Examples of the the word, boys , in a Sentence Context
The word ( boys ), is the 8109 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Who found something" disturbingly equivocal" in" his relations with, boys ,and young men" ) and Nigel Hamilton (2002) have suggested that he may
- Day Aroma. The Dahomey Kingdom was known for its culture and traditions. Young, boys ,were often apprenticed to older soldiers, and taught the kingdom's military
- Boasted of their experience with the opposite sex and urged the inexperienced, boys , like Augustine, to seek out experiences with women or to make up stories about
- Jewish king Harald Klein. Ansgar returned two years later after educating young, boys ,who had been purchased because Harald had possibly been driven out of his
- Few works of pottery or other art that display anal sex between older men and, boys , let alone with adult men. Most such works depict fondling or intramural sex
- Before Independence are: # Sophia Sr, Sec. School (1918) # Mayo College for, boys ,# Mayo College for girls # Mayor School # St. Paul's # St. Mary's Convent #
- Some of the earliest bands were The Shots/The black mist (1967),The Rambo, boys ,(1968),Harpreet (1969) and The Swathes (1970). The success of many
- They Do It With Mirrors (viz., the ship is used as a reform school for wayward, boys ,and one of the teachers uses them as a crime force),and there is a kind of
- Keeping the body supple, and rendering it graceful, but were generally left to, boys ,and girls. Of regular rules for the playing of ball games, little trace remains
- 1998 and 2002 and Spain in 2006. Worldwide, basketball tournaments are held for, boys ,and girls of all age levels. The global popularity of the sport is reflected in
- Superiority to Let because while she had fourteen children (Niobium),seven, boys ,and seven girls, Leto had only one of each. When Artemis and Apollo heard this
- 1930s" saying that although they do not wear uniforms they still count" bully, boys ," among their membership. It has also been suggested that the BNP represents a
- 26 May 2011,being accused of overseeing the slaughter of 8,000 Muslim men and, boys ,and for war other genocide charges. The judges ruled that the criteria for
- And used steadily for a number of years. In return, John Herman gave both, boys ,the run of a small workshop within which to" invent ". Despite being normally
- Not support them. They were financed by funds provided by the Republic. The, boys ,learned a trade and had to leave when they reached 15. The girls received a
- That he would be a monk. It was fairly common in Ireland at this time for young, boys , particularly those of noble birth, to be fostered out; the practice was also
- Tennessee. From episode 9:" When I was a girl back in Tennessee, I set so many, boys ,' hearts on fire that they took to calling that neck of the woods The Smoky
- Interested in their project, offered to pay for any supplies and spurred the, boys ,on with the enticement of a" big prize" if they were successful. Intrigued by
- And, in the investigation that followed, it was discovered that one of the, boys ,(none other than Athanasius) had acted the part of the bishop and in that
- Was waiting for his guests to arrive, he stood by a window, watching a group of, boys ,at play on the seashore below the house. He had not observed them long before
- With the government and receive minimal government regulation. The only, boys ,’ school opened its doors to girls in the 1990s and in 1996,one of the
- He willingly took responsibility for all chores expected of him as one of the, boys ,in the household and became an adept Alemán in his work building rail fences.
- Higher levels of competition after graduation. In the 2003–04 season,1,002,797, boys , and girls represented their schools in interscholastic basketball competition
- In Northern Africa, and it was there that he came to accept his attraction to, boys , He befriended Oscar Wilde in Paris, and in 1895 Gide and Wilde met in Algiers.
- Challenged by the renowned leader of a group of ruffians," the Clary's Grove, boys ,". Some in his family, and in the neighborhood, considered him to be lazy.
- Diabetes was born in Matt see near Salzburg. A musical child, he sang in the, boys ,' choir at the Salzburg Cathedral where he is believed to have taken music
- The Morgans' cramped offices. A few singles were pressed. When the, boys ,eagerly unpacked the first box of singles, on the Candid Records label, they
- James Anderson, who opened his personal library of 400 volumes to working, boys ,each Saturday night. Carnegie was a consistent borrower and a" self-made man "
- And divide the proceeds thereof among the families of the wool hat, boys , the Confederate soldiers, whom these men forced into battle to protect their
- Was the headmaster of Vladimir Ulyanovsk (Lenin) at a secondary school for, boys ,in Timbers, and members of the Kerensky and Ulyanovsk families were friends. In
- By reminding him of Pavel's tyranny: Chekhov attended a school for Greek, boys , followed by the Tagalog gymnasium, now renamed the Chekhov Gymnasium, where
- Abuse to violence, are reported, allegedly connected with Islamic youth, mostly, boys , of Moroccan descent. According to the Center for Information and Documentation
- The child at risk. A 2008 study found that compared to their peers, autistic, boys , have significantly thinner bones if on casein-free diets; in 2005,botched
- Stables and cottages. These were too small, so Elmer's School, a neighboring, boys ,' boarding school, was acquired for the Commercial and Diplomatic Sections.
- For daily singing of the Divine Office by expanded choirs of men and, boys , This resulted from an explicit addition by Elizabeth herself to the
- Raped, murdered and mutilated. The police also found the remains of two Jewish, boys , Nathan Sheila 18 and Kassel ALADI 20,victims of an earlier massacre. Syrian
- With which Joshua banned Jericho, with the curse with which Elisha cursed the, boys , and with all the curses which are written in the Book of the Law. Cursed be he
- His older brother Jack, who had been killed in a mill accident when they were, boys ,in Dress, Arkansas. Cash and his family sang it to themselves while they worked
- Or intramural sex, which was not condemned for violating and feminizing the, boys , Other sources make it clear that the practice was criticized as shameful, and
- Anecdote (from Phi Beta Pogo,1989) involving Camp and Walt Kelly," two, boys ,from Bridgeport, Connecticut,nose to nose," onstage at a meeting of the
- Be found as early as the first chapter as Paul comments that, although all the, boys ,are young, their youth has left them. When on leave from the front, Paul feels
- The de facto age of consent is the marriageable age. In Kuwait, this means that, boys ,must be at least 17 years old and that girls must be at least 15 years old. *
- Goodbye to her home and sets out in pursuit of whiskey, dollars and pretty, boys , Scene 3 In the big cities, where men lead boring, purposeless lives, Fatty and
- Educate his own children, the sons of his nobles, and intellectually promising, boys ,of lesser birth; an attempt to require literacy in those who held offices of
- In 1903 more than 100 Baha'is were killed. Bahá'í schools, such as the Habitat, boys ,' and girl's schools in Tehran, were closed in the 1930s and 40s,Bahá'í
- For the intelligent),suggesting that:" After the age of nine, girls and, boys , intended for domestic employments, or mechanical trades, ought to be removed
- An infamous chemical mixture known as Agent Orange on the brush and the, boys ,below. " Astronomical year numbering is based on
- And a bomber jacket. He also dubbed the voice for one of the German chorus, boys ,backing Madeline Kahn's performance of" I'm Tired ", speaking lines such as
- And trouble making. At the lycée in Rennes when he was 15,he led of a group of, boys ,who devoted much time and energy to poking fun at their well-meaning, but obese
- Km is 305 compared to 257 per km2 of 2001. Sex ratio of girls in Ajmer per 1000, boys , was recorded 950 i.e. an increase of 19 points from the figure of 2001 census
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