Examples of the the word, relocation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( relocation ), is the 7334 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. First phase Migration Period displacement from between CE 300 and 500 included, relocation ,of the Goths (Ostrogoths and Visigoths),Vandals, Franks,various other
  2. Extended, as well as the establishment of joint border inspection agencies, relocation ,of U. S. food inspectors agents to Canadian plants and vice versa, greater
  3. Industry Association),or short VDA, moved from Frankfurt to, but the, relocation ,does not affect this as it is agreed upon that the motor show will be held in
  4. Of legal activity. Ironically, Modell had previously been staunchly against the, relocation ,of sports teams, having heavily criticized Irsay's move in 1986. As part of
  5. Organized violence, restrictive land ownership and professional lives, forcible, relocation , and ghettoization, mandatory dress codes, and at times humiliating actions and
  6. Could not compete with. Local philanthropist George Gun III facilitated the, relocation ,of the NHL's California Golden Seals to Cleveland in 1976 and renamed them the
  7. Steps that had been demanded by President William McKinley: it ended the forced, relocation ,and offered negotiations with the independence fighters. But the truce was
  8. Popular Chicago Bears. The team was reportedly for sale (with the intent of, relocation ,), and one of the men who approached the Cardinals was Lamar Hunt, son and heir
  9. Medford, and the Sheriff's office for the county is still awaiting a near-term, relocation , Education Higher education Cambridge is perhaps best known as an academic and
  10. With Week" out of the way ", the American League owners quickly approved the, relocation ,of the team to Baltimore for the 1954 season on September 29, 1953. Miles
  11. Encounters increases, as they may return to the same location despite, relocation , The saying," a fed bear is a dead bear ", has come into use to popularize the
  12. Execution of the file, while sections contain important data for linking and, relocation , Any byte in the entire file can be owned by at most one section, and there can
  13. A former minority owner of the Milwaukee Braves who had been unable to stop the, relocation ,of his team three years earlier, contracted with the Allyn brothers to host
  14. Germans from escaping to West Germany, became a symbol of the Cold War. The, relocation ,of the government was completed in 1999. Since reunification, Germany has taken
  15. The history of the nation. Perhaps the most outstanding of these events was the, relocation ,of many of the nation's the most prominent architects from New England to the city
  16. To the West during Jackson's administration. A few Cherokees escaped forced, relocation , or walked back afterwards, escaping to the high Smoky Mountains along the
  17. Hanover. The company was founded in 2003 and supports the start-up, growth and, relocation ,of businesses in the Hanover Region. The focus is on seven sectors, which
  18. Depopulate the island when the US constructed a base upon it. This involuntary, relocation ,decision remains in litigation as of 2010. Diego Garcia and its territorial
  19. As far south as Pittsburgh. On September 10, 2009,First Niagara announced the, relocation ,of its corporate headquarters from Lock port to downtown Buffalo. The company
  20. Certain areas as military zones. Eventually, EO 9066 cleared the way for the, relocation ,of Japanese Americans to internment camps. The Order authorized the
  21. Aggressive enforcement of the Indian Removal Act, which resulted in the forced, relocation ,of thousands of Native American tribes to Indian Territory (now Oklahoma).
  22. Reached a settlement in March 1986 in which all lawsuits regarding the, relocation ,were dismissed, and the Colts would endorse a new NFL team for Baltimore. On
  23. Quasi-expansion franchise, having originated in 1995 with the Cleveland Browns, relocation ,controversy after Art Model, then owner of the Cleveland Browns, announced his
  24. The expansion Jacksonville Jaguars joined the AFC in 1995. Due to the, relocation ,controversy of the Cleveland Browns, a new AFC franchise called the Baltimore
  25. Announced his intention to move the team to Baltimore, Maryland,initiating a, relocation ,controversy that led to legal action. The legal action resulted in a unique
  26. Edge 38–36. Baltimore Ravens Created as a result of the Cleveland Browns, relocation ,controversy, the rivalry between the Browns and the Ravens is more directed at
  27. Teams after its first year of operation. In fact, the only major change was the, relocation ,of the Chargers from Los Angeles to nearby San Diego. On August 8,1961,the
  28. And resentment among local fans, the most notable instances being Art Modell's, relocation ,of the Browns to Baltimore after the 1995 season (that franchise became the
  29. Supply a team to Cleveland by 1999,several NFL franchises used the threat of, relocation ,to coerce their respective cities to build new stadiums with public funds. Such
  30. Of many Native Americans in rural areas, the federal government created, relocation ,programs to cities to try to expand their employment opportunities. Indian
  31. Secure adequate insulation of the bronze tank under pressure. This led to the, relocation ,of the pressure pump between the tank and the nozzle. The full-scale device
  32. Players, staff or front office would make the move to Baltimore, however. After, relocation ,Model hired Ted Marchibroda as the head coach for his new team in Baltimore.
  33. The United States, Canada,and Australia. Government subsidies for travel and, relocation ,facilitated the decision to emigrate. Personal networks of family and friends
  34. Was the focus for an intense transmigration program that financed the, relocation ,of poor landless families from Java, Madura, and Bali. In 2001,transmigrants
  35. That included the addition of two new elevators (to a total of six) and the, relocation ,of the staircase from the north side leg to inside the core of the building, a
  36. Other defendants who blamed Hitler, maintained to his death that this meant, relocation ,of Jews, and that he did not know of the subsequent extermination. Following
  37. Project. Arms of the lake extended into the lower-lying areas, forcing the, relocation ,of 78,000 people to newly created townships on the lake's higher banks. The
  38. The devastation of Belize City for the second time in thirty years prompted the, relocation ,of the capital some inland to the planned city of Belmopan. Hurricane Greta
  39. Style characterized by brilliant color, textured surfaces, and—after his, relocation ,to the Normandy seacoast—the reappearance of the human figure. He painted many
  40. Star chef Alain Ducats was brought in to run Jules Verne. Attempted, relocation ,According to interviews given in the early 1980s,Montreal Mayor Jean Draped
  41. On record at that time),the ordeal triggered the company headquarters ', relocation ,to São Paulo, Brazil,and contributed to the March 1976 coup. Retaining their
  42. Solutions have been proposed for dealing with the shrinkage, including resident, relocation ,from more sparsely populated neighborhoods and converting unused space to
  43. Areas of Yellowstone, and because male bears tend to dominate the center of the, relocation ,zone, female bears tend to be pushed to the boundaries of the region and beyond
  44. Of useless or unreachable code, discovery and propagation of constant values, relocation ,of computation to a less frequently executed place (e.g., out of a loop),or
  45. Increased military presence stemming from the upcoming preparation efforts and, relocation ,efforts of U. S. Marines from Okinawa, Japan to Guam slated to begin in 2010
  46. Background and inspiration behind the album: Production Background, writing and, relocation ,to Los Angeles Early ideas for The Downward Spiral were conceived after the
  47. Caused the death of at least one-third of Cuba's rural population. The forced, relocation ,policy was maintained until March 1898. As the war continued, the major
  48. 5,1990. In 1991,Ali Mohammed is said to have helped orchestrate bin Laden's, relocation ,to Sudan. Gulf War and the start of U. S. enmity Following the Soviet Union's
  49. And expansion of the elements for defense of the Brazilian territory. Troop, relocation ,Brazil has the need to patrol it's of land borders. The 3rd Infantry Battalion
  50. Standoff begins in Japan. *1976 – Executive Order 9066,which led to the, relocation ,of Japanese Americans to internment camps, is rescinded by President Gerald R.

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