Examples of the the word, steroid , in a Sentence Context
The word ( steroid ), is the 8108 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The joints) even at a young age. The symptoms can sometimes be relieved by, steroid ,treatments. " Cherry eye ", a prolapse of the gland of the third eyelid, and
- The most common hydrocarbon in animals. Isoprenes in animals form the important, steroid ,structural (cholesterol) and steroid hormone compounds; and in plants form
- Cholesterol is an important component for the manufacture of bile acids, steroid ,hormones, and vitamin D. Cholesterol is the principal sterol synthesized by
- SSRI, SNRI),tricyclic compounds (TCA, excluding carbamazepine), steroid , medications (Prednisone, oral cortisone),serotonin agonists, dopamine
- Drug Lidocaine is more commonly used. Digoxigenin (DIG) is a, steroid ,found exclusively in the flowers and leaves of the plants Digitalis purpura
- Isoprenes in animals form the important steroid structural (cholesterol) and, steroid ,hormone compounds; and in plants form terpenes, terpenoids,some alkaloids, and
- Of fatty-acid derived eicosanoid involved in inflammation and immunity; the, steroid ,hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and cortisol, which modulate a host of
- For converting the pre-hormone version of vitamin D, calcidiol into the, steroid ,hormone version, calcitriol. Only after binding to calcitriol can T-cells
- In otolaryngology often contain pharmacologic equivalents of adrenaline, while, steroid , and vitamin D creams are used extensively in dermatological practice. A "
- Consequences for amphetamine use are dramatically less severe than for anabolic, steroid ,use, with the first offense bringing only a warning and further testing.
- Been widely criticized for not taking an active enough role to stem the tide of, steroid ,use in baseball until it had blossomed into a debilitating problem for the
- The statements Bonds made on the issue. Aaron expressed that he felt drug and, steroid ,use to boost athletic performance was inappropriate. Aaron was frustrated that
- An effort to allay nausea or heartburn. Weight gain can also be caused by some, steroid ,medications. These side effects can frequently be reduced or eliminated with
- The Clear" ), a then-undetected, performance-enhancing, steroid , developed by chemist Patrick Arnold. Cone, BALCO vice president James Valente
- Genes, and affecting protein synthesis. However, it has been shown that not all, steroid ,receptors are located intracellularly. Some are associated with the plasma
- Head groups of the membrane phospholipids and sphingolipids, while the bulky, steroid ,and the hydrocarbon chain are embedded in the membrane, alongside the nonpolar
- Inquiry into steroid s. Bonds also has been dogged by allegations of, steroid ,use and his involvement in the BACO drugs scandal, as his personal trainer
- Some felt the show should be put on hiatus until baseball investigated Bonds ', steroid ,use allegations. The series was canceled in June 2006,ESPN and producer
- Does the T-cell extend a vitamin D receptor, in essence asking bind to the, steroid ,hormone version of vitamin D, calcitriol,but the T-cell expresses the gene
- Device that allows the T-cell to bind to the active form of vitamin D,the, steroid ,hormone calcitriol. T-cells have a symbiotic relationship with vitamin D. Not
- Who publicly predicted his early death on the basis of a link between his, steroid ,use and his later heart problems. As the doctor had never examined him
- In the cytoplasm or nucleus by an interactive mechanism. For hormones such as, steroid ,or thyroid hormones, their receptors are located intracellularly within the
- ISBN 0971489440. 5-Dehydroepiandrosterone (5-DHEA) is a 19-carbon endogenous, steroid ,hormone. It is the major secretory steroid al product of the adrenal glands and
- With Pete Rose could be emphasized less. In 2007,Aaron felt the whole, steroid ,use issue was very controversial and decided that he would not attend any
- Is perhaps most responsible for the change in public opinion regarding Bonds ', steroid ,use. The book contained excerpts of grand jury testimony that is supposed to be
- Enzymes involved with oxidative phosphorylation. Lipids also form the basis of, steroid ,hormones. Metabolism The major dietary lipids for humans and other animals are
- With 66 home runs, just behind McGwire's unheard-of 70. However, recent, steroid , allegations have marred the season in the minds of many fans. That same year
- Separate. CSA glucosyltransferase initiates cellulose polymerization using a, steroid ,primer, sitosterol-beta-glucoside, and UDP-glucose. Cellulose synthase utilizes
- Proliferation and cellular differentiation. Usually it is a protein or a, steroid ,hormone. Growth factors are important for regulating a variety of cellular
- Drug detoxification, attachment of receptors on cell membrane proteins, and, steroid , metabolism. It is connected to the nuclear envelope. Smooth endoplasmic
- A unique paragon of American culture"—a status he sees as devastated by the, steroid ,abuse scandal. Baseball has an important place in other national cultures as
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, Acthar),various corticotropic, steroid ,hormones (prednisone),or bromide. Effectiveness - The definition of "
- Substrates. One important reaction that uses these activated isoprene donors is, steroid ,biosynthesis. Here, the isoprene units are joined together to make scalene and
- A homologous system. The adrenal cortex and the gonads are primary sources of, steroid ,hormones. Examples of eicosanoids are the widely studied prostaglandins. *
- And respect for the award was something to be determined by the fans. As the, steroid ,controversy received greater media attention during the off season before the
- Mistake. I truly apologize. Looking back, I wish I had never played during the, steroid ,era. " He admitted using them in the 1989/90 off season and then after he was
- Hormones are converted from their parent compound, cholesterol. Mammalian, steroid ,hormones can be grouped into five groups by the receptors to which they bind:
- Whether the record should be denoted with an asterisk due to Bonds' alleged, steroid ,usage. He felt recognition and respect for the award was something to be
- Players, including storied pitcher Roger Clemens—have been implicated in the, steroid ,abuse scandal, their feats and those of other sluggers had become the major
- Substrates. One important reaction that uses these activated isoprene donors is, steroid ,biosynthesis. Here, the isoprene units are joined together to make scalene and
- Cholesterol to adrenals, ovaries,and testes is important for the synthesis of, steroid ,hormones. Several steps in the metabolism of HDL can contribute to the
- Produced by the gonads and the brain. DHEA is the most abundant circulating, steroid ,in humans. DHEA has been implicated in a broad range of biological effects in
- On the new policy. In early 2006,Selim was forced to deal with the issue of, steroid ,use. On March 30, 2006,as a response to the controversy of the use of
- Who won four out of five World Series championships from 1996 to 2000. The, steroid ,era Drugs, baseball,and records The lure of big money pushed players harder
- A rare endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough, steroid ,hormones * Autosomal Dominant, a classification of genetic traits * Atomic
- II was carried out from September 10 to 17, 1993. Cholesterol is a waxy, steroid ,of fat that is produced in the liver or intestines. It is used to produce
- Is an important precursor molecule for the synthesis of vitamin D and the, steroid ,hormones, including the adrenal gland hormones cortisol and aldosterone, as
- Iodine solution if the radio contrast agent is not available, and an intravenous, steroid ,such as hydrocortisone. In other animals Cats In veterinary medicine
- Steroid hormones that derive from cholesterol and the eicosanoids. Examples of, steroid ,hormones are testosterone and cortisol. Sterol hormones such as calcitriol are
- Linoleic acid and arachidonic acid and phospholipids. The main classes are the, steroid ,hormones that derive from cholesterol and the eicosanoids. Examples of steroid
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