Examples of the the word, notorious , in a Sentence Context
The word ( notorious ), is the 7698 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Issue of prison reform. His remarks to his sister about Tomsk were to become, notorious , The inhabitants of Tomsk later retaliated by erecting a mocking statue of
- Are often referred to as" Teach's light" and some recitals claim that the, notorious ,pirate now roams the afterlife searching for his head, for fear that his
- In a group of Roman Senators who opposed the growing power and influence of the, notorious ,Praetorian Guard Lucius Delius Sedans. Tiberius began to distrust Agrippina.
- Into Portuguese. With the assistance of Person Crowley faked his own death at a, notorious ,rock formation on the shore called Coca do Inferno (Mouth of Hell). Crowley
- Serve as mayor of a major southern city. Atlanta city politics suffered from a, notorious ,reputation for corruption during the 1990s administration of Bill Campbell, who
- He battled an amphetamine addiction; during the 1960s he was a patient of the, notorious ,Max Jacobson, known as" Dr. Feelgood ", who administered injections of "
- Charles I, worked hard on multilingual anagrams on the name of father James. A, notorious ,murder scandal, the Overbuy case, threw up two imperfect anagrams that were
- The official BBS for gray hat hacker quarterly 2600 Magazines at the time. The, notorious ,Rusty n Edie's BBS, in Boardman, Ohio,was raided by the FBI in January 1993
- A Clockwork Orange:" We all suffer from the popular desire to make the known, notorious , The book I am best known for, or only known for, is a novel I am prepared to
- Marchers, was not violently interrupted by the California chapter of the, notorious ,motorcycle gang, the Hells Angels, and their leader, Sonny Larger. The day
- Both heterosexual and homosexual, as well as pederast. One of his most, notorious ,poetry collections, titled " White Stains" ( 1898),was published in
- Together had been suspected as early as the 1850s. Hal Chase was particularly, notorious ,for throwing games, but played for a decade after gaining this reputation; he
- Son Nero either committed suicide or was murdered after his trial in 29. The, notorious ,guard Sedans was murdered in 31 on the orders of Tiberius. Tiberius suspected
- Refocused and killed her. As he grieved over the death of such a rare beauty,a, notorious ,Greek jeered by the name of Termites laughed and mocked the great Achilles.
- From the mid 19th century). Temperatures often surpass during the city's, notorious ,heatwaves. The city of Athens is affected by the urban heat island effect in
- But while his career continued successfully, his heavy use of alcohol and his, notorious ,womanizing placed considerable strains on his family life. In 1973 Hawks became
- Other Australian cities whose climates are moderated by the sea. Canberra is, notorious ,for hot, dry summers, and cold winters with occasional fog and frequent frosts.
- Fell, attracting Birmingham's poorer immigrants. By the 1970s the area was, notorious ,for street robberies and drug dealing. Prostitutes also sat semi-naked in the
- In all probability never been hostile to the Jews, but there was always that, notorious ," delay ", which meant that the police arrived on the scene only after the
- Disguise, often gathering information under the identity of Matches Malone,a, notorious ,gangster. Additionally, the Batman has been repeatedly described as one of the
- Spanish and Danish all jostling for control of the region, which became a, notorious ,haunt for pirates. There is no record of any native Amerindian population in
- I'll stay in office. " He was deposed shortly thereafter. ) His government was, notorious ,for human-rights-abuses, drug-trafficking,and economic mismanagement; during
- Larger Pompeian cavalry. Caesar himself commanded the cavalry, he posted the, notorious ,tenth legion on his right under Sulla, with the undermanned eighth and possibly
- Often let fugitives bleed to death in the middle of this ground, as in the most, notorious ,failed attempt, that of Peter Fighter (aged 18). He was shot and bled to
- Arrests, with the band accused of provoking the crowd. This culminated in their, notorious ,gig at the Royal Court Theatre, Liverpool,England on May 30, 1987 that erupted
- Of a mix; an easy example of this is a team such as The Real Punjabi's, which is, notorious ,for mixing traditional bhangra music with hip-hop or rock songs. This synergy
- That had made him famous and loved by many and loathed by many others. His most, notorious ,stunt in St. Louis came on August 19, 1951,when he sent Eddie Garden, a 3-foot
- Signs a general amnesty to allow all but about one thousand of the most, notorious ,émigrés of the French Revolution to return to France, as part of a recon ciliary
- Edward Teach (c. 1680 – 22 November 1718),better known as Blackbeard, was a, notorious ,English pirate who operated around the West Indies and the eastern coast of the
- Of a dysfunctional family, or from social problems, or political repression. A, notorious ,recent example is Fragments (1995) by 'Benjamin Wilkomirski' ( Bruno
- To a Phoenician/Tyrian princess Jezebel, who was one of the most" powerful and, notorious ,women of monarchic times" yet who died of a similarly seemingly random death
- Note that it quotes extensively from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion,a, notorious ,19th-century publication used by the Nazis among others to fuel race hatred. In
- Beach, Florida,surrounded by his family. In popular culture One of the most, notorious ,American gangsters of the 20th century, Capone has been the subject of numerous
- Mountainmen had when tracking bear. Bears often lay down false tracks and are, notorious ,for doubling back on anything tracking them. If you are not following bear
- Has been known to be involved in the production of several films, and are, notorious ,for their patronisation of several prominent film personalities; On occasion
- For Ozone Layer Destruction ". A number of the demonstrators were sent to the, notorious ,Carabanchel prison. J18 One of the first international anti-globalization
- Collection of heavy taxes, and prevented attacks by bandits, which had become a, notorious ,problem during the period. Alexandria became an increasingly important center
- As early as 1981 an industry executive complained in public that" Gates is, notorious ,for not being reachable by phone and for not returning phone calls. " As an
- The cover of Stevie Wonder's" You Are the Sunshine of My Life" ) and the, notorious ," Jet'time ... moi nonplus ". Bar dot pleaded with Ginsburg not to release
- Several nights on the southern tip of Crack Island, accompanied by such, notorious ,figures as Israel Hands, Robert Deal and Calico Jack. Alexander Spots wood News
- Generalizations he sometimes makes during unscripted broadcasts, the more, notorious ,being about specific ethnic groups or women. In late 2003,Corolla stated on
- But only reaches a length of maximum. Also present in large numbers is the, notorious ,piranha, a carnivorous fish which congregates in large schools, and may attack
- Interpretation, Agathon is mocked in the Thesmophoriazousae not only for his, notorious ,effeminacy, but also for the pretentiousness of his dress:" he seems to think
- Of imported Dutch brick, too small for the colder climate of Gdańsk, it was, notorious ,for being a chilly and drafty residence. Nowadays, this is no longer an issue
- Named Mystique produced a number of pornographic games for the 2600. The most, notorious ,of these,Custer's Revenge, caused many protests from women's
- Illegitimate Alfonso Ranches, enjoyed full royal favor. From early in life,the, notorious ,rivalry led to several outbreaks of civil war. On 7 January 1325,Afonso's
- Fights Crime!," was a devastating satire of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster's, notorious ,exploitation by DC Comics over Superman. It was later reprinted in The World of
- Baron Kagan, earlier ennobled by the Labor Prime Minister Harold Wilson's, notorious ,Lavender List (1976),was convicted of fraud (1980) * Cecil Parkinson
- Knowledge, short skirts, and extreme emotional instability. Perhaps the most, notorious ,example of the debate sparked by the show was the June 25, 1998 cover story of
- American audience. In the same year, the band shifted management, signing with, notorious ,English manager Don Arden. The move caused a contractual dispute with Black
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