Examples of the the word, profoundly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( profoundly ), is the 7694 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And anticipate a technological singularity in the 21st century that would, profoundly ,and unpredictably change the course of human history, and result in Homo
  2. With work on elocution and speech, and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly ,influencing Bell's life's work. His research on hearing and speech further
  3. Cables, and laser lines. Even the partial realization of the UIs will, profoundly ,affect every person, his leisure activities, and his intellectual and artistic
  4. English language's word for" enjoyment" or" happiness. " So important and, profoundly ,powerful word since ancient times it is heralded in all languages and has since
  5. Begins. Moving a full-stop a few words forward or back or inserting a comma can, profoundly ,alter the meaning of many passages, and such divisions and meanings must be
  6. Re-established, saying," If we have been able to turn the page with regimes as, profoundly ,different to our reality as occurred with the USSR or, more recently, with the
  7. There was always with him a wonderful purity at once childlike and, profoundly ,stubborn. " Scientific career Throughout his life, Einstein published hundreds
  8. Out. Confirmation of the Tarragona microstructures as cyanobacteria would, profoundly ,impact our understanding of when and how early life diversified, pushing
  9. The truth in literature,Anne's depiction of alcoholism and debauchery were, profoundly ,disturbing to nineteenth century readers. Helen Graham, the tenant of the title
  10. Lack of foreign exchange reserves in following years to purchase grain, profoundly ,influenced actions of the Soviet leadership. Nikolai Tikhonov, the Chairman of
  11. Through the fifth- and fourth-century BC literary tradition have been, profoundly ,influenced by their own social politics. Also, according to E. N. Digested
  12. Time, Rolling Stone, New Musical Express, Mojo,and The Times. The record was, profoundly ,influential on The Beach Boys' contemporaries; Paul McCartney named it one of
  13. Idea is simply false. Rather the myth so effectively an agrarian ethos that it, profoundly ,influences people's ways of perceiving values and hence their behavior. He
  14. Book of the same name),distinct from the material Earthly City. His thoughts, profoundly ,influenced the medieval worldview. Augustine's City of God was closely
  15. Quite so chaotic as it seems at first glance, and that on the contrary, it is, profoundly ,disciplined, though in its own unique way. For every Abyssinian, war is the
  16. Hurtful" policies (2008) In November 2008,the university declared itself ", profoundly ,sorry" for having allowed" institutional policies to remain in place that
  17. As explained in the Letter to His Father in which he complained of being, profoundly ,affected by his father's authoritarian and demanding character. During World
  18. And Menander. Euripides is identified with theatrical innovations that have, profoundly ,influenced drama down to modern times, especially in representing traditional
  19. As guitar playing influences. Robert Johnson has influenced Clapton the most, profoundly , In 2004 Clapton released CDs and DVDs entitled Sessions for Robert Johnson
  20. Fountainhead, Rand received numerous letters from readers, some of whom it had, profoundly ,influenced. In 1951 Rand moved from Los Angeles to New York City, where she
  21. Experience in which he saw a bright flash of light, which he, profoundly ,felt to be God revealing himself. After his hospital discharge, Wilson joined
  22. Carlo Ozzie, and Calderon. These relatively late introductions marked his work, profoundly , He moved in the circles of August Wilhelm Schlemiel, Adelbert von Charissa
  23. Psychiatric Diseases). Although with the passage of time this work would prove, profoundly ,influential, when it was published it was almost complete ignored by German
  24. Nietzsche. It has been suggested that Theodore Roosevelt read Nietzsche and was, profoundly ,influenced by him, and in more recent years, Richard Nixon read Nietzsche with
  25. Sentence. An alcoholic's behavior and mental impairment, while drunk, can, profoundly , affect those surrounding them and lead to isolation from family and friends.
  26. Author of Nineteen Eighty-Four, congratulating him on" how fine and how, profoundly ,important the book is ". In his letter to Orwell, he predicted: Within the next
  27. Football coaching The AFL also spawned coaches whose style and techniques, profoundly ,affect the play of professional football until this day. In addition to AFL
  28. Hues throughout the series which Wardlaw describes as" some of the most, profoundly ,beautiful works of twentieth-century American art. " The artists fought the
  29. Explored in order to gain insight into the nature of emotion, and more, profoundly , the nature of self. Positive psychology In Positive psychology, anxiety is
  30. Maj nun, a copy of which Ian Dallas had given to Clapton. The book moved Clapton, profoundly , as it was the tale of a young man who fell hopelessly in love with a beautiful
  31. Questions about the nature and existence of a monotheistic deity, which have, profoundly ,influenced Western philosophy, have not been important in Chinese philosophies
  32. Freely. The thoughts and ideas discussed and refined during this period have, profoundly ,influenced lifestyles and social consciousness up to the present day in East
  33. Re-established, saying," If we have been able to turn the page with regimes as, profoundly ,different to our reality as occurred with the USSR or, more recently, with the
  34. Measures to save Hirohito from trial as a war criminal had a lasting and, profoundly ,distorting impact on Japanese understanding of the lost war. " Apology rebuffed
  35. High standards for them to aim at. In this somewhat indirect manner, Lefschetz, profoundly ,affected the development of mathematics in the United States. " Impact
  36. Historical roots in the Second Temple period, these two religions diverged, profoundly ,in the first centuries CE. Christendom places emphasis on correct belief (or
  37. Fedele 1710; Tirane,1714,BC. ) are showy and effective rather than, profoundly ,emotional; the instrumentation marks a great advance on previous work, since
  38. Science, politics and metaphysics. Aristotle's views on the physical sciences, profoundly ,shaped medieval scholarship, and their influence extended well into the
  39. City. The reconstruction of the city center, effected during subsequent years, profoundly ,changed the appearance of the city and left numerous traces still visible today
  40. With agricultural peoples for millennia,Europe's animals and plants have been, profoundly ,affected by the presence and activities of man. Except
  41. Travelled to Rome as students in the first years of the 17th century and were, profoundly ,influenced by the work of Caravaggio, as Bellows describes. On their return to
  42. Rather than reflexive, or conditioned, deductive reasoning. Van Vogt was also, profoundly ,affected by revelations of totalitarian police states that emerged after World
  43. Of folk music, classicism,and modernism. His melodic and harmonic sense was, profoundly ,influenced by the folk music of Hungary, Romania,and other nations. He was
  44. Antidepressants (TCAS) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), profoundly , suppress REM sleep. Mirtazapine either has no effect on REM sleep or increases
  45. Promised to draw individuals together through sympathy, was now viewed as ", profoundly ,separatist "; novels, plays,and poems that employed the language of
  46. Inclined to favor radical ideas in politics, religion and science, He was also, profoundly ,influenced by Robert Chambers' work Vestiges of the Natural History of
  47. Laminate culture and ways of thinking),probably a monk and therefore, profoundly ,Christian in outlook. On this view, the pagan references would be a sort of
  48. Choir of the 1950s. Shostakovich's relationship with Stravinsky was, profoundly ,ambivalent; as he wrote to Glickman," Stravinsky the composer I worship.
  49. Russian/American violinist Louis Trainer for a Violin Concerto (1935). This, profoundly ,elegiac work, composed at unaccustomed speed and posthumously premiered, has
  50. November 20, 1889 – September 28, 1953) was an American astronomer who, profoundly ,changed the understanding of the universe by confirming the existence of

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