Examples of the the word, notation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( notation ), is the 7697 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Devanagari:). The system was revolutionary by including a zero and positional, notation , It is considered an important milestone in the development of mathematics. One
  2. Adherents shows that there is some weight behind Iverson's idea that the, notation ,used does make a difference. In the beginning, there were few terminal devices
  3. Yet distinct from later APL. As early as 1962,the first attempt to use the, notation ,to describe a complete computer system happened after Falloff discussed with
  4. Decimal Exponent Symbol) for floating point, notation , 1964: MOST - The 1964 Russian standard MOST 10859 allowed the encoding of
  5. Y, z\in\math\boxy\ne0,z\ne0.:: (f \, x \, y ) = (( f \, x ) \, y ): This, notation ,can be motivated by the currying isomorphism. Right-associative operations
  6. That combined the sample playing abilities of a tracker with conventional music, notation ,(which was usually only found in MIDI software) was called Quartet (after
  7. A radio signal from deep space; the event is named the" Wow! Signal" from the, notation ,made by a volunteer on the project. *1984 – The PKK in Turkey starts a campaign
  8. Geometry, and could solve simple sets of simultaneous equations. Mathematical, notation ,was decimal, and based on hieroglyphic signs for each power of ten up to one
  9. e.g. 1s2 2s2 2p6 for the ground state of neon -- term symbol: 1S0). This, notation ,means that the corresponding Slater determinants have a clear higher weight in
  10. Out of use in Western Europe in the 16th century with the rise of decimal, notation ,and algorithmic methods. To Poncelet's French contemporaries, it was something
  11. Symbols which are an extension of traditional arithmetic and algebraic, notation , Having single character names for SIMS vector functions is one way that APL
  12. Vendors and for most computer platforms. It is based on a mathematical, notation ,developed by Kenneth E. Iverson and associates which features special
  13. Whole number of degrees. Fractions of a degree may be written in normal decimal, notation ,(e.g. 3.5° for three and a half degrees),but the" minute" and" second "
  14. Enumerably infinite set by writing out their names, one after another, in some, notation , But humans can do something equally useful, in the case of certain enumerable
  15. Decimal Exponent Symbol) for floating point, notation ,was added to Unicode 5.2 for backward compatibility with historic Burn (
  16. English in 1866 as the Latin equivalent" modulus ". And 1857 in English. The, notation ,| a | was introduced by Karl Weierstrass in 1841. Other names for absolute
  17. Different perspective is obtained by rephrasing associativity using functional, notation ,: f (f (x, y ), z ) = f (x, f (y, z )): when expressed in this form
  18. Two very simple assumptions. For simplicity, we shall here use the shorthand, notation ,a \dot b for representing the over operator. The first assumption is that in
  19. If R (a, b ) with a ≠ b, then R (b, a ) must not hold. In mathematical, notation , this is:: \for all a, b \in X, \ R (a, b ) \and R (b, a ) \; \Right arrow \; a
  20. This was published, the team turned their attention to an implementation of the, notation ,on a computer system. One of the motivations for this focus of implementation
  21. Prior work on an implementation programmed in FORTRAN IV for a portion of the, notation ,was done for the IBM 7090 computer running under the BOYS operating system.
  22. Are written as a unit: each unit is based on a consonant letter, and vowel, notation ,is obligatory but secondary. This contrasts with a full alphabet, in which
  23. Could actually type in and see real APL characters as used in Iverson's, notation ,and not be forced to use awkward English keyword representations of them.
  24. That the number of grains of sand required to fill the universe is 8 in modern, notation , The introductory letter states that Archimedes' father was an astronomer
  25. Was published and formalized in A Programming Language, Published in 1962,the, notation ,described in A Programming Language was recognizable yet distinct from later
  26. The sorting algorithm above has a time requirement of O (n),using the big O, notation ,with n as the length of the list. At all times the algorithm only needs to
  27. And semantic rules are time-consuming and difficult to learn. Mathematical, notation ,Mathematical notation , widely used in physics and other sciences, avoids many
  28. Symbols The numeral system employed, known as algorithm, is positional decimal, notation , Various symbol sets are used to represent numbers in the Hindu-Arabic numeral
  29. Is almost never done. (This may be thought to support Iverson's thesis about, notation ,as a tool of thought. ) Most if not all modern implementations use standard
  30. School course on elementary functions. This implementation of a portion of the, notation ,was called PAT (Personalized Array Translator). In 1963,Falloff, Iverson
  31. Falloff, Iverson,and Edward H. Sussenguth Jr., all working at IBM, used the, notation ,for a formal description of the IBM System/360 series machine architecture and
  32. Lowest energy level (n 1) and has an angular quantum number of l 0. In X-ray, notation , the principal quantum number is given a letter associated with it. For, the
  33. FIPS 197 validation is typically just listed as an" FIPS approved: AES ", notation ,(with a specific FIPS 197 certificate number) in the current list of FIPS 140
  34. Y \Maputo x - y = x \Maputo (y \Maputo x - y): Using right-associative, notation ,for these operations can be motivated by the Curry-Howard correspondence and by
  35. Working at the IBM Systems Research Institute, implemented a part of the, notation ,on an IBM 1620 computer, and it was used by students in a special high school
  36. Still do not have established notation s. Usually, the conversion to another, notation ,requires to scale the argument and/or the resulting value; sometimes, the same
  37. By Syrian mathematician Abu'l-Hasan al-Uqlidisi in 952–953. The decimal point, notation ,was introduced by Find in Ali, he also wrote the earliest treatise on Arabic
  38. Created the first writing system for a sign language, the so-called Stoke, notation , which he designed specifically for ASL. It is alphabetic, with a letter or
  39. Northern Straits Saanich written in the Saanich orthography and in Americanism, notation ,: Lexical suffixes when compared with free nouns often have a more generic or
  40. Must have Quantum field theory This section draws upon the ideas, language and, notation ,of canonical quantization of a quantum field theory. One may try to quantize an
  41. In common use in most of Europe. Roman numerals remained in use mostly for the, notation ,of Anna Dominic years, and for numbers on clock faces. Sometimes, Roman numerals
  42. In medicine and psychology In timekeeping * Ante Meridian, in 12-hour clock, notation , Latin for" before noon" ( also written A. M.,a. m., and am),in contrast
  43. Programming. Expressing algorithms can be expressed in many kinds of, notation , including natural languages, pseudocode,flowcharts, programming languages or
  44. Underset f (z) = \LIM_ (z-a) f (z),where we replaced B1 by the modern, notation ,of the residue. In 1831,while in Turin, Cauchy submitted two papers to the
  45. Are time-consuming and difficult to learn. Mathematical notation Mathematical, notation , widely used in physics and other sciences, avoids many ambiguities compared to
  46. Column j of an array A would be accessed by double indexing (AIJ in typical, notation ,). This alternative structure allows ragged or jagged arrays, where each row
  47. Among other things, as a way to describe computers, by expressing mathematical, notation ,in a rigorous way that could be interpreted by a computer. It is easy to learn
  48. And norm in various mathematical and physical contexts. Terminology and, notation ,Jean-Robert Armand introduced the term" module" 'unit of measure' in French
  49. Claim that the body's aura, or energy field is analyzed * Bowling analysis – a, notation ,summarizing a cricket bowler's performance * Within analysis – the analysis of
  50. To R. In both time and space, the calculation complexity is O (R²) (in Big O, notation ,). (~RARE. ×R)/R←1↓⍳R Executed from right to left, this means: *or creates a

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