Examples of the the word, shrimp , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shrimp ), is the 7711 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tobacco, corn,sugarcane, cocoa beans, oilseed, vegetables; forest products;, shrimp ,Industries: textiles, food processing, oil,clothing and footwear, beverages
  2. White shrimp and the giant tiger prawn, account for about 80 % of all farmed, shrimp , These industrial monocultures are very susceptible to disease, which has
  3. Have found ways to use it to their advantage when hunting prey. The pistol, shrimp ,snaps a specialized claw to create cavitation, which can kill small fish. The
  4. And ingredients can range from chicken or vegetables to shellfish such as, shrimp ,and scallops. Examples of curries in the West Indies include: * Jamaica:
  5. Sources of cholesterol include cheese, egg yolks, beef,pork, poultry,and, shrimp , The amount of cholesterol present in plant-based food sources is generally
  6. Order Notostraca comprises the single family Topside, containing the tadpole, shrimp ,or shield shrimp . The two genera, Triops and Epicurus, are considered living
  7. Then speeds up again to finish. *Boiling - as in boiling of crabs, crawfish,or, shrimp , in seasoned liquid. *Étouffée - cooking a vegetable or meat in its own juices
  8. Cuisine more recently. Also, blackening of fish or chicken and barbecuing of, shrimp ,in the shell are excluded because they were not prepared in traditional Cajun
  9. The sister group to the remaining crustaceans, and comprises fairy shrimp , clam, shrimp , Caldera, Notostraca and the Devonian Lepidocaris. They are mostly small
  10. Appropriate management it is damaging to the environment (see article on, shrimp ,farms). Technically, brackish water contains between 0.5 and 30 grams of salt
  11. Camera on board the Diego probe spotted a sea cucumber, a scale worm and a, shrimp ,at the bottom. At the bottom of the Challenger deep, the Nears probe spotted
  12. It is made from soybean oil, garlic,shallots, chilis, brill fish, and dried, shrimp , The paste has a savory and slightly spicy taste. As an ingredient, it has
  13. All sorts of things are curried in Malaysia, including mutton, chicken, shrimp , cuttlefish, fish,eggplants, eggs,and vegetables. Philippine's cuisine In the
  14. It is the sister group to the remaining crustaceans, and comprises fairy, shrimp , clam shrimp , Cladocera, Notostraca and the Devonian Lepidocaris. They are
  15. The food chain are less efficient sources of food energy. Apart from fish and, shrimp , some aquaculture undertakings, such as seaweed and filter-feeding bivalve
  16. 20 percent of mangrove forests have been destroyed since 1980,partly due to, shrimp ,farming. An extended cost–benefit analysis of the total economic value of
  17. Industrial monocultures are very susceptible to disease, which has decimated, shrimp ,populations across entire regions. Increasing ecological problems, repeated
  18. Chinese Islamic cuisine relies heavily on beef, but rarely ducks, geese, shrimp , or seafood, while southern Islamic cuisine is the reverse. The reason for this
  19. That cave alone, and be found nowhere else in the world, such as Alabama cave, shrimp , Cave-dwelling species are accustomed to a near-constant climate of temperature
  20. Inputs (fertilizers, food ) for another. Fed aquaculture (for example, fish, shrimp , ) is combined with inorganic extractive (for example, seaweed ) and organic
  21. Benefits. Over four decades, of Indonesian mangroves have been converted to, shrimp ,farms. Most of these farms are abandoned within a decade because of the toxin
  22. The West Indies include: * Jamaica: Especially curried chicken, goat,fish and, shrimp ,* Trinidad and Tobago: Most notably curried chicken, goat, shrimp , and curry
  23. The carapace prevents the use of the trunk limbs for swimming (Caldera, clam, shrimp , and the extinct Lipostraca),the antennae are used for locomotion, as they are
  24. Then Continental counterparts, and the shellfish stock sometimes made with, shrimp ,and crawfish heads is unique to Cajun cuisine. Cajun dishes Noted by the
  25. Are Aeneas (i.e., shrimp of the family Penalize),and just two species of, shrimp , the Pacific white shrimp and the giant tiger prawn, account for about 80 % of
  26. Catch. In the case of shrimp capture, the by catch is five times larger than the, shrimp ,caught. Also, the melting arctic ice will cause sea rise which will flood
  27. Use curry powders rich in turmeric, coconut milk, shallots,ginger, belacan (, shrimp ,paste),chilies, and garlic. Tamarind is also often used. Rending is another
  28. Fish and shrimp * Trinidad and Tobago: Most notably curried chicken, goat, shrimp , and curry also * Guyana: Chicken Curry, Goat Curry, Duck Curry, Shrimp Curry
  29. Exploration of new sites is ongoing. A modest fishing fleet provides fish and, shrimp ,for local subsistence and export to Europe. Formerly government-owned
  30. With the large numbers of macromolecules in the cytosol. Studies in the brine, shrimp ,have examined how water affects cell functions; these found that reducing the
  31. And transported to northern China. At the same time, ducks,geese, and, shrimp , are rare in comparison to southern China due to the arid climate of northern
  32. Tuna (Southern blue fin) to breed in landlocked tanks. Crustaceans Commercial, shrimp ,farming began in the 1970s,and production grew steeply thereafter. Global
  33. Comprises the single family Topside, containing the tadpole shrimp or shield, shrimp , The two genera, Triops and Epicurus, are considered living fossils, having
  34. Noodles with bits of meat and vegetables. It can come with chicken, pork, shrimp , or beef, the latter often with red tomatoes. * Crab Rangoon — Fried wonton
  35. By catch represents approximately ¼ of all marine catch. In the case of, shrimp ,capture, the by catch is five times larger than the shrimp caught. Also, the
  36. Skin stuffed with cabbage and usually bits of meat or seafood (such as pork or, shrimp ,), but no egg. * Fried rice — Fried rice dishes are popular offerings in
  37. Fruits and nuts, dairy production, winter vegetables, and agriculture (, shrimp ,farming) as the areas in which it wishes to encourage foreign investment. The
  38. Are boiled, their tails are straight and limp. Seafood boils with crabs and, shrimp ,are also popular. Gaucherie The traditional pig-slaughtering party, or
  39. Spanish, French and English cuisines. Seafood is abundant, and includes prawns, shrimp , crab, spiny lobster, conch,mahi-mahi, red snapper, marlin and grouper. Sweet
  40. Farming. An extended cost–benefit analysis of the total economic value of, shrimp ,aquaculture built on mangrove ecosystems found that the external costs were
  41. Of the family Penalize),and just two species of shrimp , the Pacific white, shrimp ,and the giant tiger prawn, account for about 80 % of all farmed shrimp . These
  42. Seemed to be favored by tribes, including the Mo docs. Crustacean included, shrimp , lobster, crayfish,and denseness crabs in the Northwest and blue crabs in the
  43. To Hawaiian island-raised lamb, beef and aquaculture products such as Molokai, shrimp , Includes a broad variety of produce - most notably tomatoes, strawberries
  44. A specialized claw to create cavitation, which can kill small fish. The mantis, shrimp ,(of the smasher variety) uses cavitation as well in order to stun, smash open
  45. Is shipped worldwide. Virtually all farmed shrimp are Aeneas (i.e., shrimp ,of the family Penalize),and just two species of shrimp , the Pacific white
  46. Trays or plates and eaten by hand. During times when crawfish are not abundant, shrimp ,and crabs are prepared and served in the same manner. Attendees are encouraged
  47. Per unit area, and bloodstock is shipped worldwide. Virtually all farmed, shrimp ,are Aeneas (i.e., shrimp of the family Penalize),and just two species of
  48. Which they take using the STAE on their appendages. Abstract The fairy, shrimp ,of the order Abstract are usually long (exceptionally up to). They live in
  49. Farming shares many characteristics with, including many problems with marine, shrimp ,farming. Unique problems are introduced by the developmental life cycle of the
  50. Salam leaves, candlenuts, turmeric,turmeric leaves, asam Telugu, asam bands, shrimp ,paste (terms),cumin, coriander seed and coconut milk. One popular curry is

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