Examples of the the word, reinforcement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reinforcement ), is the 7715 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Reinforcement Fixed — a set number of responses must occur before there is, reinforcement , Variable - number of responses before reinforcement is delivered differs from
  2. By many processes, such as the expansion of corrosion products of the steel, reinforcement ,bars, freezing of trapped water, fire or radiant heat, aggregate expansion, sea
  3. Interval (fixed or variable) and ratio (fixed or variable). * Continuous, reinforcement ,— constant delivery of reinforcement for an action; every time a specific
  4. Fort of St Michael's Mount in 1473. He surrendered after receiving no aid or, reinforcement , but in 1484 escaped from prison and joined Henry's court in France, bringing
  5. Called carbonation, lowers the pH of the cement pore solution and can cause the, reinforcement ,bars to corrode. Hydration and hardening of concrete during the first three
  6. As potential spacecraft structural materials which serve both for mechanical, reinforcement ,and radiation protection. Depleted boron (boron-11) Cosmic radiation will
  7. Of ammonia and nitrogen above 1000 °C. Boron nitride fibers are used as, reinforcement ,in composite materials, with the matrix materials ranging from organic resins
  8. Ratio (fixed or variable). * Continuous reinforcement — constant delivery of, reinforcement ,for an action; every time a specific action was performed the subject instantly
  9. Always successful until finally the goal is reached. #Transfer to intermittent, reinforcement ,to maintain the student's performance. Skinner's views on education are
  10. As an example of freedom literature that" did not fear the power of positive, reinforcement ,". He opposed corporal punishment in the school, and wrote a letter to the
  11. Rate of responding as part of his highly influential work on schedules of, reinforcement , In a June 2002 survey, Skinner was listed as the most influential
  12. Since it was believed that the Muslim armies in Syria were in need of urgent, reinforcement , Khalid avoided the conventional route to Syria via Dumas UL Sandal because it
  13. A continuous function that would generate the outputs from the inputs. In, reinforcement ,learning A few of the most long-standing questions that have remained
  14. Where a conspiracy theory has become popular within a social group, communal, reinforcement , may equally play a part. Some research carried out at the University of Kent
  15. To be taught more effective ways of teaching. " Skinner asserted that positive, reinforcement ,is more effective at changing and establishing behavior than punishment, with
  16. Finding similar behavior, failed to find support for Skinner's" adventitious, reinforcement ," explanation for it. By looking at the timing of different behaviors within
  17. Is not set, but varies around an average value. * Ratio (fixed or variable), reinforcement , Fixed — a set number of responses must occur before there is reinforcement .
  18. Applied (positive reinforcement ) or something removed or avoided (negative, reinforcement ,). Punishment and extinction have the effect of weakening behavior, or
  19. Learning tasks to the student's current level;: * failing to provide positive, reinforcement ,frequently enough. Skinner suggests that any age-appropriate skill can be
  20. A specific action was performed the subject instantly and always received a, reinforcement , This method is impractical to use, and the reinforced behavior is prone to
  21. A single instance of reinforcement , but the effects of particular schedules of, reinforcement ,over time. The most notable schedules of reinforcement presented by Skinner
  22. 450 GPA, fracture strain 3.7 %, fracture stress 17 GPA) and can be applied as, reinforcement ,of ceramics or in micromechanical systems. Detergent formulations and bleaching
  23. The Luftwaffe's transport fleet. The 6th Army now was beyond all hope of German, reinforcement , The German troops in Stalingrad were not told this, however,and continued to
  24. With the purpose to control a population. Skinner supported the use of positive, reinforcement ,as a means of coercion, citing Jean-Jacques Rousseau's novel as an example of
  25. And several other smaller detachments on routes towards Damascus. Heraculis's, reinforcement ,was intercepted and routed at the Battle of Sanita-al-Uqab,20 miles from
  26. Whelk shells encrusted by the Bryozoa are stronger than those without this, reinforcement , chemical defenses produced by the Bryozoa are probably the more significant
  27. Difference is in whether the reinforcing event is something applied (positive, reinforcement ,) or something removed or avoided (negative reinforcement ). Punishment and
  28. Gas and electricity. Substantial investment has been made in maintenance and, reinforcement ,of the electricity supply network to provide continued reliability of supply.
  29. Asia. The condition of the Ottoman railways of the time was primitive, so most, reinforcement ,would have to come by sea through the Aegean. Greece was the only Balkan
  30. Is prone to extinction. * Interval (fixed/variable) reinforcement Fixed —, reinforcement ,followed the first response after a set duration. Variable — time which must
  31. He prepared for the defenses of Damascus. He wrote to Emperor Hercules for, reinforcement , who was at Mesa that time. Moreover, Thomas, in order to get more time for
  32. Greene's army. He retreated to Wilmington, North Carolina for resupply and, reinforcement , after which he moved north into Virginia, leaving the Carolina's and Georgia
  33. To the observer's internal reward, also called curiosity reward. A, reinforcement ,learning algorithm is used to maximize future expected reward by learning to
  34. Concrete (ca. 200 kg/cm2). However, due to the absence of steel, reinforcement , its tensile strength was far lower and its mode of application was also
  35. A set duration. Variable — time which must elapse before a response produces, reinforcement ,is not set, but varies around an average value. * Ratio (fixed or variable)
  36. Is more subtle. In AME the word quite used as a qualifier is generally a, reinforcement ,: for example," I'm quite hungry" means" I'm very hungry ". In BRE quiet (
  37. As primary in the shaping of behavior. A common misconception is that negative, reinforcement ,is synonymous with punishment. This misconception is rather pervasive, and is
  38. Of some event (e.g., praise after some behavior is performed),negative, reinforcement ,is the strengthening of behavior by the removal or avoidance of some aversive
  39. And gave Thomas enough time to prepare for siege. Meanwhile, Heraculis's, reinforcement ,had reached the city, which he had dispatched after the bad news of Andy.
  40. Army could not march to war until the full moon rose; Athens could not expect, reinforcement ,for at least ten days. The Athenians would have to hold out at Marathon for the
  41. Accounts of Skinner and his contributions. To be clear, while positive, reinforcement ,is the strengthening of behavior by the application of some event (e.g.
  42. Classical (as opposed to operant) conditioning, rather than adventitious, reinforcement , guided by a process like that observed in 1968 by Brown and Jenkins in their "
  43. Nearly any shape or size, provided drying time is even, and the mixture includes, reinforcement ,for larger bricks. Reinforcement can include manure, straw,cement, rebar or
  44. Seen in a similar situation with rats) also cannot be traced to adventitious, reinforcement ,and its details are still obscure (Station,1977). Negative criticism J. E.
  45. Must occur before there is reinforcement . Variable - number of responses before, reinforcement ,is delivered differs from the last, but has an average value. Political views
  46. The reinforced behavior is prone to extinction. * Interval (fixed/variable), reinforcement , Fixed — reinforcement followed the first response after a set duration.
  47. Day is reinforced by the cessation of rain falling on you). Both types of, reinforcement ,strengthen behavior, or increase the probability of a behavior reoccurring; the
  48. S analysis of behavior involved not only the power of a single instance of, reinforcement , but the effects of particular schedules of reinforcement over time. The most
  49. Use science and modern technology to construct a better society. Schedules of, reinforcement ,Part of Skinner's analysis of behavior involved not only the power of a single
  50. Particular schedules of reinforcement over time. The most notable schedules of, reinforcement ,presented by Skinner were interval (fixed or variable) and ratio (fixed or

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