Examples of the the word, pillow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pillow ), is the 7699 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. When I'm manic,I'm so awake and alert, that my eyelashes fluttering on the, pillow ,sound like thunder ". Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination
  2. Female voice. Her pealing organ was my neighbor too; And from my, pillow , looking forth by light Of moon or favoring stars, I could behold
  3. Of Caspar Questel's De pulmonary morientibus non subtrahend, ( " On the, pillow ,of which the dying should not be deprived" ), initiated debate on the topic.
  4. Northrop Frye said he" practically slept with The Decline of the West under my, pillow ,for several years" while a student. Spengler's book inspired Frye to have his
  5. Nero’s pillow —but it was only a sloughed-off snake-skin in his bed, near his, pillow , In 47,Crispus died, and at his funeral, the rumor spread around that
  6. Forms of neopagan witchcraft. In Greece a black-handled knife placed under the, pillow ,is used to keep away nightmares. As early as 1646 reference is made to a
  7. Of the Praetorian Guard Navies Stories Macro smothered Tiberius with a, pillow ,to hasten Caligula's accession. According to Suetonius, he was known for his
  8. And record subtitles (Closed Captioning). * Vibrating fire alarm placed under, pillow ,when asleep. Others * Walmart provides companionship, reminds users to take
  9. Easily while lying face down and can be stationary or portable. An orthopedic, pillow ,or bolster can be used to correct body positioning. Ergonomic chairs serve a
  10. Actually quite docile, and spend most of their days relaxing on their favorite, pillow , Since greyhounds spend most of their pre-adoption lives in a kennel, they are
  11. 2.6 billion years old and are preserved in the Cameron River Volcanic Belt. The, pillow ,lava in rocks over 2 billion years old in the Canadian Shield signify that
  12. Contact with the water quenches the surface and the lava forms a distinctive, pillow ,shape, through which the hot lava breaks to form another pillow . This pillow
  13. For making tea and coffee. Luxury features include bathrobes and slippers,a, pillow ,menu, twin-sink vanities, and jacuzzi bathtubs. Larger hotels may provide
  14. And Tara chant and perspire in a circle of light until Willow falls back on a, pillow ,gasping and moaning. Within the Buffy universe, magic is portrayed in a mostly
  15. Blue, or black. Soft in line, the embroideries are applied on altar cloths, pillow ,cases and sheets. In Hungary proper Markov in Transdanubia and the Manyfold in
  16. Kant from the theory of pre-established harmony, which he regarded as" the, pillow ,for the lazy mind ". He also dissuaded the young scholar from idealism, which
  17. Aspiration is contrastive even at the ends of words. For example compare:, pillow , with difficult and high. In many languages, such as the Chinese languages
  18. Similar to valerian, as a treatment for anxiety, restlessness,and insomnia. A, pillow ,filled with hops is a popular folk remedy for sleeplessness. Hops may be used
  19. 75 minutes flight. Eventually the captain ordered the navigator to borrow a, pillow ,from the passengers and stuff it inside the siren's horn. Luckily, all landing
  20. With Hitler attending (and placing Heydrich's decorations on his funeral, pillow , the highest grade of the German Order and the Blood Order Medal). Although
  21. Domitian's personal weapon of last resort, a sword he concealed beneath his, pillow , had been removed in advance. In accordance with an astrological prediction the
  22. He stabbed himself in the heart with a dagger, which he had concealed under his, pillow , and died as his attendants entered the tent. Otho's ashes were placed within
  23. In the Elizabethan era, some people believed pinning bay leaves to one's, pillow ,on the eve of Saint Valentine's Day would permit one to see one's future
  24. Dated 1272) and Warren House Inn. The physical evidence, in the form of, pillow ,mounds is also plentiful, for example there are 50 pillow mounds at Lewis Tor
  25. Tells Emma that she knows what to do. Emma, in a trance like state, takes her, pillow ,and heads towards Hope, about to smother her to death. List of hosts * Jean
  26. Are enchanted soldiers, and if one stone is taken from the pile and put under a, pillow , in the morning a soldier will appear for a brief moment, then will change back
  27. That" he meant never to marry with a person, where he could not be sure of his, pillow ,". Legacy Though Mary has not been canonized by the Catholic Church, many
  28. Alan Thicker (a British television personality);" Max Miller" meaning ", pillow ," when pronounced /pile/ (after a mildly risqué British comedian) and "
  29. Are occasionally fatal. Hypersalivation (drooling or 'wet, pillow ,syndrome' ) is seen in up to 30 % of patients on clozapine. While clozapine is
  30. A distinctive pillow shape, through which the hot lava breaks to form another, pillow , This pillow texture is very common in underwater basaltic flows and is
  31. Muffled than the classical bass drum, and it is popular for drummers to use a, pillow , blanket, or professional mufflers inside the drum, resting against the batter
  32. Hockey rinks. He has endorsed and launched a wide variety of products, from, pillow , cases to insurance. Forbes estimates that Gretzky earned US$93.8 million from
  33. In the form of pillow mounds is also plentiful, for example there are 50, pillow , mounds at Lewis Tor Warren. The sophistication of the gardeners is shown by the
  34. Sold in Japan that is used to ensure the sleeper awakens on time by inflating a, pillow ,under their normal pillow and rolling the person, thus waking them up. He has a
  35. The time to hasten the death of the dying, ( including the sudden removal of a, pillow , which was believed to accelerate death),and argued against their use, as
  36. On the tongue. Accordingly, some churches use mechanical wafer dispensers or ", pillow ,packs" ( communion wafers with wine inside them). While these methods of
  37. To ensure the sleeper awakens on time by inflating a pillow under their normal, pillow ,and rolling the person, thus waking them up. He has a kindly nature, and is
  38. It was Tarawa who was overthrown and assassinated by being smothered with a, pillow ,in his bed, with Amino assuming power in Afghanistan. The Amino uprising was
  39. She would think she was human. Tyrell said that these memories would act as a ", pillow ," to cushion her developing emotions. As a result, Rachael behaved far more "
  40. tailor's tape measure on the Governor. Schwarzenegger retaliated by placing a, pillow ,stitched with the words" Need a lift? " On the five-foot-five inch (165 cm)
  41. It would eliminate free blankets in coach and sell an $8 packet that includes a, pillow ,and blanket starting May 1. Advantage Founded in 1981,Advantage is the
  42. Pillow shape, through which the hot lava breaks to form another pillow . This, pillow ,texture is very common in underwater basaltic flows and is diagnostic of an
  43. Agnes, overcome with anger and depression, goes to her room and cries into her, pillow ,shouting that she wishes she was dead, while her father tries to soothe her.
  44. S major ore deposits are associated with Precambrian volcanoes. There are, pillow ,lava in the Northwest Territories that are about 2.6 billion years old and are
  45. Of the five Baronet disruptors ever manufactured (he slept with one under his, pillow ,) and even used one on his own crew before his collection of rare items was
  46. 10 cm up to several meters. When Phoebe lava enters the sea it usually forms, pillow ,basalt. However, when a'a enters the ocean it forms a littoral cone, a small
  47. Man in real life – had to step in and play the stout bomb aster himself with a, pillow ,amplifying his stomach. Both boys were played by Serge Decline. The entire
  48. Icecaps. They are made up of flat lava which flows at the top of extensive, pillow ,lava and aragonite. When the icecap melts, the lava son the top collapse
  49. With Napoleon. Napoleon claimed he slept with a copy of Rights of Man under his, pillow ,and went so far as to say to Paine that" a statue of gold should be erected to
  50. For illness. It was believed that placing a sprig of rosemary under a, pillow ,before sleep would repel nightmares, and if placed outside the home it would

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