Examples of the the word, hopeful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hopeful ), is the 7335 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That" 'The Beauty Myth' and the controversy it is eliciting could be a, hopeful ,sign of a new surge of feminist consciousness. " However, Camille Paglia, whose
  2. Is optimistic about bringing the Maoists' back into the government. He is also, hopeful ,of introducing a new Nepalese constitution by May 2010. Law and order Police
  3. Classic sense of optimal, not in the mood-related sense, as being positively, hopeful , ) The Theory tries to justify the apparent imperfections of the world by
  4. Isaiah's Suffering Servant and in all of Jewish scripture, Christians had been, hopeful ,that their countrymen would accept their vision of a New Israel. (who later
  5. The season, the Celtics, with the second-worst record in the NBA, were at least, hopeful ,that they could secure a high draft pick and select either Greg Ode nor Kevin
  6. Can ever speak the truth. He warns Macbeth that evil will offer men a small, hopeful ,truth only in order to catch them in a deadly trap. When Macbeth kills the king
  7. Funds owed to the Palestinians. " Prime minister Ahmed Dora" said he was, hopeful ,of finding alternative funding to meet the budget shortfall of around 50
  8. The" hopeful monster" that has large phenotype mutations and calls it the ", hopeful ,behavioral monster ". After behavior has changed radically, small but quick
  9. There was a general demand for films with a strong social class critique and, hopeful , escapist-oriented themes. The screwball format arose largely as a result of
  10. Changes of the phenotype. Popper contrasts his views with the notion of the ", hopeful ,monster" that has large phenotype mutations and calls it the" hopeful
  11. The desire to reconnect with friends and family was strong, and most were, hopeful ,about the changes emancipation and Reconstruction would bring. The USA PATRIOT
  12. Team created a work with lengthy sequences of music and made the ending more, hopeful , The musical required considerable modification during out-of-town tryouts, but
  13. Coerced to return to her native Finland. And people's hunger for spiritual and, hopeful ,message. During the 1990s,Methodism experienced a powerful wave of revival in
  14. Radio broadcast at http://www.afghanland.com/history/karmal.html) Karma gave, hopeful ,promises. He said that henceforth there would be no executions and that a new
  15. As emperor-elect. Otto returned to Germany to deal with the situation, hopeful ,to salvage something from the looming disaster. He found most of the German
  16. He had usurped their rightful place by taking the crown, although they remained, hopeful ,that they might succeed to the throne after Arminius' death. Upon the
  17. Beat casino games of pure chance such as craps, but that does not stop, hopeful ,gamblers believing in them. One of the best known systems is the Martingale
  18. In the fossil record. The controversial geneticist who advocated the idea of ", hopeful ,monsters," only exacerbated the matter, which lead some biologists to conclude
  19. Were able to give trichromatic vision to squirrel monkeys using gene therapy,a, hopeful ,precursor to a treatment for color blindness in humans. In November 2009,the
  20. Campaign had one overriding significance –" Now we have God be thanked so, hopeful ,a prospect of peace. " Instead of continuing the momentum of victory, however
  21. Formation and early use Procaine Campaign Democratic New York City mayoral, hopeful ,Mario Procaine coined the term" limousine liberal" to describe incumbent
  22. In a dry goods store, and later in a bookstore. Griffith began his career as a, hopeful ,playwright but met with little success; only one of his plays was accepted for
  23. June 1920,some Wilson partisans made efforts on his behalf and sent Wilson, hopeful ,reports, but they were quashed by Wilson's wiser friends. Incapacity Wilson
  24. Flagship Soviet aircraft. In the late 1970s Soviet insiders were intensely, hopeful ,in conversations with their Western counterparts to reintroduce Tu-144
  25. Some critics describe the film's theme as" dark," in essence" it is a very, hopeful ,film. " During one interview in the documentary, Stanley Kubrick: A Life in
  26. Influenced his 1922 novel, Diary of a Drug Fiend, but the fiction presented a, hopeful ,outcome of rehabilitation and recovery by means of magical techniques and the
  27. The thing. " Besides a Big Audio Dynamite reunion, Letts said he was also, hopeful ,for more Legacy Editions of the group's albums after finding more unreleased
  28. That I have and sarcastic opinions and feelings that I have and sarcastic and, hopeful , humorous rebuttals toward cliché Bohemian ideals that have been exhausted for
  29. Tells him of a wonderful dream she had about robins that she interprets as a, hopeful ,sign of some upcoming improvement for humanity. It is clear that Jeffrey and
  30. Conducting professional and student orchestras. He once said that the" most, hopeful ,accomplishment" of his administration as mayor was the creation of the High
  31. Starting with the Overleaf Club brothel on October 24, 1911. Harrison was a, hopeful ,for the 1904 Democratic nomination for President, but was unable to negotiate
  32. Film in his book Rebel Without a Crew. The book and film inspired legions of, hopeful ,filmmakers to pick up cameras and make no-budget movies. The film and the book
  33. Accept that. The way we ended Carousel it may still be a tragedy, but it's a, hopeful ,one because in the final scene it is clear that the child has at last learned
  34. Thus enabling direct detections to be made more easily. The researchers are, hopeful ,that many new planets may be imaged using this technique. Another promising
  35. Allen publicly announced that he was stepping down as commander, but remained, hopeful ,that the Second Continental Congress was going to name" a commander for this
  36. Opens on the dark-haired woman's limousine, that contrasts with the bright, hopeful ,tones of Betty's first arrival in Los Angeles, Badalamenti described a
  37. It was such a great feeling, and not just because I was a kid. It was a really, hopeful ,time, and things were going up instead of going down. You got the feeling you
  38. Over USD $1 billion in damage (1983 dollars). *1989 – Leading presidential, hopeful ,Luis Carlos Alan is assassinated near Bogotá in Colombia. *2000 – A federal
  39. 16–August 17 – Woodstock '89 festivals. * August 18 – Leading presidential, hopeful ,Luis Carlos Alan is assassinated near Bogotá in Colombia. ** Polish president
  40. Visigothic kingdom. The only point during this period when the situation became, hopeful ,for Leon was the reign of Ramiro II. King Ramiro, in alliance with Fernand
  41. Demands it. By invoking claims of" abrupt appearances" such as salvation or, hopeful ,monsters, and other miraculous acts creation science is unsuited for the tools
  42. However, in a more recent interview, Mick Fleetwood said" ... be very happy and, hopeful ,that we will be working again. I can tell you everyone's going to be extremely
  43. Following the successes in Italy and along the Rhine, Louis XIV was now, hopeful ,of similar results in Flanders. Far from standing on the defensive therefore –
  44. Yes, more virtuous, because the market punishes immorality — and more, hopeful ,about the future than they’ve ever been in their history. I asked Mr. Lair
  45. Of the 'lama. " At the start of his regime many staunch Sunnis were, hopeful , because he seemed less tolerant to other faiths than his father had been. At
  46. Drive are archetypes that can only be perceived as cliché: the new Hollywood, hopeful , the femme fatale, the maverick director, and shady power brokers that Lynch
  47. Steely Dan's album, Aja. Dry commented that the album was one of the most ", hopeful ," he'd ever heard, and that the album" lifted his spirits up" whenever he
  48. And" the challenge of making heartfelt, emotional music that's upbeat and, hopeful ,". According to Maclean's magazine, Whoa,Nelly! Had sold six million copies
  49. With the Conservatives leading in the polls, Diefenbaker wanted a new election, hopeful ,that his party would gain a majority of seats. It was then Canadian
  50. In a letter to Hemingway, Salinger claimed their talks" had given him his only, hopeful ,minutes of the entire war" and jokingly" named himself national chairman of

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