Examples of the the word, api , in a Sentence Context

The word ( api ), is the 7118 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is also famous for its mask leak chili padi or called gulag leak chili, api , a traditional Never Serbian hot dish. *Said pay. It is a type of baked bun
  2. It was built at the intersection of Walnut & 9th. The highest school's, api , test score according to the signal for 2009-2010 was Stevenson Ranch Elementary
  3. Bambino dell'ETA Della Petra #Il corsairs nero #Il fire DI pitta #Le, api , del convent #Libertà è un PAIO d'Ali (Czechoslovakia) #Ma Che cost CI posse
  4. Uses the command and abstract factory patterns to provide a simplified database, api , that hides many of the details of connection and error handling from the user.
  5. Grandmother, Y AMI (DHA),At AMI (n),A AMI (DHA) mother's mother; Y, api , ( DHA),At API (DHA),A API (DHA) father's mother; WCL Kazakh grandmother
  6. He often explains a number given in this system, using the formula Ankara, api , ( " in figures this reads" ), by repeating it written with the first nine
  7. Sequences of prime numbers (p1,..., pn) such that for all 1 ≤ i < n, pi+1 =, api , + b for fixed cop rime integers a, b; the resulting chains are called
  8. To display a real ampersand. This convention originated in the first WIN32,API, and is used in Windows Forms, and is also copied into many other too kits on
  9. CDDL) and has been ported to several other Unix-like systems. * DynDNS is an, api , to allow dynamic injection of code into a running program. * Prof, the GNU
  10. Me like the Sun God Guru pungava methane they, Samayamayatham Nazi KO, api , sudhi, Saranagatha vassal That niche, Bhava Sankara design may saran am. 7
  11. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Downloaded on 21 July 2007. Pelophryne, api , is a species of toad in the Euphonize family. It is found in Malaysia and
  12. Not dump rubbish here! Base Minangkabau: Iran DI pack! Biko Tongan ang kanji, api , Indonesian/Malay: Japan dispatch! Anti Tongan Kama Abubakar.
  13. Nella Contract Della CERFA all n. 340,1807 * Carlo Amaretto, Educazione Dell, api , per la Lombardia - In Milano: the Giuseppe Palazzi region Salvatore,1788 *
  14. In his Cultivation, by Geronimo Baruffaldi in the Canada, by Rubella in Le, api , by Bartolomeo Lorenzo in the Cultivation de' month, and by Giambattista
  15. Wrote four more books. In 1642 appeared his Vaccinate Otero Barbarella per LE, api , barberine, a " Drumming against the Barbering bees, on the occasion of Our Lord
  16. It is very difficult to write a system that uses UTF-16 or UTF-32 as an, api , This is due to the often-overlooked fact that the byte array used by UTF-8 can
  17. India, and Burma. The mythical rhinoceros has a special name in Malay, badak, api , where back means rhinoceros and API means fire. The animal would come when a
  18. MaanavaaH. Shraddhaavanto. Anasuuyanto machinate the., api , karmabhiH. 3.31 Those who continuously practice what I preach they will be
  19. At AMI (n),A AMI (DHA) mother's mother; Y API (DHA),At API (DHA),A, api , ( DHA) father's mother; WCL Kazakh grandmother G *Poona or *fauna, Y century
  20. Ni Rizal: :Tuna along mid caring diva at push: :Ang Bryan Alibaba'y, api , Lupin at Suzuki.: :SA kapabayaan NG capturing punk: :Malaya'y naval
  21. Means car and API which means fire, are compounded to form a new word karma, api , ( train). Similarly, ambil Ali (take over) is formed using the root words
  22. Extra light, a high-quality crude grade with a specific gravity of 42 degrees, api , and a sulfur content of less than 0.7 percent. The oil reservoir is found at a
  23. Programming interface, is any defined inter-program interface. API or, api , may also refer to: Companies and organizations: * Academic Programs
  24. To maintain the meter, sahasranamas use the artifice of adding words like TU, api , ca, and hi, which are only conjunctions not necessarily needed for the meaning
  25. A point of access to information on the Internet * Portals network programming, api , a high-performance networking programming interface for massively parallel
  26. For instance, it is impossible to fix an invalid UTF-8 filename using a UTF-16,API, as no possible UTF-16 string will translate to that invalid filename. The
  27. P. 2004. http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/54865/all Pelophryne, api , http://www.iucnredlist.org 2006 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  28. The north-east coast to the south of Peninsular Malaysia owned by the Karma, api , Tanah Delay Broad (KTMB). The railway from Gems to Tum pat in Atlanta goes
  29. Considered as stable words. For example, the word karma which means car and, api , which means fire, are compounded to form a new word karma API (train).
  30. Frown gloomily again and sink in night.:: — Ryder Dasharatha's hunt:, api , turagasamīpād utpatantaṃ mayoral Na SA rucirakalāpaṃ bāṇalakṣyī Canada
  31. Is. Indefinite pronouns are formed by adding the particles, api , CID, or can after the appropriate interrogative pronouns. Relative and
  32. Too great to provide the constitutionally mandated 8.25 acre (33,000 m²),API, for each male at age 16. In mid-1982,population density was 134 persons per
  33. Pradhānenābhisambandhāt; Aiming 6,3.3) to the" Omnipotent Main Being" (, api , vāpy evades seat Pradhan HY arthanirvṛttir guṇamātram start tadarthatvāt;
  34. Topographic di Gust, Ferrario e C.,1804 * Carlo Amaretto, Coltivazioni Dell, api , pel Reno d'Italia - Alvisopoli: N. e G. Bettong,1811 * Carlo Amaretto, Della
  35. Y AMI (DHA),At AMI (n),A AMI (DHA) mother's mother; Y API (DHA),At, api , ( DHA),A API (DHA) father's mother; WCL Kazakh grandmother G *Poona or
  36. Windows. GNU get text is used for translation. Doxygen is used to generate, api , documentation. * KDE Software Compilation: KDE Software Compilation (KDE SC)
  37. Menu means" mountain" refer to mythical mountain of Gods in Hinduism, and,API, means " fire ". Smoke can be seen emerging from the mountaintop at least 300
  38. PC to make sort decisions. The API available to Native programs is the SPHERE, api , External links *http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/reference/glossary_3.html
  39. Mahātmānaṃ dauḥṣantiṃ Bharat Purana bhartavyo 'yam Avaya Ahmad Asmara vacancy, api , tasmād Bharat Adam Nampa Bharat name the Utah Therefore, O thou of Puru's
  40. PDF concepts and http://enstb.org/~cguychard/pcfengine/pdf/ api . PDF, api , .; PIT: PIT is foremost a monitoring system that also does configuration
  41. Sometimes miscalled" fire ants" because a colloquial name in Malay is smut, api , ; another name is Kannada (real fire ants are in a different genus, Solenopsis
  42. 1,PREY_SPLIT_DENIM_CAPTURE); // (for PHP) Online use, libraries,and, api , *http://text0.mib.man.ac.uk:8080/scottpiao/sent_detector sent_detector -Java
  43. KBS (KDE JavaScript/ECMAScript Engine) -, api , Kde. Org *http:// api .kde.org/4.x- api /kdelibs- api docs/kjsembed/html/ Assembled (
  44. Other indigenous languages of the Americas; Abalone Avalon.; Alpaca.; Appaloosa, api , losa," black body ".; Bayou.; Camps.; Cannibal | access date=2007-03-29} };
  45. The DX-products are also available under the Dolphin Express label. The SI SCI, api , was developed as an interface for utilizing the shared memory SCI hardware.
  46. There, what samsara is discriminated from what nirvana? 18:6-12: Armenia, api , prajñ api tam anātmety api design:: Although (the term) " self" is caused to
  47. Of whom? ", is. Indefinite pronouns are formed by adding the participles, api , CID, or can after the appropriate interrogative pronouns. All relative
  48. Kami AAU Texan butane perhubungan kecemasan yang Ada DI Teri pint karma, api , | (The Tamil Version). (When Approaching Station, Chime Plays) Dover. (
  49. Of" Rockhopper. " Derived from the Muskogee ok api (Rocha (acorn) /, api , ( stem) ), this was the old name of the nearby river. Sop choppy came into
  50. Has a special name in Malay, badak API, where back means rhinoceros and, api , means fire. The animal would come when a fire is lit in the forest and stamp it

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