Examples of the the word, damaged , in a Sentence Context

The word ( damaged ), is the 8099 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The club's members. Although Cambria Iron and Steel's facilities were heavily, damaged ,by the flood, they returned to full production within a year and a half. By
  2. Weary of delay, attacked,only to encounter a terrific storm which greatly, damaged ,his ships. The Battle of Large (October 1263) proved indecisive, but even so
  3. Unaffected. By the end of September, more workers returned to the lightly, damaged ,areas of the Pentagon. Aftermath Early estimates on rebuilding the damaged
  4. Dysregulation of p53 The tumor-suppressor protein p53 accumulates when DNA is, damaged ,due to a chain of biochemical factors. Part of this pathway includes
  5. The dispute over Upper Tweed dale and Teviotdale does not appear to have, damaged ,relations between Alexander and David, although it was unpopular in some
  6. Manifest themselves depends on which cerebellar structures have been, damaged , and whether the lesion is bilateral or unilateral. * Dysfunction of the
  7. Combination of prose and alliterating verse. The latter manuscript was severely, damaged ,in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the authorship of the verse has been much
  8. Joseph E. Brown of Georgia and Governor Zebulon Baird Vance of North Carolina), damaged , his ability to draw on regional resources. Name "/IN"> mcpherson79"/> The
  9. Who organized the reconstruction of the walls that had been previously, damaged ,by earthquakes, and,in some places, to construct a new line of fortification
  10. Solomon's. Japanese aircraft carrier Yugo is sunk and US carrier heavily, damaged , *1944 – World War II: Allied troops begin the attack on Paris. *1949 – The
  11. Sources began reporting on the incident within minutes. The impact severely, damaged ,an area of the Pentagon and ignited a large fire. A portion of the Pentagon
  12. world's largest refinery with capacity of 680,000 barrels per day, was badly, damaged ,or destroyed by the siege and by bombing. Previous to the war, the city's
  13. He should have taken nine years over the project. The second Chancellery was, damaged ,by the Battle of Berlin in 1945 and was eventually dismantled by the Soviets
  14. From Gordon, ( the capital of Phrygia),after an earthquake which severely, damaged ,that city around that time. In Phrygia tradition, King Midas was venerated as
  15. Membrane, can all trigger the release of intracellular apoptotic signals by a, damaged ,cell. A number of cellular components, such as poly ADP ribose polymerase, may
  16. Collapsed; firefighters spent days trying to fully extinguish the blaze. The, damaged ,sections of the Pentagon were rebuilt in 2002,with occupants moving back into
  17. Naval operations in 1862 when the CSS Virginia, formerly the USS Merrimack, damaged ,or destroyed three Union vessels in Norfolk, Virginia,before being engaged and
  18. Deputy manager for Arlington County, Virginia,said the voice recorder was, damaged ,on the outside and the flight data recorder was charred. But he said the FBI
  19. Lindbergh initially sought out Carrel to see if his sister-in-law's heart, damaged ,by rheumatic fever, could be repaired. When Lindbergh saw the crudeness of
  20. Determined by 5:30 p. m. on the first day that no one remained alive in the, damaged ,section of the building. In the days after the crash, news reports emerged that
  21. Returned to the United States. However,Carnegie's reputation was permanently, damaged ,by the Homestead events. Philosophy Andrew Carnegie Dictum In his final days
  22. Weapon. * 1953 – The islands of Zakynthos and Catalonia in Greece are severely, damaged ,by an earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale. *1960 – Echo 1A,NASA's
  23. Recent years the largest of the trees,Kirk's" Minister's Pine ", has been, damaged ,by vandals who have hammered coins into the bark. Other Scots pines in the
  24. Appeared to be un damaged , but a loosely-fitting filling tube was apparently, damaged , and photographs suggested that the close-out cap on the top of the tank may
  25. Languages and monuments. However, many of its historic monuments have been, damaged ,in recent wars. The two famous Buddhas of Damian were destroyed by the Taliban
  26. For persons with necrotizing fasciitis, surgery often is needed to remove, damaged ,tissue. Strains of S. Diogenes resistant to Caroline antibiotics have emerged
  27. Mainly in the northeastern Hindu Kush mountain range. Some 125 villages were, damaged ,and over 4,000 people killed by two earthquakes in 1998. The country's natural
  28. Or destroyed three Union vessels in Norfolk, Virginia,before being engaged and, damaged ,by the USS Monitor. Lincoln closely reviewed the dispatches and interrogated
  29. Over almost a quarter of his body and a small portion of his spacesuit was, damaged , It was later confirmed the crew had died of smoke inhalation with burns
  30. Inspected Eagle as it pirouetted before him to ensure the craft was not, damaged , As the descent began, Armstrong and Aldrin found that they were passing
  31. The Führerbunker, with Hitler curtly bidding him farewell. Speer toured the, damaged ,Chancellery one last time before leaving Berlin to return to Hamburg. On April
  32. The Nagorno-Karabakh War during the 1990s crippled the tourist industry and, damaged ,the image of Azerbaijan as a tourist destination. It was not until 2000s that
  33. Cossacks and seriously wounding the driver and people on the sidewalk, had only, damaged ,the bulletproof carriage, a gift from Napoleon III of France. The tsar emerged
  34. Damaged areas of the Pentagon. Aftermath Early estimates on rebuilding the, damaged ,section of the Pentagon were that it would take three years to complete. The
  35. Of two sculptures from the 1870s that Rodin found in his studio — a broken and, damaged ,torso that had fallen into neglect and the lower extremities of a statuette
  36. Production, and were a target for allied bombing during the war, leaving them, damaged , Overrun by the Soviet Army in 1945,on the orders of the Soviet Union military
  37. Defence of spiritualist mediums against allegations of fraud in the 1870s, damaged , his scientific reputation. It strained his relationships with previously
  38. Losing one destroyer and one transport sunk, and one light cruiser heavily, damaged , *1944 – World War II: Paris is liberated by the Allies. *1945 – Ten days after
  39. It. The other oxygen tank or its piping, located near the failed tank, was, damaged , allowing it to leak also. Design fixes included moving the tanks farther apart
  40. The second-largest city in the republic, Leninakan (now Yuri),was heavily, damaged ,by a massive quake that killed more than 25,000 people. About half of Armenia
  41. Colombo, Ceylon during the Indian Ocean Raid. Port and civilian facilities are, damaged ,and the Royal Navy cruisers and are sunk southwest of the island. *1943 – World
  42. And pro-apoptotic effectors is upset in favor of the former, and the, damaged ,cells continue to replicate despite being directed to die.; Dysregulation of
  43. Hand, many of these houses have been built in prominent scenic areas and have, damaged ,traditional views of the island while lying empty for most of the year. They
  44. Restoration projects using native plants to restore habitats that have been, damaged ,or destroyed by humans or invasive pests and weeds. There are great restoration
  45. Initially a 2 pounder) on a truck. This was to prevent the weapon from being, damaged ,by long-distance towing across rough, stony deserts, and it was intended only
  46. Normal circumstances binds platelet molecules together to create a patch over, damaged ,walls of blood vessels. Because the platelet patch can become too large and
  47. To execute a burn with the engine. *It was feared the engine might have been, damaged ,when the O2 tank had exploded, preventing the engine from being fired safely.
  48. Was being used as a gunpowder magazine, was hit by artillery fire and severely, damaged , In subsequent years, the Acropolis was a site of bustling human activity with
  49. The only crisis in the long-standing relationship between Alleged and Gide and, damaged ,the relation with Van Rysselberghe. This was possibly his only sexual liaison
  50. Imposed significant financial burdens on small-scale and organic growers and, damaged ,domestic almond markets. The federal judge dismissed the lawsuit in the spring

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