Examples of the the word, hart , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hart ), is the 8107 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Him to court Gear, he was weaponless and therefore used the antler of a, hart ,to kill the giant. When Golf expressed wonder that Fear would give up his
  2. Reverse of the piece carries Edward's arms; and Richard's badge of a white, hart , The panel painting dates from the end of the 14th century. In Act 3,Scene VI
  3. Bear (*RSO),wolf (*WLW),and deer (originally, hart —although the word, hart ,remained commonplace in parts of England until the 20th century as is witnessed
  4. Portrait of an English king, Richard II wears a gold and enameled white, hart ,jewel, and even the angels surrounding the Virgin Mary all wear white hart
  5. The example above, they would go overboard and pronounce the phrase 'been Golden, hart ,' as 'been Golden Part '. In a continuing folk tale an unspecified pastor of
  6. Cultural significance Heraldry Deer are represented in heraldry by the stag or, hart , or less often, by the hind, and the rocket (a young stag up to two years)
  7. While James, I is represented by the check Jesse of the Stewart's. The, hart ,represents Hertfordshire. The crest depicts a hooded crow, known within the
  8. Thy bow of pearl apart, And thy crystal shining quiver; Give unto the flying, hart ,Space to breathe, how short so-ever: Thou that MAK’st a day of night, Goddess
  9. Earl of Gloucester, one time lord of the manor. The crest depicted a wounded, hart , symbol of St Giles, patron saint of Camber well. In 1927 the borough was
  10. Society, disunited from that body wherein Wyeth all my life my love my whole, hart ,and affection (Archive Romanus Societies IES, Anglia 14,fol. 80,under
  11. Diva Ilia ". Occultism The spirit Fur fur in The Poetic is depicted as a, hart ,or winged hart . Scythian The Scythians had some reverence for the stag, which
  12. Sanitatis casanatensis (14th century) Image: Hunt16thC. JPG|Hunting the, hart ,(16th Century) from Turberville, copied from Jacques du Filloux. James Grant
  13. York, and setting up residence at the White Hart Inn in Southward (the white, hart ,had been the symbol of the deposed Richard II). Henry came to London with an
  14. Many to be perhaps his finest a cappella anthem. Two other anthems, Like as the, hart ,and O pray for the peace of Jerusalem are similar in style and rhapsodic beauty
  15. This group possesses a trio of holy texts emblazoned with a wolf, a ram, and a, hart ,(male red deer) respectively. The Covenant has since been overthrown, and the
  16. Orchard proposes a connection between the hart Erik Ernie atop Valhalla,the, hart ,imagery associated with Heart, and the Sutton Hui scepter. Sam Newton
  17. The mountains, : :skipping upon the hills.: My beloved is like a roe or a young, hart ,: behold, he Standish behind our wall, : :he looked forth at the windows
  18. And of the son, and of the Holy Spirit. " The central compartment portrays a, hart ,crossing a ford, a part of the coat of arms of the Diocese of Hartford, whose
  19. A wreath Or and Azure, a tower triple-towered of the First, from the portal a, hart ,springing Argent attired and unglued Or) have had little or no official use
  20. The answer," Go and seek Lambert, and he will instruct you. " The story of the, hart ,appears first in one of the later legendary hagiographies (Bibliotheca
  21. Dorm (Magical Dorm, from Ash Broadcasting Corp.) The White Hart (", hart ," is an archaic word for a mature stag) was the personal emblem and livery of
  22. A color scheme which has continued to the present day. The appearance of a, hart ,(a male deer) on the club's current crest represents the club's location in
  23. Rebus of Bishop Walter C hart (d.1472) of Norwich, consisting of a stag (or, hart ,) lying down in a conventional representation of water. The composition alludes
  24. Hubert sallied forth to the chase. As he was pursuing a magnificent stag or, hart , the animal turned and, as the pious legend narrates, he was astounded at
  25. Stags were commonly used as images of the faithful aspiring to Christ: ‘ like a, hart ,desires the water brook, so my souls longs for thee, O God. ’ Water-birds and
  26. Occultism The spirit Fur fur in The Poetic is depicted as a hart or winged, hart , Scythian The Scythians had some reverence for the stag, which is one of the
  27. Cleveland. Origins of name The place name derives from Old English *heartier ", hart ,island ", referring to stags seen, and pol," pool ". Records of the place-name
  28. Recent times, they have come to be known as" The Delmonico Revue feat. Will, hart ,". Wilbert's group released a CD in 2005 with Joe Branch and Greg Hill
  29. Flies are also tied with synthetic materials. Originally made of yew, green, hart , and later split bamboo (Tonkin cane),most modern fly rods are constructed
  30. Uebereinander / Aachen an Ring / been also I'm Ring serum / MIT them Lessen, hart ,Trident UND staffed / anger sing VOR / welcome die Andean all nachfolgen.:
  31. The name may derive from the ancient Germanic word *he rut (Modern English, hart , i.e. 'deer' ). The tribe may have been named after the deer because it had a
  32. Occasioned the change of heart that led him to a saintly life. The story of the, hart ,appears first in one of the later legendary hagiographies (Bibliotheca
  33. Recalls their passage along Wailing Street through Entree to St. Albany.: The, hart ,is from one of the supporters of the County Council arms, wearing a mural crown
  34. As having been nursed by a doe. Andy Orchard proposes a connection between the, hart ,Erik Ernie atop Valhalla, the hart imagery associated with Heart, and the
  35. Greatest. In stanzas 25 through 26,Odin states that the goat Earn and the, hart ,Erik Ernie stand on top of Valhalla and graze on the branches of the tree Læraðr
  36. As a hart or winged hart , and also as an angel. To some authors he changes from, hart ,into angel when compelled to enter the magic triangle. 'Fur fur' or 'futures '
  37. In which he collaborated with Nicholas Brady. Some items such as" As pants the, hart ," (Psalm 42) rise above the general level, and are said to be Tate's work.
  38. And learned Ambrose for his account. In Medieval hunting the boar, like the, hart , was a 'beast of very ', the most prestigious form of quarry. It was normally
  39. Brabançonne): O Barbara Belie, O haling land her Had'men, : One Kiel en ONS, hart ,Zion u guided.: Harvard ONS freight en blood van on sad'men, : Wee sons does in
  40. And teaches on secret and divine things. He is depicted as a hart or winged, hart , and also as an angel. To some authors he changes from hart into angel when
  41. Settled there. The petrified forest below the sea provides proof that, hart ,(deer) did once live in a forest by the sea. Geography Nearby towns and
  42. For to make, In Beatles tract, where whiles the King in chase Pursues the, hart , just vengeance comes apace, And King pursues. Terrell him sang not, Unwares
  43. And blasts, and teaches on secret and divine things. He is depicted as a, hart ,or winged hart , and also as an angel. To some authors he changes from hart into
  44. Dutch. For example, a West-Fleming would pronounce the phrase 'been Golden, hart ,' (a golden heart) as 'been Holden hart '. Some older people, who grew up
  45. Middlesex. The name is reflected in the council's coat of arms, which shows a, hart ,upon the battlements of a boundary wall. The district was awarded borough
  46. Would pronounce the phrase 'been Golden hart ' ( a golden heart) as 'been Holden, hart ,'. Some older people, who grew up speaking nothing but their dialect, are
  47. With Fergus. His blind brother Lug aid Alleges was nearby, so Ail ill told him a, hart ,and a doe were playing in the lake, and challenged him to kill them with a
  48. Der Subunit mud sch lank UND rank San, flink we Windburned, zäh we Leader UND, hart ,we Kruppstahl. ") Krupp Industries employed workers conscripted by the Nazi
  49. Hart jewel, and even the angels surrounding the Virgin Mary all wear white, hart ,badges. In English Folklore, the White Hart is associated with Herne the Hunter
  50. And Russia, the natural symbol transformed into the letter H (possibly for, hart , German for hard): in German music notation, H is B (B-natural) and B is B (

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