Examples of the the word, agents , in a Sentence Context

The word ( agents ), is the 12409 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are less effective at empathizing by handling events generated by other, agents , An extension, the extreme male brain theory, hypothesizes that autism is an
  2. State via inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis; however, these, agents , do not typically cause hyperkalemia by themselves in the setting of normal
  3. Participated in the operation. Among other active measures, at least three STB, agents ,became translators and secretaries of Solzhenitsyn (one of them translated the
  4. Since the anionic compounds in the SLS toothpaste can deactivate cationic, agents ,present in the mouth rinse. However, many would disagree with this hypothesis;
  5. Produced by algae can be used as an alternative to chemical dyes and coloring, agents , Stabilizing substances Cartagena, from the red alga Chorus Crispus, is
  6. Made and what causes change of what is changed' and so suggests all sorts of, agents , nonliving or living, acting as the sources of change or movement or rest.
  7. Worlds lacking the para time technology via a network of James Bond-style secret, agents ,(Piper called them the" para time police" ). This concept provided a
  8. EUROPA" studied trained and other compounds as potential extraction, agents , Bis-triazinyl piperidine complex has been recently proposed as such reagent as
  9. 1969),and the EU has banned the use of antibacterials as growth-promotional, agents ,since 2003. Moreover, several organizations (e.g., The American Society for
  10. Effect on microorganisms: bactericidal agents kill bacteria, and bacteriostatic, agents ,slow down or stall bacterial growth. History Before the early 20th century
  11. Oil. In latter function, they work at the same time as anti-corrosive, agents , as their hydrophobic nature means that water cannot reach the metal surface.
  12. Quartet (1977–1988),with wizards taking the place of high-tech secret, agents , Among the novels in this series, Witch Week stands out for its vivid depiction
  13. Have been shown to inhibit growth of pathogenic bacteria. A number of these, agents ,appear to have structures and modes of action that are distinct from those of
  14. World near Orlando, Florida,United States. *2000 – In a pre-dawn raid, federal, agents , seize six-year-old Elian González from his relatives' home in Miami, Florida.
  15. Discussions between the para time cops and their superiors (or between para time, agents ,and new recruits) regarding the histories of such worlds. The para time theme
  16. Been opened. Many newer brands are alcohol-free and contain odor-elimination, agents ,such as oxidizers, as well as odor-preventing agents such as zinc ion to keep
  17. It. AI textbooks define the field as" the study and design of intelligent, agents ," This raises philosophical issues about the nature of the mind and the ethics
  18. Indian policy, that relied heavily on congressional patronage and corrupt, agents , after the American Civil War. Lincoln is largely responsible for the
  19. Under complete secrecy during the playing season because players were all free, agents ,in those days, and they did not want their current club and especially the fans
  20. Law forbids teachers, doctors,and civil servants from becoming direct sales, agents ,for the company and, unlike in the U. S., salespeople in China are ineligible
  21. Only people who might in 1976 have access to a" secret KGB archive" were KGB, agents ,themselves. Solzhenitsyn also requested Arnaud to put the alleged document to a
  22. Plants, and natural forces. Therefore, it is morally imperative to treat these, agents ,with respect. In this world view, humans are considered a part of nature
  23. In April 2010,Amway had 237 retail shops in China,160,000 direct sales, agents , and US$3 billion in revenue. Brands Amway's product line grew from LOC, with
  24. Resistance to common antibacterials. For example, some resistance-modifying, agents ,may inhibit multidrug resistance mechanisms, such as drug efflux from the cell
  25. I Comments on September 11, 1185. Isaac made a desperate attack on the imperial, agents ,and killed their leader Stephen Hagiochristophorites. He then took refuge in
  26. Existence which controls not only the actions of individual, intelligent, agents , but ultimately all observable phenomena. Will, for Schopenhauer, is what Kant
  27. Andrew found Guy Khan dead, poisoned,as the envoy supposed, by Batu Khan's, agents , The regent-mother Off Amish (the" Camus" of William of Rub ruck) seems
  28. Activity in synapses and on activity-dependent changes. All known teratogens (, agents ,that cause birth defects) related to the risk of autism appear to act during
  29. In some glasses. In the latter application, antimony oxides serve as fining, agents , aiding in the removal of microscopic bubbles. This application is mainly used
  30. Then for office and an examination after stepping down. Officeholders were the, agents ,of the people, not their representatives. Citizens active as office holders
  31. With the United States. Lincoln rejected any negotiations with Confederate, agents ,because he claimed the Confederacy was not a legitimate government, and that
  32. A cage of ammonia molecules. These solutions are very useful as strong reducing, agents , At higher concentrations, the solutions are metallic in appearance and in
  33. Contain odor-elimination agents such as oxidizers, as well as odor-preventing, agents ,such as zinc ion to keep future bad breath from developing. Alternative
  34. Used to try to mitigate the problem of gastrointestinal bleeding. Buffering, agents ,are intended to work by preventing the aspirin from concentrating in the walls
  35. Including cooking oils, lettuce,sunflower seeds, artichokes,sweetening, agents , and teas. Several genera are also very popular with the horticultural
  36. There was acute public anxiety about spies and homosexual entrapment by Soviet, agents , because of the recent exposure of the first two members of the Cambridge Five
  37. Include poetry. The Mycenaean states were destroyed about 1200 BC by unknown, agents ,although one school of thought assigns the Dorian invasion to this time. The
  38. Species as cause that are still sensitive to traditional anti-staphylococcus, agents ,such as dicloxacillin or cephalexin in patients able to tolerate penicillin).
  39. Resistance problem demands that a renewed effort be made to seek antibacterial, agents ,effective against pathogenic bacteria resistant to current antibiotics. One of
  40. Groups according to their biological effect on microorganisms: bactericidal, agents ,kill bacteria, and bacteriostatic agents slow down or stall bacterial growth.
  41. Lead to death in a few days. Antimony is incompatible with strong oxidizing, agents , strong acids, halogen acids, chlorine,or fluorine. It should be kept away
  42. Foils and beverage cans are alloys of 92 % to 99 % aluminum. The main alloying, agents ,are copper, zinc,magnesium, manganese,and silicon (e.g., duralumin ) and
  43. And inert rendering properties, leading to their use as anti-microbial, agents ,in medicine, pharmacy,and industry. Nomenclature Systematic names In the IUPAC
  44. Had multiple entry visas to the United States well before 9/11. Two FBI, agents ,inside the unit tried to alert FBI headquarters, but CIA officers rebuffed them
  45. Of alternative strategies to treat bacterial diseases. Resistance-modifying, agents ,One strategy to address bacterial drug resistance is the discovery and
  46. KGB. Evidence for this hypothesis includes several testimonies by former KGB, agents , who claim that Viktor Cheerios gave the order to eradicate Tchaikovsky to
  47. Members of the Cambridge Five, Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean, as KGB double, agents , Turing was never accused of espionage but, as with all who had worked at
  48. Trade provided many black slaves to Europeans and their African, agents , For example, in what is now Angola, the Mandala economy was heavily focused
  49. The body remained slow. Much better results were obtained with such cheating, agents ,as HERA or DATA (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid)
  50. Was the maintenance of the internal comma in a British organization of secret, agents ,called the" Special Operations, Executive " —" S. O., E" — which is not

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