Examples of the the word, oppress , in a Sentence Context

The word ( oppress ), is the 8100 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That Drug laws are currently, and have historically, been used by the state to, oppress ,sections of society it opposes: Penalties United States Drug possession is the
  2. Toward Britain; feared that the new army called up for the Quasi-War would, oppress ,the people; opposed new taxes to pay for war; and attacked the Alien and
  3. Mutually related focus on developing critical consciousness of situations which, oppress ,and dehumanize. Criticism Critics of the field point out that it tends to
  4. Focus on the constraints and dangers of dogmatism and the use of religion to, oppress , not on Christianity itself. Williams has also recommended the Dark
  5. Up for their country against the aliens who had come from beyond the seas to, oppress ,and plunder her, critics have detected his style. When the rebellion of 1715
  6. 涼州, roughly modern Cuba, Gansu ), was accused of allowing his staff to, oppress ,the people and to trade with Jiang and Xiongnu tribesmen, Emperor Taiping sent
  7. Letter, Banneker accused Jefferson of criminally using fraud and violence to, oppress ,his slaves by stating: … Sir, how pitiable is it to reflect, that although you
  8. Preferences. Such an argument has been used to exclude and, oppress ,women for generations. The study of women's progress in the economics
  9. New Left compared America's prison system to concentration camps designed to, oppress ,African Americans. They believed that a majority of African American convicts
  10. Converts #Not to hate fellow Jews #To a sinner #Not to embarrass others #Not to, oppress ,the weak #Not to speak derogatorily of others #Not to take revenge #Not to bear
  11. Fact, in the early days of competition, the capitalists used all their power to, oppress ,the laborers, and drove down wages to starvation point. This is kind of
  12. Court led the duke to quarrel with the Landscape (the nobles),to, oppress ,his subjects, and to leave a great burden of debt when he died in October 1579.
  13. Led Levelers to charge the Independents, Vane among them, with attempting to ", oppress ,the people" and wanting to" hold the reins of power ... not for a year, but
  14. Consumption, in which the hidden aliens and human members of the elite, oppress ,poverty-stricken humans and a shrinking middle class. In Doctor Who, alien
  15. Communication scholars focused more on communication's possibilities to, oppress ,and liberate organizational members. Assumptions underlying early
  16. The Crusades, his brother John (Claude Rains) takes power and proceeds to, oppress ,the Saxon commoners. Prince John raises their taxes, supposedly to raise
  17. Innate honesty;: A Man not form'd of accidents, and whom: Misfortune might, oppress , not overcome: Who weighs himself not by opinion: But conscience of a noble
  18. The plan works because the German mercenaries help the Arena and Sequins to, oppress ,their enemy, the Abdul. But later the plan backfires as Arsonists begins a
  19. Above me. " I replied, if I raised you to be my equal, and then attempted to, oppress ,you, would you not be indignant and try to rise above me, as did Oliver Powdery
  20. Philosophers such as Schopenhauer to hold that in a healthy mind only deeds, oppress ,our conscience, not wishes and thoughts;" for it is only our deeds that hold
  21. In a short, impassioned speech, Moses says that it is evil to enslave or, oppress ,people," to be stripped of spirit, and hope and faith, all because they are of
  22. And they were capable of leading the people, although I never attempted to, oppress ,them, but had always been lifting them up? Had I anything to do with the negro
  23. Beaten has no choice but to attack. The fighting side, that does not intend to, oppress ,but to save its liberty and honor, he too has only one way available – the way
  24. Argued that this word should not be used in the sense of" to annoy" or" to, oppress ,", but only to mean" to make worse ". However, this proscription against" to
  25. Downs Jr. along with Charles Bailey pleaded guilty to conspiring to intimidate, oppress ,and threaten members of black organizations represented by SPLC. " In 1984 Dee's
  26. To behave, his briefing of the guards gave them a clear sense that they should, oppress ,the prisoners. In this sense the study was an exploration of the effects of
  27. Tyrant, and creates a miniature city with artificial citizens for the tyrant to, oppress , The first version of the game was developed for the Commodore 64 in 1985,but
  28. Some of his men behind in each city to introduce Greek culture, control it, oppress ,dissident views, and interbreed. Alexander paid his soldiers to marry non-Greek
  29. That men have selfish and sectional interests which will lead them to try to, oppress ,others. It is for this reason that loyalty to the good of all alike must be a
  30. Was engaged with them, his ally Frederic us, king of the Regions, began to, oppress ,the inhabitants of Pa via, whom the latter's forces had been garrisoned to
  31. Celaya would receive" would be without doubt spent to purchase munitions to, oppress ,his neighbors" and in" hostility to peace and progress in Central America. "
  32. They are worse than Bani-Ghorizeh Jews, and they must be hanged. We will, oppress ,them by God's order and God's call to prayer. " The Shah Mohammad Reza
  33. Example of psychiatric diagnosis being used to reinforce cultural bias and, oppress ,dissidence is the diagnosis of drapetomania. In the USA prior to the American
  34. About. The way that oppress ed people survive is by making fun of the people who, oppress ,them. That is essentially what my Indian stories are all about. " In the field
  35. Had slowly been perverted and usurped by the establishment to manipulate and, oppress ,the populaces of the world by promising them a reward in the afterlife if they
  36. Statute, which makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress , threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory,or district in the
  37. The boundary the white world has set for him. He can violate what those who, oppress ,him hold sacred and thereby meet the challenge they set in establishing their
  38. Troops in time of peace. They may be billeted in any manner — to tyrannize, oppress , and crush us. " Henry was objecting to the Constitution's lack of adequate
  39. They declared that they could not have it appear 'as though they wished to, oppress ,evangelical truth and assist unchristian and evil abuses. ' 1524 Diet of
  40. A head of state or government, who abuses his power and authority to, oppress ,his people, subjects or subordinates. In this sense, it is similar to the
  41. Conspire, confederate,and agree together and with each other to injure and, oppress ,citizens of the United States who were relatives and acquaintances of the
  42. Sorrowful pieces have elements of vitality struggling against all that would, oppress ,them. Bush is not afraid to tackle sensitive and taboo subjects. " The Kick
  43. Catholicism in Quebec, and that the French Canadians were being courted to help, oppress ,British Americans. Effects Many colonists saw the Coercive Acts as a violation
  44. As threatening people directly, persecuting,pushing or shoving, using power to, oppress , shouting, driving someone off the road, playing on people's weaknesses. *
  45. Humans, nature,the wilderness or other external and internal factors which, oppress ,the victim More recently, Atwood has continued her exploration of the
  46. Recruits for the Army and Navy and bless the masters who either despise or, oppress ,or combine both? The apathy that exists respecting Ireland is worse than the
  47. That" The idea that the Southern people are hostile to the Negroes and would, oppress ,them, if it were in their power to do so, is entirely unfounded. They have
  48. The presidency anymore since their duty was to protect the people, and not to, oppress ,them, as groups of the military had done over the last few days. On the 16th of
  49. Renaming Octavia to New Latvia. However, he did not use his ruling powers to, oppress , and allowed the aliens in his country to live in peace and harmony, protecting
  50. And have often been means used by the politically dominant population to, oppress ,social challengers. Violence in the United States against African Americans

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