Examples of the the word, unchanged , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unchanged ), is the 7707 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Meaning 'East electrode' would have remained correct with respect to the, unchanged ,direction of the actual phenomenon underlying the current, then unknown but, he
  2. Using the Checkoff bound. Detailed analysis shows that the complexity class is, unchanged ,by allowing error as high as 1/2 − NFC on the one hand, or requiring error as
  3. Different offsets). In the case of the 256-bit block, the first row is, unchanged ,and the shifting for second, third and fourth row is 1 byte,3 bytes and 4
  4. S" modern era ". In Europe, the FIA adopted the ACO GTP rules virtually, unchanged ,and sanctioned the Group C World Endurance Championship (or World Sport scar
  5. The methods used for the printing and binding of books continued fundamentally, unchanged ,from the 15th century into the early years of the 20th century. While there was
  6. Factor becomes −1 or +1 indicating that the height of that subtree has remained, unchanged , If the balance factor becomes 0 then the height of the subtree has decreased
  7. Change at all – outside Northern Ireland – with 620 out of 641 seats remaining, unchanged , Labor boasted a strong economy, as well as having delivered on many keys
  8. Was designated as the" Line of Control ". The Line of Control has remained, unchanged ,since the 1972 SIMCA Agreement, which bound the two countries" to settle their
  9. Later revealed though he views Lynch as a great director, his feelings remain, unchanged ,about Blue Velvet. Legacy Although it initially gained a relatively small
  10. From one hand to the next. In duplicate bridge, the same cards are played, unchanged ,at two or more tables, and the results are then compared. Scores at each table
  11. If economic growth accelerates, especially if consumption patterns remain, unchanged ,and more sustainable forms of production are not found. In Brazil public
  12. In a balance factor of 0 indicated that the subtree's height has remained, unchanged , The time required is O (log n) for lookup, plus a maximum of O (log n)
  13. The sax horn valves were accepted as state of the art and are still largely, unchanged ,today. The advances made by Adolphe Sax were soon followed by the British brass
  14. Charging royal blue bison, with a red streak, white horn and eyeball—remained, unchanged , In 2005,the Bills revived the standing bison helmet and uniform of the
  15. Increase during the 20th century, with the population of Scotland remaining, unchanged ,since 1951. Ireland for most of its history comprised a population
  16. A runwayand posed for publicity photos. The distinctive" A" design remained, unchanged ,save for the colors. The stylized snake-like" D" logo, also used since the
  17. For the Reds beginning in 2007,signing a 4-year deal (his FOX duties remained, unchanged ,). The English language flagship radio station is STAR. Greg Schultz is the
  18. On each of the other two ends hydrogen atoms attach also by σ bonds. The two, unchanged ,2p orbitals form a pair of weaker π valence bonds. Reactions One new
  19. Small Castle),More Tower and the upper gate tower have remained nearly, unchanged ,since the 13th century. The" Schloss" is the oldest building in the city.
  20. In their accuracy with the use of flex / mounts. The weight in hand remains, unchanged , and so may contribute to steadiness of aim. Also, the flexing gives a "
  21. On the revised trade factor methodology,Botswana's trade policy score is, unchanged , The main export of Botswana is diamonds. Waning, in Botswana, is the world's
  22. Issued, and at the year-end, the share capital was €19.878 million, which, unchanged , as of 2011. The following season also saw the departure of Walter Samuel for
  23. Affinity" ). In crude oil the alkane molecules have remained chemically, unchanged ,for millions of years. However, redox reactions of alkanes, in particular with
  24. For sale in 1962,its price, about 1,500 USD per gram of 241Am,remains almost, unchanged ,owing to the very complex separation procedure. The heavier isotope 243Am is
  25. Reportedly on some disks a value of 0xFFFE means the Master password is, unchanged , The standard does not distinguish this value. A disk can be locked in two
  26. It is a permutation of the group elements such that the structure remains, unchanged , For every group G there is a natural group homomorphism G → AUT (G) whose
  27. The total heat (sensible heat plus latent heat) of the entering air is, unchanged , Some sensible heat of the entering air is converted to latent heat by
  28. Those C translations are to be taken as normative. Leaving the cell's value, unchanged ,is the behavior of Urban Müller's Brainfuck compiler. This behavior can easily
  29. The" A" and the six stars surrounding it. The AFC logo basically remained, unchanged ,from 1970 to 2009. The 2010 NFL season introduced an updated AFC logo, with the
  30. The multiplication operation is defined as: multiplication by 1 means leaving, unchanged , multiplication by 2 means shifting byte to the left and multiplication by 3
  31. Altered their tactics for the upcoming battle, the American invasion plan was, unchanged ,from previous amphibious landings, even after suffering 3,000 casualties and
  32. Of the old Tollbooth in Edinburgh. Abbotsford’s interiors are essentially, unchanged ,since Scott’s time and are now, possibly,the best-preserved suite of late
  33. Announced in early September 2006 that their uniforms, which remained largely, unchanged ,since the team's first season, would be completely redesigned for the 2007
  34. Tail fins. Although the external dimensions of the Sparrow remained relatively, unchanged ,from model to model, the internal components of newer missiles represent major
  35. C constant EOF (in practice this is usually -1),some leave the cell's value, unchanged , There is no real consensus; arguments for the three behaviors are as follows.
  36. B and R. Uniforms The design of the Ravens uniform has remained essentially, unchanged ,since the team's inaugural season in 1996. Helmets are black with purple "
  37. Mounted at the rear of the machine. The basic port layout would remain largely, unchanged ,over the machine's history. **ACS (similar to SCSI) DMA port (for hard
  38. Not bicameral. Most of the pre-Union traditions of Westminster continued, unchanged ,by becoming the Parliament of Great Britain. Defoe drew upon his Scottish
  39. The bytes in each row by a certain offset. For AES, the first row is left, unchanged , Each byte of the second row is shifted one to the left. Similarly, the third
  40. More comprehensive family; otherwise the circumscription of the Asparagus is, unchanged , A separate paper accompanying the publication of the 2009 APG III system
  41. Operator; two adjacent strings concatenate them. $0 expands to the original, unchanged ,input line. There are alternate ways of writing this. This shell script
  42. The operands around within the expression; the sequence of operands is always, unchanged , A very different perspective is obtained by rephrasing associativity using
  43. Are mostly present in solutions in the +3 valence state; whereas curium remains, unchanged , americium oxidizes to soluble Am (IV) complexes which can be washed away.
  44. Chains were replaced by generic corporations, though the actual gameplay was, unchanged , The game is currently published by Hasbro under the Avalon Hill brand, and the
  45. It can be any constant between 0 and 1/2 (exclusive) and the set BPP will be, unchanged , It does not even have to be constant: the same class of problems is defined by
  46. In water or if a piece of wood is burned to ashes, the total mass remains, unchanged , His experiments supported the law of conservation of mass, which Lavoisier was
  47. Of current-day Brazil, totaling about 2.5 million people, had lived virtually, unchanged ,since the Stone Age. From Portugal's colonization of Brazil (1500-1822)
  48. In the Bundestag is the product of standing committees, which exist largely, unchanged ,throughout one legislative period. The number of committees approximates the
  49. Name. Informally known as" The Big Book" ( with its first 164 pages virtually, unchanged ,since the 1939 edition),it suggests a twelve-step program in which members
  50. One of the flukes catches and digs into the bottom. The basic design remained, unchanged ,for centuries, with the most significant changes being to the overall

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