Examples of the the word, semantics , in a Sentence Context

The word ( semantics ), is the 8105 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Alonzo Church – mathematics of combinations, lambda calculus * Gabriel Biobank –, semantics , process calculi, membrane computing * Edgar F. Code – formulated the database
  2. In a parallel machine or in a network of computers working together. Atomic, semantics ,are defined for a variable with a single writer but multiple readers. These
  3. A subset of ISO N8485) into SAC, a functional array language with parallel, semantics , and currently runs under Linux. APEX-generated code uses loop fusion and array
  4. Use lexical scoping by default. The Common Lisp standard describes both the, semantics ,of the interpreter and a compiler. The compiler can be called using the
  5. Program is correctly written in terms of the programming language syntax and, semantics , Here legal and illegal programs are recognized. Errors are reported, if any
  6. The linguistic community by William Stoke, and contains phonology, morphology, semantics , syntax and pragmatics just like spoken languages. Like other sign languages
  7. Are defined for a variable with a single writer but multiple readers. These, semantics ,are very strong: they guarantee that the read and write operations to the
  8. There is no way (or need) to define an" abstract variable" with the, semantics ,of imperative variables (namely, with fetch and store operations). Instead of
  9. An access value cannot outlive the type of the object it points to. Though the, semantics ,of the language allow automatic garbage collection of inaccessible objects
  10. What the symbols mean). Therefore, having syntax is not enough to generate, semantics , Earle posits that these lead directly to this conclusion:: (C1) Programs
  11. Dialects provided both an interpreter and a compiler. Unfortunately often the, semantics ,were different. These earlier Lisps implemented lexical scoping in the compiler
  12. Akin to quality and sumbebekos. In linguistics The relation among syntax, semantics , and pragmatics has also been cashed out in terms of what could be called an "
  13. Wen. The character morphemes used in written Chinese are logo graphs that convey, semantics ,graphically rather than phonologically, although some logo graphs are compounds
  14. And abstractions through time which are accreted in cultures). General, semantics ,Korzybski's work culminated in the initiation of a discipline that he named
  15. Confused with semantics , a different subject. The basic principles of general, semantics , which include time-binding, are described in the publication Science and
  16. Supplying only the logic component. The appeal of this approach is the elegant, semantics ,: a change in the axioms has a well-defined change in the algorithm. * Serial or
  17. And scientist. He is remembered most for developing the theory of general, semantics , Early life and career (
  18. Constraints not captured by the grammar are then considered to be part of the ", semantics ," of the language. Context-free grammars are simple enough to allow the
  19. To him what the symbols stand for. Earle writes" syntax is insufficient for, semantics , " However, for those who accept that Searle's actions simulate a mind
  20. For certain data types of one or more programming languages that have similar, semantics , An abstract data type is defined indirectly, only by the operations that may
  21. Of a new class being derived from a and b. These facts emerge purely from the, semantics ,of def class. The only generic fact about this expression is that def class
  22. Which comments out the rest of the line * various alterations of the loop, semantics , sometimes destroying Turing completeness * requiring a special character to
  23. Element is passed. Therefore, although function calls in C use pass-by-value, semantics , arrays are in effect passed by reference. The number of elements in a declared
  24. To one another in abstraction from the relations of signs to objects i.e., semantics ,or to interpreters i.e., pragmatics,is the best developed of all the branches
  25. Should follow without controversy from the first three: Programs don't have, semantics , Programs have only syntax, and syntax is insufficient for semantics . Every
  26. Randomization. Though Pace was largely a frequentest, his possible world, semantics ,introduced the" propensity" theory of probability before Karl Popper. Pace
  27. Have only syntax, and syntax is insufficient for semantics . Every mind has, semantics , Therefore, programs are not minds. This much of the argument is intended to
  28. Just physical objects like any others.: (A2) " Minds have mental contents (, semantics ,). ": :Unlike the symbols used by a program, our thoughts have meaning: they
  29. Symbols using a form of syntax rules, without any knowledge of the symbol's, semantics ,(that is, their meaning). Searle's argument applies specifically to
  30. Context-sensitive grammar and linearly-bounded Turing machines. *Computational, semantics ,comprises defining suitable logics for linguistic meaning representation
  31. To the phyla Arthropoda, Tardigrada and Onychophora. The difference is one of, semantics ,rather than phylogeny. Communications in Afghanistan has dramatically increased
  32. And analyze only the expressions and their designate, we are in the field of, semantics , And if, finally,we abstract from the designate also and analyze only the
  33. Begs the question by insisting that system must understand Chinese. " Robot and, semantics ,replies: finding the meaning As far as the person in the room is concerned, the
  34. Processing into orthography, phonology and phonetics, morphology,syntax, semantics , and pragmatics. Many aspects of language can be studied from each of these
  35. There is a man in their moving symbols around). The Chinese room has no, semantics ,(because, according to Earle, there is no one or nothing in the room that
  36. General semantics (GS). As Korzybski said, GS should not be confused with, semantics , a different subject. The basic principles of general semantics , which include
  37. A program uses syntax to manipulate symbols and pays no attention to the, semantics ,of the symbols. It knows where to put the symbols and how to move them around
  38. On the executing machine. Those actions produce effects according to the, semantics ,of the instructions. Computer programming in general is the process of writing
  39. Requirements that in many other programming language standards are labelled ", semantics ," and have to be expressed in ambiguity-prone natural language prose, and then
  40. And conversation. It examines the above using statistics and modeling, and, semantics , It analyzes language in context of anthropology, biology,evolution, geography
  41. Required for signaling, avoiding potential deadlocks due to incorrect locking, semantics , Like tasks, the protected object is a built-in limited type, and it also has a
  42. N't have semantics . Programs have only syntax, and syntax is insufficient for, semantics , Every mind has semantics . Therefore, programs are not minds. This much of the
  43. Concerns internal pointers, or pointers to fields within an object. If the, semantics ,of a language allow internal pointers, then there may be many
  44. In particular logic calculi, formal languages, automata theory, and program, semantics , but also type systems and algebraic data types to problems in software and
  45. Where" cognitive" has to do only with formal rules and truth conditional, semantics , The earliest entries for the word" cognitive" in the OED take it to mean
  46. Co-ordinates distributed systems. * Programming languages define the syntax and, semantics ,of computer programs. For example, many mature banking applications were
  47. Structure). In order to understand syntax, one had to also understand the, semantics ,and the lexicon (or 'vocabulary' ), and even to understand something of the
  48. Searle's concerns about intentionality, symbol grounding and syntax vs., semantics ,.; Robot reply: Suppose that instead of a room, the program was placed into a
  49. A3) " Syntax by itself is neither constitutive of nor sufficient for, semantics , ": :This is what the Chinese room argument is intended to prove: the Chinese
  50. S work culminated in the initiation of a discipline that he named general, semantics ,(GS). As Korzybski said, GS should not be confused with semantics , a

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