32. And OpenPlans in the city center. The name literally translates as" devour, alley ," because of its high concentration of gastronomy, but lately more and more
  33. That is not the true power alley , but deep left-center. The true power, alley ,distance is not posted. The foul line intersects with the Green Monster at
  34. AB and DC. In the crossed ladders' problem, two ladders lie oppositely across an, alley , each with feet at the base of one sidewall, with one leaning against a wall at
  35. A doubles sideline and the nearest singles sideline is called the doubles, alley , which is considered playable in doubles play. The line that runs across the
  36. Communicating with the south transept. The chapter-house opens out of the same, alley ,of the cloister. The small cloister lay to the south-east of the larger
  37. It includes room dedicated to handball, basketball and volleyball, a bowling, alley , a fitness area and an ice hokey court. Its main hall, which regularly hosts
  38. By Clown, who he pursues down the alley way. Twitch catches Clown in the, alley , but Clown morphs into Violator, Sam suffers a heart attack and Roland is
  39. Omar Khayyam Ravenous after a series of shared hallucinations at a bowling, alley , Discordianism is, funnily enough, sometimes considered a" parody religion,"
  40. On the southern stretch of the John F. Kennedylaan to be like a bowling, alley ,) and Swing (a construct on the Karl de Grotelaan, which morphs into
  41. Was located on the present-day 3rd Avenue, just west of Main Street near the, alley , There is a placard on the wall commemorating the location, as well as a small
  42. Athletic shoes. They have harder rubber soles/heels so as not to damage bowling, alley ,floors. They are often rented or loaned at bowling alley s. * Climbing shoes: a
  43. A skating rink, miniature golf, game arcade, and new batting cages, a bowling, alley , a swimming pool that is usually booked solid by the local school swim teams
  44. The power alley could be estimated at 336 feet (102.4 m),assuming the power, alley ,is 22.5 degrees away from the foul line as measured from home plate. "
  45. Observed, that there are two of these arches, that is one at either end of the, alley , The game of mall was a fashionable amusement in the reign of Charles the
  46. Your Teacher Week ", etc. He always closed by saying," Remember,we're in the, alley ,behind the courthouse above the pool hall! " * The Cornfield: Vignettes
  47. Wall at height B, as shown. The ladders cross at a height of h above the, alley ,floor. Then h is half the harmonic mean of A and B. This result still holds if
  48. And the flagpole stands within that little triangle. That is not the true power, alley , but deep left-center. The true power alley distance is not posted. The foul
  49. Ends with closing comments from" The Stranger" at the bar of the bowling, alley , who hints that Maude may be pregnant with a" little Borowski. " Cast * Jeff
  50. 2002. In 2004,Guantánamo opened a combined KFC & A&W restaurant at the bowling, alley ,and a Pizza Hut Express at the Windjammer Restaurant. There is also a Taco Bell

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